
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Audio about the Jesuits, etc.

Some Previous appearances of Charles T. WilcoxSept 24, 2004 mp3: (Grassy Knoll)

Sept 30, 2005 mp3: (Grassy Knoll)

November 13, 2005 mp3 (on PID Radio)



A Recent Radio Interview with Eric Jon Phelps: The Investigative JournalHost: Greg Szymanski Time: Monday-Friday, 2:00pm - 4:00pmBroadcast of Wednesday March 15, 2006: In the first hour, Greg talked with Eric Jon Phelps regarding the powerscontrollng the New World Order and the Illuminati. Phelps, author ofVatican Assassins, a book alleging the Jesuit Order as the main culprits,gave a detailed history of the Jesuits as well as linking the Order to theNew World Order today. Phelps also told listeners how he knows the ZionistJews are really inflitrated and under the subordination of the fearedJesuit Order.
(Running time is 59 mimutes; a 48 minute interview with Eric -- it begins at the 11 minute mark into the mp3 file)


Just came across the above was the second interview that Eric hadwith Greg Szymanski, this year. The previous one with Greg was on Feb 7th, 2006 and can be downloaded at the following



(Hr2 )

Tue., February 7, 2006: Greg talks with author and historical researcher, Eric Jon Phelps, about the Jesuit connection and control of the world's religions and governments through deception and sorcery. Phelps' new book, Vatican Assassins, 3rd Edition, due out on bookshelves in March, discusses new findings about the Jesuit connection to 9/11, as well as being the masters of deception who actually control the Pope's every move, as well as the U.S. Presidency, the Senate and the CIA. Don't miss these interviewsBest regards,lisa


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