
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Pro Life Truth.


Pro-Life News: April 11, 2006 Zogby Poll: Are Most Americans Po-life?

A recent Zogby Poll released on March 22, 2006 has raised very little waves in the mainstream media, thus confirming a long known bias in the press in favor of the abortion lobby.
Over the years whenever a poll purported to reveal the pro-abortion views of the American public, the press would make it page one news or address the poll during the nightly television broadcast. Conversely, whenever a poll claimed a more nuanced view or a pro-life slant, the story generally died on the vine.

Now comes reported a poll that surveyed over 30,000 people on a whole host of abortion related questions.

And while the story has been discussed on the Internet and written about in various pro-life news sources, the major media has all but ignored it.
Could it be that it is time for some major advertising campaign to get the message out to the people?
Could it be that showing the latest in ultrasound technology would further educate an already more pro-life America?

Read the rest at Jakubczyk on Life
Could it be that showing the latest in ultrasound technology would further educate an already more pro-life America?Or are the means of manipulating the stories that are seen by the American people too entrenched in the media to be overcome?
The use of the Internet to get the message out cannot be underestimated. Yet the continued manipulation by the media is still a problem. After all we are supposed to be so well educated and yet only 50% of the public understands that a new human life begins at conception. Information common in most high school biology books is referred to as a belief system. According to the poll, 50% believe life begins at conception. No offense, but this is a question regarding factual information. 59% agreed that abortion ends a human life. While this is a majority, again, it does not speak well to our educational system that so many people are so unaware of the results of an abortion.
The point is – we still have a lot to do when it comes to education the public that an abortion kills one life and wounds another.
Posted by plb at April 11, 2006 08:37 PM
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Prior Articles:
Is this what you've been looking for? - Mar 21, 2006
Victor Rosenblum - Mar 15, 2006
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Pro-Life Activist Vindicated by the Supreme Court - Feb 28, 2006
Super Bowl City - Intimidation Alleged by Pro-Life Group - Feb 06, 2006
A Distant Thunder - Provocative Film Probes Partial Birth Abortion - Jan 27, 2006
Marking Roe v. Wade Anniversay at Defunct Abortion Clinic - Jan 18, 2006
Babies Not Admitted to "General Hospital"? GH Actress Claims She Was Fired for Pregnancy - Jan 13, 2006

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I think it would be a good idea to have an ad campaign showing that most Americans are in fact pro-life in sentiment, whether or not they would label themselves pro-life or pro-choice. The pro-abortion side has done a very good job of marginalizing the pro-life label and it has taken a long time to begin to correct this. This kind of information strikes at the heel of the pro-abortion forces, and they know it, which is why it is up to the pro-life side to get it out there.Posted by: CeCe on April 12, 2006 05:19 AM



Genocide: April 12, 2006 Sioux 2: More on leader planning tribal genocide
Excerpt from Stanek column today on

In my previous column I wrote about Oglala Sioux president Cecilia Fire Thunder, who has threatened to open an abortion clinic on South Dakota's Pine Ridge Reservation if the new state abortion ban is enacted.

It turns out Fire Thunder is a former abortion clinic worker, something she omitted from her resume until two weeks ago.
It also turns out Fire Thunder made her announcement to "establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land" without checking with Planned Parenthood, which has since issued a statement to the contrary.

Fire Thunder also forgot to check with her tribe - again - for which she has now received her third impeachment complaint in less than two years.
It was only this past January that Fire Thunder came off a two month suspension for charges ranging from most interestingly, failure to pay tribal Head Start bills, to embezzlement, fraud, perjury, threats of bodily harm, and trespassing.
The most serious charge was that Fire Thunder pawned tribal land to secure a $38 million loan from another tribe.

But all charges were dismissed without a hearing by a tribal council that included a convicted felon and was also named in that complaint.
Speaking of embezzlement, Fire Thunder is accepting donations for her abortion clinic at her personal post office box in Martin, South Dakota. Checks can be made out to "OST Planned Parenthood Cecelia Fire Thunder," even though Planned Parenthood apparently isn't participating....
Read complete column, "Sioux 2: More on leader planning tribal genocide," at
[Photo courtesy of]
My thanks to two Native Americans in particular - Terry and Stacy - who provided helpful background information. My impression over the last two weeks from research and emails is that Native Americans by and large consider children sacred from conception.
Posted by jill stanek at April 12, 2006 05:10 AM

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Prior Articles:
This is Outrageous - Apr 03, 2006
New Stanek column on WND: "Sioux Tribe plans to scalp itself" - Mar 29, 2006
The upside of female feticide - Jan 25, 2006
A Million Voices for Darfur - Jan 12, 2006
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Spotlight on Darfur 2 - Now Online! - Oct 17, 2005
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