
Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Yolking to evil is the agenda of criminals and cleaving onto truth is the goal of all Patriots and true believers of God. I saw a lot of the Coretta Scott King funeral on Televison. 4 Presidents (Trilateral Commission member Jimmy Carter, Rhodes Scholar William Jefferson Clinton, and Bonesmen Bush 41 and 43) were present along with many other notables like Maya Angelou, King's sons and daughters, preacher Joseph Lowery, etc. Lowery was right to point out that Bush never proved that the weapons of mass destruction existed, while there is a weapon of mass misdirection here. Jimmy Carter compared the wiretapping of people that Bush supports to the FBI's surveillance against Dr. Martin Luther King, which was against his civil liberties. 33rd Degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover supported the wiretaps against MLK and even Robert Kennedy supported it temporary during the 1960's. Many people are criticizing the funeral, because many of the speakers were talking about political subjects like poverty, Hurricane Katrina, health care, and other issues. The critics believe that it is in bad taste to discuss about criticizing the President during a time of mourning and the reflection of Coretta Scott King. My opinion about it is that dissenters of Bush have a right to show their emotion. The death of any human being is an emotional time for people and I will cut a little slack on them showing some disgust and emotion over the problems in America and across the world. It was unforunate that Mrs. King was pro-abortion. I respect what she did in promoting against discrimination, but Margaret Sanger and her eugenics movement was the background of a lot of the disaporniate abortion in the black community. Not to mention that Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood) went into a KKK rally in 1926. Some good news is that Alveta King, Dr. Martin Luther King's niece, is Pro-Life. I want to digress into Larry Lawson. Please, Larry Lawson shouldn't call the Holocaust a Holohoax, because the Holocaust is real and Jews and Gentiles died in it by Nazis and other folks. If Larry Lawson continues to call it that, then I have no choice, but to assume that Larry Lawson is a direct LIAR. I guess this guy forgotten that millions of Serbs, Slavs, Gypsies, political dissidents, Christians, and other groups of people died in the Holocaust during WWII as well. I'm not like some people since I do respond and I will stand up. Larry Lawson mention the Zionists, but show nothing on the Knights of Malta, Order of the Garter, the Jesuits, CFR, Freemasonry, etc. Larry Lawson has this Zionist obsession, yet not everyone who rules the world are Zionists or Jews. I can't call Larry a shill yet, but I'm very suspicious of Larry Lawson. I'm here and I've listed facts before.Why is Larry Lawson bashing Greg? At least Greg is trying to investigate things, yet Larry just has this obsession with calling people shills all of the time, Larry Lawson. Why doesn't Larry Lawson build a Patriot like Greg Szymanski up instead of tearing him down? I don't agree with Stew on everything myself, but I will not demonize Greg just because he associates with Stew Webb. Then, Larry Lawson talks about how Alex Jones has married Violet Nichols, who he claims is Jewish. I'm thinking to myself, who's cares if Jones' wife is Jewish. I disagree with Jones on some issues, but he has a right to marry a Jewish woman if he wants to.

Larry Lawson is bashing David Bay from Cutting Edge Ministries now? What is with Larry? David Bay supports good people in Israel, but not the evil present in Israel as well. David is a good man and I've emailed his wife. They are nice people and just because you differ with them on Israel, doesn't mean that they endorse innocent people to die. I'm suspicious about Lawson and his borderline anti-Semitism. Larry can say I oppose the Talmud all he wants, but he classifies all of Israel as the enemy plus he called Jewish people filth in Israel. All of Israel isn't evil. The Enemy are the globalists, occult Secret Societies, and the elite controlling Israel, the Muslims (used as scapegoats and puppets), and America in an attempt for globalization and a New World Order. That's our fight not Jews, Arabs, or any other people in general. We will just have just have to take the grain of truth that Larry Lawson shows and just peacefully dissent with him on other issues.

The image from above is another image of the pagan Goddess that the ancients worshipped. It has been called Isis and Semiramis in Egypt and Babylon. This looks strikely similar to the statue of Liberty, which was modeled after an actual French widow woman and she was married to an American industralist. The Statue of Liberty was designed by French Orient Lodge Freemasons Bartholdi(a French sculptor who designed it) and Gustave Eiffel (the French engineer plus actual builder of it). As for the Muslim riots, is there another agenda to it? Well, stone images of Muhammad existed in Australian newspapers, across the world, and the Supreme Court building as early as the 1930's. Why is the outrage occuring now instead of back then? Governments for decades use images to provoke a specific result. For example, Paul Watson rightfully outlined that the U.S. government used degatory cartoons about the Black Panthers for not only ending their programs (and create suspicions among the middle class toward legitimate people seeking rights for black people), but further have a government, authoriatarian crackdown on legitimate movements for change. The riots is nothing more than a psy-ops to me. Not to mention that the corrupt United Nations had foreknowledge of Bierut cartoon riot (according to Total Information Analysis from February 8 2006).

