
Thursday, June 29, 2006

About 9/11 and other issues.


The Grassy Knoll Show
Audio: 911: Matthew Tartaglia

Thu Jun 29, 2006 13:46
Audio: 911: Matthew TartagliaGround Zero Rescue Worker Seargent Matthew Tartaglia interviewed by The Vyzygoth on The Grassy Knoll Show.

1 hourListen:




Americans Can't Win - caught between a corrupt gov't and a corrupt MSM
The Truth Will Set You Free June 28 2006

I knew there was something fishy about our corporate-owned media ratting out our corporate-owned government. It's simply a matter of which corporate interests hang in the balance. In the end, working Americans lose, no matter who they support in this financial surveillance fiasco.
According to the reports in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times, the financial tracking program was part of an aggressive post-Sept. 11 effort to gather intelligence, tapping into the world's largest financial communication network for information on bank transfers.
The network — run by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or SWIFT — carries up to 12.7 million messages a day. Those messages typically include names and account numbers of bank customers — private citizens and HUGE CORPORATIONS ALIKE — that are sending or receiving funds.

That's where the buck stops folks. The NYT doesn't care about us OR our privacy. They care about corporate freedom to engage in unfettered shady financial transactions without ANYONE - especially the corporate competition - getting a heads up through government surveillance.
And to that end, our corporate-owned media hopes to enlist the help of freedom loving Americans under the guise of protecting our constitutional rights, when really, they're concerned about their economic privileges.

We're in a no win situation. If we fight the surveillance, the corporations backed by the media stand to gain, and if we don't fight it, the corporations backed by the government prevail.
Working Americans are caught in the middle, like a hapless and hopeless nationwide ping-pong ball - one way or another, we go where they want us to go.
We need dramatic change in America. What are you guys doing on the 4th of July?

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