
Friday, April 21, 2006

College Abortion Vandalism Continues, Princeton Pro-Life Display Trashed


College Abortion Vandalism Continues, Princeton Pro-Life Display Trashed

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by Steven EditorApril 21, 2006

Princeton, NJ ( -- Abortion vandalism is continuing at another college as abortion advocates destroyed a pro-life display pro-life students at Princeton University set up. The incident comes just one week after a professor led pro-abortion students in trashing a pro-life display at Northern Kentucky University.
Members of Princeton Pro-Life set up a pro-life flag display in front of Frist Campus Center to remember the 347 students that the group estimates are not attending Princeton this year because of abortion.

Pro-Life president Tom Haine said the vandalism occurred early Thursday morning.
The pink and blue flags the group used to represent the men and women who are not a part of this year's freshman class were destroyed and abortion advocates replaced them with coat hangers, a pro-abortion symbol used to claim women will die form illegal abortions if it is prohibited.
The sign in front of the display explaining its significance had been trampled and abortion advocates taped computer printouts over it with the message "support smaller class sizes: support abortion" and "347 rusty coat hangers were saved from mangling and mutilation."
Caroline Chopko, a member of the group, notice the vandalism first and reported it to Haine.
"I was kind of sad that Princeton students would choose to add in such destruction," Chopko told the Daily Princetonian student newspaper. "But I was happy that people are discussing the issue."

According to the Princetonian, Haine called the college's Public Safety office to report the incident. A representative took one of the signs to check for fingerprints but told Haine the vandalism would not be high on the office's priority list.

Haine said he doubted they would be able to find the culprit.
The computer-generated signs had a message on the back saying they were from Princeton Pro-Choice Vox, the student pro-abortion group, but a representative of the organization denied any involvement.
"Of course Princeton Pro-Choice Vox is opposed to any actions that deprive individuals of their civil rights, including the right to free speech," student Jeris Stueland Yruma, co-chair of the group, told the Princetonian.

Minor incidents of vandalism have occurred on campus, but Haine indicated this one was more egregious.
"This seems a little bit more vindictive. They had to accumulate many coat hangers. They had to plan this in advance," he said. "It was not just an act of passion."
"It's tragic to see such immaturity on campus and it's sad that people cannot respond to this debate any other way," Haine told the student newspaper. "We expect more from our fellow Princetonians."

The vandalism follows an incident at Northern Kentucky where British literature professor Dr. Sally Jacobson led several pro-abortion students in trashing a pro-life display of crosses to memorialize the deaths of babies from abortion.
Jacobson was caught on camera by the student newspaper there and NKU officials have placed her on leave and other professors have taken over her classes for the remainder of the year. She will resign following the completion of the semester.
The university has apologized to the pro-life and campus police are likely to press charges in the matter.Related web sites:Princeton University contact info -


  1. My blog isn't working now. Hopefully, the problem will be solved soon.

  2. News:


    Concerning Daryl Bradford Smith, I have called him a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor publicly. He followed Dr. Bill Deagle's show a few months back when Bill hosted me. Smith attacked everything we said. Yes, he is just another Jew-hating, Jesuit Coadjutor.

    Sincerely in Faith,

    Brother Eric





    Research & Prepared By : Bobby G. Limeta
    Sunday, April 23, 2006. Manila. Republic Of The Philippines.

    The Central Intelligence Agency is not an intelligence or spy agency of the United States Government and her people if we are lovers truth in accordance to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ "The Truth Shall Set Us Free". Long time ago, it was discovered that the C.I.A. is an agency controlled and owned by the JESUIT ORDER, no doubt about that. The C.I.A. destroyed the reputation of good American people. Especially, those good and free American Bible Believing Christians.

    Well, Reinhard Gehlen is one of Adolf Hitler's NAZI Germany and Pope Pius XII top general assigned for intelligence services. The United States Of America, Great Britain and their allies fought against Jesuit's NAZI Germany during World War II.

    Now, would you believe that Gen. Reinhard Gehlen was admitted into the circle of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.). Something weird had happened. Supposedly, the U. S. & British governments brought Reinhard Gehlen into trial for war crimes. Instead, he become a member of the notorious C.I.A. The goat becomes a bull, this is because of another Jesuit's conspiracy. The Jesuits thought that they can hide every secrets they have done against humanity. We have to remember, no secrets can be hidden as times goes on.

    This evil man (Gen. Gehlen) is one of the accomplish-network into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Together with Gen. Gehlen are Jean-Baptiste Janssens "The Jesuit General", Pope Paul VI, Francis Cradinal Spellman and others mostly members of the Knights Of Malta.

    Attached herewith in JPEG Pictures of Gen. Reinhard Gehlen. One in NAZI Uniform and the other a posing as a proud member of the Knights Of Malta. In his upper left chest, you'll see a cross of the Knights Of Malta. A secret society controlled by the Jesuit.

    These are just one of the so many eye opening evidences that even the well-known lawyers and politicians being a product of Jesuit owned Ateneo University in the Philippines did not realized how evil the Jesuits are.

    By the way, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen and the famous singer FRANK SINATRA are both members of the Knights Of Malta. If there are many historians and writers in United States, England, France and other countries like, Eric Jon Phelps, Daryl Eberhart, Alex James, Avro Manhattan, Tony Alamo, Edmund Paris, Charles Chiniquy, John Loftus, and others. Well, in the Philippines there's also one, that is Dr. Jose Rizal. I'm just a product of Jose Rizal patriotism against the Jesuits. I've also wrote so many articles about the Jesuits and I'm truly watching them since 1990. While Filipino government officials and politicians are quarelling and verbal wars as to what is happening in the Philippines "Crazy Politics and Civil Unrests" the Jesuits are smiling inside the Ateneo University. When I've discovered that there was a book already out of circulation entitled "Footprints Of The Jesuits" I immediately agreed.

    I've so many references that I highly relied for accuracy when it comes to hidden truth : Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps and Tackling the Tough Topics by Daryl Eberhart and other names mentioned above.

    Also, my applause to Bro. Maverick for his wise thinking and also his knowledge about the footprints of the Jesuits in the Philippines. I thought I was alone, but it is not. We are two Filipinos and hope so many more to come. AMEN !



    60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002

    Think Progress | April 24 2006
    Tonight on 60 Minutes, Tyler Drumheller, the former chief of the CIA’s Europe division, revealed that in the fall of 2002, President Bush, Vice President Cheney, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and others were told by CIA Director George Tenet that Iraq’s foreign minister — who agreed to act as a spy for the United States — had reported that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction program.

    BRADLEY: According to Drumheller, CIA Director George Tenet delivered the news about the Iraqi foreign minister at a high level meeting at the White House.

    DRUMHELLER: The President, the Vice President, Dr. Rice…
    BRADLEY: And at that meeting…?
    DRUMHELLER: They were enthusiastic because they said they were excited that we had a high-level penetration of Iraqis.
    BRADLEY: And what did this high level source tell you?
    DRUMHELLER: He told us that they had no active weapons of mass destruction program.

    BRADLEY: So, in the fall of 2002, before going to war, we had it on good authority from a source within Saddam’s inner circle that he didn’t have an active program for weapons of mass destruction?
    BRADLEY: There’s no doubt in your mind about that?
    DRUMHELLER: No doubt in my mind at all.

    BRADLEY: It directly contradicts, though, what the President and his staff were telling us.
    DRUMHELLER: The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy, to justify the policy.
    Read the full transcript HERE.

