
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

John Daniel's Scralet and the Beast book series.


Dear Brother Eric,

I found this article from the Scottish Rite Journal (formerly The New Age Magazine) Quote: "During his visit to Cuba in March 2002, Ill. Akram R. Elias, 33°, visited with His Eminence Jose Siro Gonzales Bacallal, Catholic Bishop of Pinar de Rio in Cuba, and put a Masonic pin of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia on the Bishop's shirt." There are many Masonic lodges worldwide with the name Cuba. If this Catholic bishop is a Freemason then you can safely assume that the Archbishop of Havana which would explain why he doesn't care or complain that Professed Fourth Vow Jesuit Fidel Castro is a 33rd Degree Freemason.

Scarlet and the Beast by John Daniel (excellent photos and most of the info seems legit but there may be some disinformation and Daniel does not mention the Jesuits at all in his Picture Book but maybe he does in the actual book-even the way the book is formatted is similar to VA) I saw something in this book that made me think about Dr. Peter S. Ruckman. There is a photo in the Picture Book that shows an open King James Bible in a Masonic Temple with two crossing swords on top of it and a 33rd degree pyramid/triangle on it and according to John Daniel it symbolizes that the Scottish Rite Supreme Council is in session.

Daniel says the reason Scottish Rite Freemasons place a King James Bible on their altar of sacrifice is because King James I was a Scottish Templar Mason. see page 22Now, look at this drawing in Dr. Ruckman's Bible Baptist Bookstore catalogue'm not saying that Ruckman is a Mason and if he was I could not prove it. It is interesting to note that anti-Masonic books are advertised in the catalogue but none of them are authored by Dr. Ruckman nor have I ever read nor heard anything negative about the Masonic lodge come from him. I think the "pastor" of the Charismatic Word-Faith cult church I attended growing up was a Mason because he was silent on Masonry and there were Masons in the congregation and I knew this because of the compass and square car pins in the parking lot.

I'm suspicious of churches that emphasize light or light sources in their symbols. There is the true light-the Lord Jesus Christ-then there is the counterfeit Luciferian light of Masonry. John Daniel's book has an interesting chapter on the "Secret Society Behind Al-Qaeda" Shriner Freemasonry (bottom of the page)

Quoting from the article (last paragraph)"Finally, on the occasion of the 7th Annual Order of Malta South Florida Gala, the Board of Directors has voted to bestow The Honorable [Third Degree Knight of Columbus] Jeb Bush, Governor of the State of Florida with its Ethic of Life Award for Outstanding Service towards the defense of life and human dignity of the unborn. Congratulations Governor!" Mr. Rooney Goes to Rome ACLU opposes creation of 'Catholic town' Domino's Pizza founder Tom Monaghan (SMOM) wants to build new town with 'Catholic values' Bush — born again, or not? [NOT according to the Bible!]The president has never clarified his conversion narrative More info is forthcoming. May the Lord continue to bless you brother.

Brother Nick Rivera


Me: I've read one book from the Scarlet and the Beast series about Lincoln, Central banks, CFR, etc. That book was called Volume 3 about the Drug Trade, music, JFK, etc. He obsesses over Freemasonry (and I have no problem with this) yet he won't expose the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, etc. Years ago, I've read chapters of his up coming book. Now, Daniel won't show portions of his up coming book, except for the Picture book. Primarily, I read about the Sabbeateans (he accurately depicts them as being anti-Torah Judaism and anti-Christian), but I also read up on the Jesuits. He mentions them, but believes that they don't rule the world and only expose their corruption in South America. John Daniel believes that Masons created divisions between Protestants and Catholics. In truth, Catholics then and now is divided amongst itself with its unbiblical precepts. His information on Al Qaeda (him exposing the many Masonic Muslim leaders and Al Qaeda's similarities with Freemasonry. As Mark Brewer rightfully said, Islam is an enemy. I found and look at the Koran for myself to see it.)

Freemasonry has an article about the Muslim/Masonic link as well. John Daniel's information about William Morgan is excellent though. His information is important since he at least exposes Freemasonry, but the Masons don't rule the Earth. I don't believe that Masonic propagandists like Masonic Traveler, Lee Duncan, and Theron Dunn can refute Daniel's research. What really annoys me now is the media presenting the lie that Bush is some how a born again, conservative Christian. If that were the case, Bush would of denounced the Heirachy of Rome, denounce occult Secret Societies of Skulls and Bones plus the Bohemian Grove, and call for all Americans to repent from their sins.

Finally, I found the links where you can read his old words of his up coming book.To see his old words on the Jesuits, go on this


Then click on Chapter 8.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

Mark Brewer: John Daniel tries to blame the Freemasons and the mythical Priory of Sion for the Jesuits' activities. There is another man named John Daniel who wrote The Grand Design Exposed. That book was used in Vatican Assassins as a reference. He is a much better source.

Nicholas Rivera: Thanks for the link Mark!Brother Nick

1 comment:

  1. The Masonic Occult Beast

    "Rule A: Don't discuss Masonic Human Factory Farming Yum Yum Cannibal Economy. Rule B: Draw up duhmockery 'constitutions' with 'rights to breed' and 'rights to consume', to provide surplus oxygen thieve vote, criminal and cannon fodder 'yum yum' cannibal food for Masonic elite. Rule C: Masonic Bullshit the Public Relations (i.e. PC), and in extreme cases Political Psychiatry (assassination of character using psychiatric labels) is the communication foundation for divide and conquer strategy of tension of classes, races, ideologies, etc; to ensure that the Masonic Human Factory Farming elite, always profit from the discord occurring in the Human Factory Farming War Economy. Rule D: Rule A, B and C don't exist. Rule E: Do not discuss the existence or non-existence of Rules A, B, C, D or E; if you prefer being a sperm donor and brood sow slave." -- Lara Braveheart (aka Johnstone) and Harriet Tubman (aka Timothy McVeigh).

    Nixon on taming the Masonic Occult Beast
