
Friday, April 14, 2006

New Talkin' to America Interview and More


April 11, 2006

New Talkin' to America Interview and More

Our most recent "Talkin' to America" interview is up at . As always, it is in downloadable MP3 format along with a transcript of the interview. This week we interview Jerry Hughes -- host of Accent Radio's daily program "Straight Talk" -- about the BATFE.

Speaking of the BATFE, those who listened to the March 28 Congressional Hearings ( ) may recall BATFE Deputy Assistant Director Audrey Stucko's repeated glib statements that the BATFE's primary goal was to ensure "voluntary compliance" of federal firearms licensees. One wonders precisely how "voluntary" that compliance is when one risks financial ruin, jail, or death in a BATFE raid as a result of their interpretation of "non-compliance."

This same Audrey Stucko recently signed off on a very interesting piece of BATFE correspondence to gun maker Len Savage. The BATFE recently returned a firearm to Len _after having purposefully obliterated the serial number on the firearm!_ In response to Len's inquiry about what would be a felony for you or I, the BATFE stated that the federal government is exempt from its own laws!

Read it for yourself at (part 1) and (part 2)... and don't miss the last paragraph in which Len is admonished for bothering the BATFE with "too many" phone calls, emails and faxes. Apparently you must "voluntarily comply (or else)" _without_ inconveniencing the agents! For more on the BATFE (and Len Savage's role in our "Boot the BATFE" campaign), visit .

Finally, in response to our Shotgun News column "Taxes and Gun Rights - What Gun Owners Must Know," ( ) supporter RM sent the following link on the Constitutionality of taxing firearms and ammunition: . Very thought-provoking!
- The Liberty Crew
PS: Don't forget that JPFO's Spring Sale ends on April 17. Visit for some fabulous deals on JPFO merchandise!
JPFO mirror site located at Updated simultaneously with our main site.

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