
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Neo Con answered.


The Neo Con: All of you are brainwashed by this liberal non-sense. Such blasphemous acts are just outright assinine. Instaed of agreeing on others' writings, how about doing some research yourselves. Form your own opinions instead of believing such fantastical, moot statements. FYI America is the defender of the Christian faith, even though California secular liberals are trying to dismantle the effort.

Constitutional Republican: Just because we are constitutionalist republicans as opposed to neocon republicans does not make us liberal? To assert so is assinine. Instead of walking lockstep with Limbaugh and Hannity, try doing some research yourself. Please explain how defending our constitutional rights is not conservative?

Is the Patriot Act conservative?
Is torture conservative?
Are military tribunals conservative?
Is big government conservative?
Is the monitoring of phone-calls and e-mail without a warrent conservative?
Are Presidential Orders conservative?
Is execution without trial conservative?
Is a surveilance society conservative?
Is deficit spending conservative?
Are 'Free Speech Zones' conservative?
Is World Court conservative?
Is surrendering national soveriegnty conservative?
Is forcing our military to wear U.N. uniforms conservative?
Is indefinite detainment without charges conservative?

You have a strange definition of un-american, my friend.

Me: I didn't know that criticizing government was blasphemy. A person who follows the government unconditionally is just as decieved as a person who desires no moral restraint. Bush has proven himself to not even be a real conservatives. Examples prove that by his membership in the occult Skulls and Bones plus Bohemian Grove, the high debt, the biggest spender in American President history, and passing laws that are contrary to the Constitution like the Patriot Act. It's bigger than Bush, but Bush has some responsibility in the problems of this nations. That isn't liberal, but pro-American. Being liberal or conservative has nothing do with being pro or anti-American at all anyway.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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