
Monday, July 24, 2006

Maria's wise words


Jan has been in ministry since 1977 focusing on news from a biblical perspective MARIA’S COMMENTS

Comment : Jan Markell uses John Lennon to convince and approve a « holy war» against Islam. We are aware that John Lennon was an adept of the New Age Movement and Satanism which is clearly proven in his songs and record albums. This woman uses the example of this man to promote this war-spirit within the spirit of leaders and believers.

TRAP! For so many years Islam proclaims to be America’s sworn enemy along with the World’s « infidels »; their crusades within different parts of the World are prime living examples of extremist Moslem terrorism. Being aware that the FBI and CIA, along with the M15 and M16 and a few others are working along with Al Quaida; the « orders » are orchestrated through them thus causing terror Worldwide. Bin Laden is merely the news reporter. We have witnessed time and time again the link between the Bush family and Bin Laden. If the US is using destructive forces with Al Quaida, nothing should stun us regarding worldwide terror we are seeing. They share two separate religious identities and yet work together; we have a President whose religious belief is far right while the other sustains international terrorism via Moslem leaders who do not esteem destruction of infra-structures or people.

For the most part these allegations against these Evangelical Leaders are true, unless we prefer to believe a lie? What the World is ignorant of is this war is sought after and supported by the UN in conjuction with Bush’s anti-terrorist program. When they say t hat the M.E. War is “our war”, nothing is more incorrect and yet, Christians will believe anything without question. Let us look at w hat Joan Veon quoted in « The United Nations Global Straightjacket ». Joan refers to the “Report from Iron Mountain”. 1. The United Nations agenda is based on the «Report from Iron Mountain.» p.136 2. The whole purpose of the U.N. is peace. But what is actually meant by use of this word? The true peace will come only when Jesus returns to this earth that we will have true peace. Then there are those who use the quest for peace as a front for their agenda, which is world domination.

It is a vehicle for control of the people, land and resources of the world. In short, the only peace the United Nations really wants is no opposition to what they want! Hence, the real battle is spiritual. p. 132 3. The world has been evolving toward «peace» which means «no opposition» to what the U.N. is proposing p.136 4. «real functions of war in modern societies beyond defending and advancing the national interest of nations.» p.138 5. The nature of war : According to the report p. 79-80 : The nature of war is not to extend or defend a nations’s expressed political values or their economic interests but is the principal basis or organization on which all modern societies are constructed. Readiness for war characterizes contemporary social systems more broadly than their economic and political structures, it subsumes. Economic analyses of the anticipated problems of transition to peace have not recognized the broad preeminence of war in the definition of social systems.» p. 140 6.

The report stated that war has not only been essential to the existence of nations as independent political entities, but it has been equally indispensable to their stable international political structure. Without war no government has ever been able to obtain the «right to rule its society.» p. 142 7. Social war : « indispensable controller of dangerous social dissidence and destructive antisocial tendencies.»p.143 8. «...reestablishment of slavery, seriously discussed as possible aspects of a world at peace. p.139 9. The report calls for an effective substitute for military institutions to neutralize destabilizing social elements. p.146 10. The report stated «...another possible surrogate for control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction in some form, consistent with modern technologiy and political processes of slavery». « is entirely possible that the development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world at peace», «...programs as part of this as well as the private prisons which are popping up as a result of «reinventing government.» 11. The report stated ...eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. p.148 12. The report, p. 81-82, lamented that war was a mechanism of selective population control and that s substitute was needed. They wrote : War has been the principal evolutionary device for maintaining a satisfactory ecological balance between gross human population, and supplies available for its survival. P.148 13. Some of the possibilities of attacs we face include terrorism, cyber hackers, extremists, financial fraud, and information wars in cyberspace. p.150

For more information about the Report from Iron Mountain Pour plus d’informations concernant le Rapport de Iron Mountain: Considering these points, one can observe that the Evangelical Movement promotes a war without reason. The title “Peace Hasn’t Worked so Give War a Chance” displays at length the mind-control that has invaded the minds of our pastors if we compare the thirteen points enumerated. This is the kind of message received from the higher echelon from the White House. How can we contest words that come from the Leadership Clergy? None of our Evangelical Leaders seem to analyse what’s going on because they focus only to teach and protect the Body of Christ. Woe to you pastors who teach another gospel.