Some new information coming out is from the writer Stephen Moyes [from the London Mirror] on February 8 2006 talked about the CIA's torture flights. What do I mean? I mean that Moyes wrote that planes (i.e. Boeing C-32B) were use to carry "terror" suspects into interrogation camps. These secret camps are located in Romania, Afghanistan and Thailand. The prisoners claim that the interrogators used slapping, unnecessary assault, and torture unto them by CIA agents. These flight have flown from England. I'm just not into the Neo conservative agenda, because it's about Big Government, eliminating many civil liberties, and a belief in a kind of empire if necessary to try to "spread" "democracy" across the world. America never supported that agenda explicitly until the late 1800's with the ascendance of William McKinley (who was assassinated) and Freemason Theodore Roosevelt. Rep. Ron Paul and others point to the origin of Neoconservativism as from Straussianism and the Trotskyism of Communism. Recently, I seen words from Sister Sandra Tanner about even more occult, Masonic symbolism so prevelant in Mormonism. She is from Utah Lighthouse Ministries in trying to help Mormons to leave that church. Of course, Freemasonry have tons of occult influences. Let's never forget the wierd, unhistorical, and unbiblical beliefs of Mormonism, which includes Christ coming into Ancient America, man can achieve godhood, you must wear ceremonial underwear, etc.

LAURIE GOODSTEIN wrote from the New York Times that many Evangelical leaders like Rick Warren (personally I don't really consider him an Evangelical. He's a mega church person that's afraid of most really important issues like Secret Societies, the war in Iraq, GM foods, torture, deception in the media, etc.), James Dobson (I respect him more than the rest, because at least he stands up for what he believes in though he's part of the establishment CNP group. Dobson rightfully said that embryonic stem cell research was Nazi-esque), Chuck Colson, Rev. Ted Haggard, etc. Global Warming is real in the sense of the temperature being greater than a 100 years ago. But our temperature is colder than parts of the Middle Ages with higher temperature. I believe that regardless if Global "Warming" is a product of the Natural cycle of the Earth or it's primarily man-made, that there is nothing wrong with supporting technologies that will have less emissions of cardon dioxide and other pollutants. There's nothing wrong with seeking clean water, alternative energy, and decreasing pollution, as long as it doesn't go into extremism (i.e. stealing wealth and private property without compensaton as an excuse to "save" the environment). Many extremists in the New Age Movement, Gaia circles, etc. want that, which I disagree with. Many of those extremists want a radical depopulation of the Earth. Prince Philip of England and Ted Turner are quoted as supporting immoral, radical, and evil population control. Viruses and crises are part of it as well. Not to mention that overpopulation is totally false. I'm not into the Green Movement at all with Maurice Strong and crew.
Hillary Clinton is a very special woman. She's trying to position herself as a centrist and moderate, but she is still pro-abortion and is a hardcore warhawk by agreeing to continue this occupaton of Iraq indefinitely. She was with her husband Bill Clinton during Corretta Scott King's funeral. I guess she stood by her man after Bill committed adultery against her. Liberal Chris Matthews speculated that she might run for President in 2008. As for life issue, the adulterer Michael Schiavo haven't finished his paperwork for his PAC. He's trying to target Congress people that didn't support the unjust starvation and murder of the innocent woman Terri Schaivo. Steven Ertelt from reported on this information. Stimuli is a normal part of the human nervous system. On the illegal immigration front, even more cops are calling on George W. Bush to be more forceful and strong on trying to curb the problem of illegal immigration
. People have talked about the tunnels, MS-13 gangs terrorizing people, and people saying that Mexican troops have crossed the border into America. As for Jesuit info, Eric Jon Phelps and Nicholas Rivera proved that the new House Majority leader is John Boehner is a Roman Catholic and he was trained in Jesuit-run Xavier University (in Cincinnati, Ohio). Rivera said that Roy Blunt is not only an alma mater of Southwest Baptist University. Also, he's a Freemason. Instead of being non-creative and bored, we need to excite our stimuli even more to be active in the world without hatred of life, without unborn baby killing, without lies, without socialism, and without evil.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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