
Monday, March 27, 2006

So Hillary Speaks For Jesus on Immigration Now?


So Hillary Speaks For Jesus on Immigration Now?

Posted: March 24 2006Printer Friendly Version Email To A Friend Post a comment More Articles From Pete Fisher
By Pete Fisher

This one simply tickled me. Hillary made claims that by enforcing tougher immigration laws, we are in effect transgressing against Jesus Christ.
Here is a woman, who has spoken to the entire nation about adhering to biblical principles with a history that would shame the devil himself. So I would like to find where Hillary gleaned her knowledge of scripture and question what she has said when what I have read and learned is contrary to her statement.

First and foremost Hillary, the Bible tells us to obey the laws of the land. Which means, do not do illegal things, such as…let me pick a wild card here...sneaking over a nations’ border and illegally reside in that same nation as an illegal.

Jesus Himself stated this Hillary, so why would He change His mind? In fact the Bible tells us that God’s Word is unchanging, and He does not walk around changing His mind like men do. This is the first thing that struck me as hypocritical.

Secondly, the same Jesus told us all to render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, as He spoke about taxes. Yes, those monies given to governments to pay for all those programs you so nonchalantly institute. Strike Two here, Senator.

Now, this charity you proclaimed we are demanded of Jesus to carry out to our fellow man. Of course Jesus wanted charity, but as Lucifer himself used scripture to get Jesus to follow him, you are using in like manner to bolster popularity. You used a concept of good to allow people to continue transgressing the laws of our nation. You used it to keep illegal activity alive, and try to guilt the public into thinking we were all selfish oppressors who had no heart for our fellow man. It didn't work Senator.

We also have some Bible passages that tell us Thou Shalt Not Lie, Thou Shalt Not Steal, yet the same illegal immigrants you are trying to be charitable are Lying and Stealing. They lie when they get jobs, they lie when using fake SSN cards and they steal by not paying taxes.
Just as you had items from the White House when you left, and the scandals that were conveniently covered up as you made your millions. But Hillary, if you are so legalistic on biblical passages, tell me why you are not wearing longer hair and being obedient to your husband? There are passages that address this you know. Tell me about the lying and the FBI files, and the adultery, and the laws enacted that shoved PC into our society, please.
You and Bill supported Gay Rights, which the Bible eschews as evil. You supported a huge Welfare roll that is in contrast to the words “And if a man does not work, neither should he eat.” as stated in the Bible. You were against the Flat Tax, which is biblical.

Yet all of a sudden you know about Jesus Christ and what he thinks, and you are holy enough to stand in judgment of over half a nation and accuse of all of being evil for simply trying to bolster a legal system that has been failing us. Well, none of us are perfect for sure, but the definition of hypocrisy is written well into your brow. How could you and your husband have done so much to undermine and water down Christianity in this society, and still do with you blatant liberal mentality, and all of a sudden just now become a saint of God, knowledgeable in word and deed?
Please spare us the guilt trip Senator, we are not only more intelligent than you have always assumed we are, but we know a wolf when it walks among the sheep.
Pete Fisher is a concerned citizen in the Chicago area who has written several articles on the economy, educational system, politics, and religion. He has been feature on several sites such as,,,, The, and has been circulated on various other sites worldwide. He is a 6 year veteran of the Armed Forces.
Pete can be contacted at:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous01:08

    Your words in God's ear!.
    I AM an immigrant, 30 years here, and found over the years that I have stronger patriot feelings daily, than most of my so called american fellows.
    It still get's on a daily basis - primarily on the phone, when I have to first listen to some spanish jumble, to find out that I have to press the number "2" to get to english.
    I have lived in Los Angeles for a long time [now in Denver], and was appalled when I saw the first japanese, then the taiwanese, then the spanish STREET-SIGNS go up.
    If you chose to come to this country - you better be choosing it ALL - that mean inclusive the language.
    I am NOT a racist - far from it - but, people that come here and then steal from this country, should NEVER have a liniency ever.
    Just like as I condemn murder, although done at the early stages so vividly, by erradicating an entire indian nation.
    Who are we? That we believe TWO WRONGS MAKE ONE RIGHT?
