
Friday, April 21, 2006

An April Eric interview.


The Investigative Journal Host: Greg Szymanski Radio Broadcast of Wednesday April 12, 2006: Guest: Eric Jon Phelps:



Greg's first hour guest was Eric Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins, who talked about the Jesuit connection and the 'Black Order's leadership role in the New World Order. Phelps also again presented a historical and contemporary look at how the Order has infiltrated all the major governments and religions of the world. Based on satanic worship, Phelps told listeners how the "evil hand" of the Jesuits has America firmly in its satanic grip.

Don't miss this explosive interview. In the second hour, Phelps remained for the first 20 minutes to field audience calls. In the second hour, Greg was joined by Pierre Sampson, one of the Duplessis Orphans, who talked about how he was used as a government guinea pig as a child. Sampson at the age of six was illegally declared insane and placed in a CIA funded psych ward, where he was given electro shock therapy, heavy doses of LSD and subjected to other horrors along with thousands of other children. Activist Rod Vienneau, whose wife was also a child victim, talked about how mass graves of children near Montreal and how more than 50,000 may have been illegally experimented upon over the years, a story the governments of Canada and he United States are covering-up.

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