
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Living in April

Well, it's a new month and the beginnings of a new weather season. The temperature down here in Southeastern Virginia have been topsy-turvy. One day, it's warm in the 70's and other days, it has the 50's and 60's. I really can't believe that Professor Dr. Eric R. Pianka wanted to exterminate 90% of the total population of the world. He wanted that with viruses. This has been confirmed by Forrest Mims, who witnessed the speech. Dr. Eric wants ebola and other diseases for his dream to be a reality. It's funny that Rebecca Calisi, who is from The University of Texas at Arlington (inside of the Biology Department) is pro-Dr. Eric R. Pianka. Her biggest lie is that the world is overpopulated, when every human can fit in the state of Texas if given almost 1,500 sq. ft. each. Rebecca and Dr. Eric are nutty extremists and Rebecca even wrote that Eric wants to go first. These type of people hate populations in general, which populations are a blessing. With the insane promoting of death and abhoring the value of human life, these elite "intellectuals" are following the ideology of social Darwinism that even Hitler subscribed to. Rest assured, people like Paul Ehrlich are 100% wrong in their overpopulation fantasies. People like me having exposed this lie for years, so this is nothing strange for me. Apparently, Rebecca became brainwashed into accepting environmental radicalism, while not exposing the real environmental dangers of depleted uranium, aspartame, viruses, hybrid species, and genetically modified foods. Anyway, I heard drums beats of war with Iran. The truth is that Iran is not a direct threat to America. Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Iran now hasn't produced a full nuclear weapon. The projections made by the experts on when Iran will have a nuclear bomb have changed from time to time. Never forget that the Central Intelligence Agency had a role in this current situation. It was the CIA that organized a coup against Iran in 1953 to replace Mohammed Mossadegh. Recently Iran had an exercise on the Straits of Hormuz (written about by the WORLD TRIBUNE.COM) on Friday, March 31, 2006.

Paranoia about terrorism continues to go forward. Newsmax on April 5, 2006 talked about how Rudolph Guiliani believes that another terrorist attack would occur on American soil. Yesterday, Tom Delay resigned. He said that he wanted to move on from his life. People speculate that he left because of pressure of a possible indictment against him. I heard that many from the Hollywood clique disagree with Hillary Clinton. I for one isn't into the far left Hollywood crowd, but they are right about this issue. The reason is that Hillary is moving all over the political spectrum in an attempt to recieve support from "middle America." Also, she supports the war in Iraq, which even some conservatives has exposed as being bad policy involving our nation. Susan Sarandon (who as recorded in Ireland Online on April 5, 2006 compared life in America as similar to the book "1984"), George Clooney, and others have expressed dismay over Hillary's pro-premptive war stance. Cindy Sheehan has opposed Hillary Clinton as well. I believe that there is a high chance that Hillary could not only win the Democratic nomination, but become the first woman President in the United States. She's just talking about the war, abortion, etc. as a front, since in reality she is a strong liberal person. John Kasich (the temporary host of the O'Reilly show) and Kristen Powers (with another woman) talked about this very subject on the Bill O'Reilly show. Bill O'Reilly is taking a vacation, so he wasn't on the show.

Hugo Chavez from Venezuala is in the news again. The socialist Hugo believes that the West (especially the American government) is out to destroy him and his nation. Therefore, he has been aggressively trying to control all oil production in his country. Venezuela has taken control of two oil fields operated by French firm Total and Italy's Eni. He already called 32 oil deals illegal. Hugo Chavez told BBC's Greg Palast that he wants OPEC to recognize that Venezuela has the most oil reserves in the world. Well, it's a situation that extends beyond Hugo. The truth is that the superich bankers funds not only cartel, monopoly capitalism (this is not free market capitalism), but the communists and socialist movements (Just look at Anthony Sutton's many works). They act in this fashion to consolodate wealth and restrict economic power from the middle class. Even in communist nations, the poor are suffering and the rich own most of the industries and business enterprises in those nations like China. In our lives, we must leave this left/right paradigm. This paradigm further places people in camps yelling at each other similar to the WWE wrestling show. In reality, more solutions about torture, abortion, civil liberties, etc. could be done if people from all sides could work together.

An update on rendition is occuring. The BBC on April 5, 2006 accuses the United States of praticipating in rendition against innocent people. The story revolves around 3 Yemeni men that were abducted. Anmesty International written a report criticizing the rendition policy that the United States government is embracing. Amnesty International claims that the 3 Yemeni folks were placed in SE Europe where they were placed in a black site for 13 months. Amnesty further claims that people have been illegally transferred by the CIA. I think that we have a long way to go, but more and more people are in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Ed Asner, Charlie Sheen, and others are doubting the offical government story, which has been refuted at every turn. Obviously, I don't agree with worldly Hollywood, but I will give credit to anyone who wants the truth behind what really occured during 9/11. Regardless of what the Neo Cons (like O'Reilly or Sean Hannity) would say, Al-Qaeda never made NORAD to fail to respond to the 4 aircraft, they never send warnings to Willie Brown or military officals, the never lead the CIA to create a drill of hijacking aircraft into the Twin Towers on the morning of 9/11, al-Qaeda never created war games by the Air Force and National Reconnaissance Office on 9/11 (this prevented NORAD and others to follow Standard Operation procedures to intercept the aircraft going to the areas of NYC, PA, and VA. This was explained by Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, & even Oil, al-Qaeda never forced victims of 9/11 plus newspeople who said that they heard explosives in the Twin Towers and the basement of it, and al-Qaeda didn't use a plane to attack Building Seven (the owner of this Tower was Larry Silverstein).

By these facts alone, the offical Kean Commission (who members have links to Saudi Arabia) falls flat on its face. Don't get me wrong. I will still disagree with the Jesuits, Freemasons, Skulls and Bones, Bohemian Grove, and all occult Secret Societies. This is strange of how much new developments are existing in the world today. You got Cynthia McKinney (who mentioned that a cover up of 9/11 occured and Bush had a firm busines connection with the Bin Laden family) possibly being indicted in the accusation of her assaulting the Capitol Police. I have a wait to see attitude about McKinney. Let's keep on trying to find more truth and helping our neighbors out without hatred of fellow man or malice.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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