
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

America: How Are We Going to Explain?


America: How Are We Going to Explain?

by Victor Thorn

Many of you reading this article will be old enough to answer a question in twenty years: “What was America like before the fall?”Try to imagine the emotions you’ll experience while thinking back to when our nation was still strong. You’ll actually have been one of the millions who lived through our country’s demise. Even a recent futuristic movie – V for Vendetta – referred to us as “the former United States.”Yes, we were unlucky enough to see the ugliness first-hand – the outsourcing, rampant illegal immigration, astronomical overspending and record-breaking deficits, Zionist infiltration, god-awful wars, corporate greed, the Clinton-Bush crime family eras, government-sponsored state-terrorism (and its resulting Constitutional corrosion), and a general culture of corruption which made our sick, bloated DC politicians look far worse than the snout-dripping sows in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.We’re living through a momentous period of history right now as the USA is being deliberately betrayed and sold-out by our NWO (s)elected “leaders.”

And one day the final dagger will be pushed through our hearts and the entire house of cards will crumble.Then what will we do? I’m not sure about you, but I can still remember when America was strong; when the factories in my hometown were booming and gasoline wars between two competing stations had prices at 32 and 33 cents a gallon. Sure, the factories are still there, but now they more resemble a decrepit locomotive chugging up a hill while the workers are paying nearly $3.00/gallon for gasoline.It’s all wrong, and worst of all, each and every one of us knows it! We see the decay and the ills with our very own eyes, and for some odd reason we can’t mobilize ourselves to fight back. Hell, in the Southwestern border-states half-a-million illegal aliens are marching through the streets of Phoenix and Los Angeles waving Mexican flags, chanting “Kill the Gringoes,” and threatening to take whatever they want.I could continue, but in all honesty, the thought of our nation dying in such an unceremonious way doesn’t much motivate the desire to have any more ink flow out of my pen. It’s like seeing a best friend hooked-up to a respirator in the hospital.

The grief is overwhelming.What are we going to say to our descendents – to the next generation? In twenty years, how are we going to explain what was taking place today? Yeah, many will play the blame game and lay it all on the “infiltrators” doorstep. But y’know what? I'm more into personal responsibility. We let them destroy us, and it was us – you and me – who sat idly by while the deconstruction took place.Granted, most kids in two decades won’t even know about a strong America in the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s (due to their white-washed school books and debilitating social conditioning); but we will, and that’s a very bitter pill for me to swallow.

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