
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Must read Jesuit information.


Dear Nxxxx,Exposing the government hand in 911 is not new. Sheen is merely adding fuel to the fire of the Order's agitation against this CFR government it controls. What needs to be done is to expose the Vatican hand in 911, the Pope controlling Bush and his radical Republican Right. Then progress will be made.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 11:31 PM

Subject: Re: Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Charlie Sheen this a bad thing, a good thing or just the way it is. Don't we want the lie of 9/11 exposed? Somewhat confused. Thanks.



Martin Sheen is a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor---par excellance! Thus, his filthy son (evidenced by the movies he has made) is then ipso facto another coadjutor. Therefore the Order is using their Hollywood celebrities to begin to attack the Order's Bush lie of 911 being a Moslem terrorist event. By controlling all factions, the Order can then control the outcome of its dialectic of socialist revolution. And of course, Coadjutor Alex Jones would host his brother Coadjutor, Charlie Sheen.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


Alexandra: My understanding is that Rome wants Islam in its fold--after all, Muslims venerate Mary like Catholics do.

Mark Brewer: It is not Arabs that is the problem, but Islam. Most of the Arabs living in the United States do not practice Islam. In the future Islam, will be united with the Vatican even more than it already is. Remember how many heads of state from Muslim countries were at John Paul II's funeral? The leaders of Islam are already united with the Vatican.


Dear Sxxxx,Mr. Bauman is one of them. He is a "traditionalist" Roman Catholic like Opus Dei Mel Gibson. This means that he wishes to return to pre-Vatican II days when Rome called Protestants "heretics; when the Jews were called "perfidious Jews." Judging by his works, Bauman is a Roman Catholic right-wing fascist. Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera was also a Bishop in the Old Catholic Church originating out of Utrecht. Bowman loves the "Eucharist," that damnable blasphemy, the priest declaring that with a few magic Latin words, he has turned a cookie into the literal body of Christ! Lastly, Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Alex Jones hosted this man on his show last night. This is the same Alex Jones who declared that "hell would freeze over" before he ever hosted me. The Order is creating its political Hegelian dialectic to further drive White Americans into an even more extreme Jesuit fascist dictatorship---as was done in France's Second French Revolution in 1848, which culminated in a coup d'etat creating Emperor Napoleon III.Our Jesuit-controlled Napoleon III is coming, and he will be a military man.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 11:24 PMSubject:

Bowman for PresidentEric:

What do you know about Robert Bowman? He claims that his church is not associated with the Vatican. He believes that the official version of 911 is not plausible, that it is itself a conspiracy theory. He has aspirations to be president but well settle for Congress for now.


Dear Brother Nicholas,Notice the Masonic handshake (thumb over the top knuckle of receiver) in the pic of Johnson and Randolph alone.

Brother Eric

Subject: Masonic Brothers Jesuit-trained Coadjutor Lyndon B. Johnson and Socialist A. Philip Randolph

Dear Brother Eric,Here are some photos of Freemasons LBJ and A. Philip Randolph

Coadjutors Jesuit-trained Johnson and Randolph-both Masonic brethrenunited for the intentional rise of Black Americans with the Jesuits'Civil Rights Agitation from the 1930s to 1960s to the ultimate detrimentof both White and Black Americans. The "War on Poverty" was a war on middle class America and ultimately made Black Americans worse offevidenced by the impoverished ghettos in the cities of FourteenthAmendment America. Caption: Still fighting at 80; The year is 1964 and President LyndonBaines Johnson presents A. Philp Randolph with the Presidential Medal ofFreedom. [Note the Masonic handshake]

Brother Nick


Dear Brother Cxxxxx,

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:52 PMSubject: immigration

Bro. Eric,

Is the scenario with the immigration problem a plan to eventually call out the National Guard and declare Marshall Law in order to control the coming anarchy in the streets?

Yes, and to open the Concentration Camps headed by the Department of Homeland Security overseen by Jesuit and CIA master, John C. Gannon. Google his name and observe his qualifications and connections with the CFR and Jesuit Georgetown University.The Jesuits of Mexico have ruined that economy driving the Mexican people to desperation. Indeed, the Mexicans are illegals, but their country, full of gold and oil, has been taken from them by American SMOM bankers---especially the Buckleys and the Bushs.

What do you see as the outcome of this mounting situation?

Right-wing, corporate fascism, and a military dictator ruled by the Order---as was HItler, Stalin, Franco, Mussolini and Mao.

Isn't this the plan of the Order (Order Out of Chaos) to cause the PROBLEM, wait for a REACTION, then provide the SOLUTION?


With this becoming increasingly intense, I heard Michael Savage today say that the "National Guard could get things under control."What's your opinion?

Michael Savage is another Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. He has backed this Crusade from the beginning and has blamed the Moslems for 911---all scripted for him. Like Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Hal Turner, much of what he says is true, but the solution advocated furthers our destruction---pursuant to the Council of Trent. Think not that the burning of the Baptist Churches in the South is merely the work of idiot college students. This will continue.

Bro. Cxxxx

Brother Eric

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