
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

WINGTV and others making the 9/11 Truth Movement more potent.


Lionel & WOR Radio Expose 9-11 Truthby Lisa Guliani & Victor Thorn

On Friday, March 31, 2006, 9-11 truth made its three-hour radio debut on THE LIONEL SHOW (WOR 710 AM) in New York City. Then, unbelievably, on Saturday, April 1, Victor Thorn and Lisa Guliani appeared yet again on THE LIONEL SHOW and did another three-hour stint on this same controversial subject. In case you aren’t aware, WOR is one of the oldest, and most historic radio stations in the country, and it serves more than 380 stations in the United States and Canada, feeding original programming 23 hours a day on two satellite channels: WOR1 and WOR2. So what does this mean for 9-11 truth? It means that a large mainstream media venue has opened its door to discuss a multitude of anomalies, inconsistencies, and discrepancies surrounding the 'official' version of the events which took place on September 11, 2001.

This is a huge breakthrough for all of us who have been at the frontline of this battle for the last 4 ½ years in getting the word out beyond the “box”. At long last, we have been given a chance to publicly share 9-11 research findings with a massive New York City mainstream radio audience, as well as with talk radio listeners in over 300 cities throughout the United States and Canada. Considering how hard we have been trying to achieve this kind of public forum over the last few years, we are absolutely ecstatic and deeply thankful to two people in particular. First, we need to extend a heartfelt thank you to 9-11 researcher Vincent Sammartino for contacting Lionel at WOR, and then bringing this topic to his attention and convincing him that this information was worth scrutinizing. If it wasn’t for our friend Vinnie, the subsequent six hours of mainstream discussion would have probably never happened. Of course, the second person we need to thank is Lionel himself.

He has been open, objective, courageous, fair minded, genuinely inquisitive, patient, and respectful of not only us; but he sifted through massive amounts of data provided to him by both Vinnie Sammartino and WING TV in the matter of only a few short days. Furthermore, he has asked honest, thoughtful questions without being dismissive, rude, or marginalizing the research that many have engaged in during the past four years. We all owe Lionel an immense debt of gratitude for taking this issue seriously and airing it uncensored. Following these two broadcasts, we concluded that THE LIONEL SHOW is what talk-radio should be - provocative, fast-paced, and ballsy. We hope that everyone appreciates his efforts, for Lionel has done what most mainstream talk show hosts are afraid to do - and that is to talk openly about 9-11.

As the fifth anniversary of this tragedy approaches, we think it’s safe to say that 9-11 truth is bursting forth from the “box” with a vengeance; and yes, the worm is finally turning. Lionel has been fantastic in providing archives of the two three-hour broadcasts we did on March 31st and April 1st, so please tune into what has become a truly momentous occasion. This is the kind of breakthrough we have all worked toward for years. Coupled with the Charlie Sheen-CNN appearances, truth and fact are emerging into the mainstream public arena, and waves of new people are finally taking a closer look at the deceptiveness of the government's "official story". No longer is this subject confined to the Internet alone. Tens of thousands of people listened to these shows, and 9-11 truth is now breaking into the public consciousness. Better yet, it will not be stopped. All we've been asking for was a chance to have this information appear before the entire world. On a daily basis this desire is becoming a reality, so please listen to these shows and let Lionel - and other mainstream talk radio show hosts - know your thoughts.

WOR website
Lionel’s personal website
Lionel Show: WOR Radio - March 31 --- 9/11 Conspiracies w/ Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani
Lionel Show: WOR Radio - April 1 ------- 9/11 Conspiracies w/ Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani



Hillary Clinton 2008: Is the Fix Already In?by Victor Thorn

Whenever a sporting event is “rigged,” fans say that “the fix is in.” Could we begin to speculate that the same sentiment applies to Hillary Clinton’s road to the White House?Although it is still over 2½ years until the 2008 presidential election, Party Boy Bill’s opportunistic wife is facing a vitally important Senate race this fall in New York. One of the biggest determinants that something smells fishy is the GOP’s lack of fight in regard to this treasured congressional seat.

Thus far, it doesn’t seem as if they’re even backing an opponent of any stature to run against Hillary.How can that be? It’s preposterous. Granted, a Westchester County D.A. named Jeanine Pirro threw her had into the ring last summer, but that turned into a disaster. During her televised announcement speech, Pirro paused for 32 seconds because she couldn’t find page ten of her script. This half-minute gaffe drew derision from all corners, and last December she withdrew from the race. Now, it seems the best the Republicans can do for a candidate is former Yonkers Mayor John Spencer. (Who?) Needless to say, his fund-raising has been weak at best, as he has less than $1 million in funds compared to Hillary’s substantial $17 million.

So right now Hillary is amassing an enormous war chest, and if the Republicans don’t turn 2006 into a knock-down drag-out battle, she’ll bankroll all this money for two years later and have tons of momentum leading into 2008. In fact, sources say she’ll by-far have more dough at her disposal than any other potential presidential candidate. Remember, the Clinton’s are experts at fund-raising.Now, considering George W. Bush’s dismal performance as a pretend president, and how the GOP is predicted to lose many congressional seats in the mid-term elections, you figure they’d target Clinton and slam her with everything at their disposal this fall. Even if the election is black-boxed in Hillary’s favor, at least the GOP could get all this dirt on the table two years earlier.But no … the entire process is crooked, as can be witnessed by the Republicans rolling over and playing dead. There are literally hundreds of glaringly blatant Achilles heels on Mrs. Clinton waiting to be exploited, yet the Right is throwing in the towel and conceding the election to her (at least by early appearances).

Furthermore, have you noticed how the Bush Crime Family (especially Poppy Bush) is facilitating the “acceptance” of Hillary by sidling up to her husband? But this staged manipulation shouldn’t surprise anyone, for Bush Sr. and Bubba Clinton were the main operatives in the Mena, Arkansas 1980’s drug-trafficking ring (Bush from the VP’s office, Clinton as governor). What we essentially have is an organized crime syndicate with the Bushes and Clintons at the helm.So, today Bill Clinton is calling Poppy “Dad,” and they’re seen together at tsunami relief events, the Super Bowl, and other high-profile media events. In fact, I wouldn’t doubt it if these two attended the late-night movies together and did the “popcorn trick” on each other!But seriously, all isn’t rosy for Hillary, for she has already been tied to receiving campaign donations from Willie Tan, a man known as “The Sweatshop Tycoon of Saipan.” And, if we remember correctly, didn’t the Clintons get into quite a bit of hot water during the 90’s for catering to crooked Asian businessmen?

In the end, none of this might even matter, because if the “fix” wasn’t in for 2008, the GOP (or any of the independent parties) would start lambasting Hillary right now – and believe me – there’s an unending supply of dirt on this woman (and her husband) that could last a lifetime. These two are nothing more than unadulterated crooks, killers, and amoral scum; and if this nation is reduced to a Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton string of presidencies, we might as well take out our razor blades and start slitting our wrists, because it will be all over if that daughter of the devil strolls into the Oval Office. It’s time to end this vicious cycle one-and-for-all.

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