
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Oil Sickness by Victor Thorn


Oil Sickness by Victor Thorn

As gas prices seemingly rise on a daily basis and are once again closing in on the $3.00/gallon mark, people’s tempers are starting to flare as they discuss this topic around the water cooler. While many consumers simply dismiss this latest round of gouging as “greed,” I think it extends much further into outright Sickness.I’d even go so far as to say Evil. Y’see, those atop the global control pyramid can see their house of cards crumbling around them. Their “subjects” no longer believe the massive lies which facilitate their power, thus resulting in a widespread loss of faith in their authority. Citizens from every walk of life don’t buy the government’s 9-11 deception, and although most don’t understand the intricacies of their money scam, the illusion is evaporating very rapidly.And that’s what most terrifies the New World Order elite.

For their System to work, the populace needs to believe the lies upon which the entire fallacy is based; but once the veil has been removed, the potential for all hell breaking loose compounds exponentially. Plus, when added to the malfeasance associated with their crumbling Ponzi scheme, we’re starting to see the whites of their eyes (and it’s not a pretty picture).So, the wars (and build-ups for future wars) get uglier (some are now calling it “nuclear chicken”), while their printing presses keep churning out more and more worthless currency. On top of that, illegal aliens are being encouraged to infiltrate our borders and create such turmoil (divide & conquer) that the pressure cooker is getting ready to explode.

Reeling with desperation, the corporate controllers and international bankers resort to their last vestige of hope – evil. Subsequently, we see the first tremors of a man-made bird flu meandering around the world, while the despicable oil companies keep sticking it to us at the pumps (and via home heating fuel).Sure, their latest pretend puppeteer president – George W. Bush – said during his last State of the Union speech that we were “addicted to oil,” but this situation only exists because they’ve forced us into this addiction.

Any form of reasonable management over the past four decades would have alleviated the predicament we’re in. Therefore, oil sickness is noting more than another form of control, similar to how the Federal Reserve cartel manipulates us via their baseless money.Furthermore, while the bastards claw & scratch to keep their illusion intact, they compensate for their misery in the most spiteful way possible – by raping us at the gas pumps. Of course an element of greed exists; but what we’re now witnessing is pure, unadulterated Sickness – the kind of sickness which is used to kill a society’s spirit and will.Get ready – things are getting ready to blow!

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