Woe to you Believers who believe everything they say without testing the spirit. Please notice how the Evangelical Movement has not publicly denounced the 9-11 Attempts (inside job) nor have they said anything against the war in Irak and Afghanistan. No mention is made on the general poverty caused by our governments of billions of dollars while their people are suffering from dire poverty. They do not denounce the false treaties in the international commerce which these under-developed nations will never recover. These laws are subjugated by the WTO (World Trade Organization), another enslavement to control World Economy. Likewise, the Evangelical Movement does not denounce the plan for depopulation. «The environment had precedence over man, who was now relegated to the status of an animal. This is a fundamental inversion/perversion of Genesis 1.» p.147 The Evangelical Movement does not denounce the fact that the Ark of the Covenant was replaced by the Ark of Gaia, neither that the 10 Commandments of GOD were replaced by the 10 Commandments of the New Age and that the Bible has been replaced by the Earth Charter. Therefore, we clearly see that the Evangelical Movement has diverted itself from it’s first mission of announcing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, alerting the Christian population against the wiles of deception during this particular times of the End. All the prophecies concerning this era are completely ignored by Christians since they live in a world of dilusion and the New Age has become the cornier stone which will cause them to fall into the spiritual world of Satanism and communism.

Christians are deliberately held in secrecy by such men whom have infiltrated into our Churches, making sure that they are in ignorance. Leaders receive diabolical teachings that causes them to believe that “Peace Hasn’t Worked, so Give War a Chance”, saying that war is the only possible way to bring Peace in the World. In an article entitled « The Bush Administration Identifies to Divine Justice », we discern how Mr. Bush can control masses of Christian people to propagate divine justice on the Earth. Eighteen thousand messangers of GOD were at an Annual Convention of Southern Baptists on June 13 and 14, 2006. Most of their invited speakers are known to be part of the Freemasonry Brotherhood, hence, more seduction infiltrated into the Body of Christ and an abomination before our Eternal GOD. TRAP! Divine justice as proposed by Mr. President is one of Lucifer and not our Eternal GOD; it is one opposed to the Divinity we know.

This type of theocracy will engender persecution within Christianity, bringing more persecution on the Planet. Christian soldiers going to war for this Government believe they are doing it in the name of GOD, but, what god? Just look at the way they treat their prisoners and you will see that these are not established by the laws of GOD, i.e. humiliation, torture, murders, rapes. How much more unnecessary deaths must we endure just to sustain a total control of the World’s population? These wars in the M.E. and elsewhere are planned by occultic groups of people that form our governments. These socialist groups are patterned after the Chinese government. «The Chinese people are advancing with confident strides on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. «The Chinese people are advancing with confident strides on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must create a secure and reliable international environment of lasting peace and stability.» Prime minister Jiang Zemin, China p. 131

You just have to follow through at what is happening in China to observe what is infiltrating her in our countries. While some countries are more advanced in this strategy, all are subjected to this diabolical Global agenda. The Believers are manipulated par the fascists from the World Council of Churches who have a mandate to submit to Global Peace. John Foster Dulles said : «There is no inherent incompatibility between the Christian view of the nature of man and the practice of economic communism or state socialism.» Named to Canterbury, The Christian century, August 8-15, 1990, Vol. 107, No 23, p. 728. Cardinal Joseph Suenens also «hosted and gave the opening speech at the Second World Conference on Religion and Peace at Louvain, Belgium in 1974 which, according to one researcher, «has nothing to do with true religion or peace, but is a communist front.» Exposure of Apostasy & Comprosime p.25 Rick Warren launches the same global initiative Read about «The project 10/10» Brothers, come out from among them who cease not lying to you.

This Babylon only wants to use you and ultimately destroy you. These leaders are members of Freemasonry; President Bush is a Satanist. He knows it, but you most probably don’t. We are to be a light to all nations therefore are responsible to denounce these things to protect other people. Our Almighty GOD warned us that His people would be seduced; this seduction has permeated the World. I urge you to take the time to read, research and test every spirit to see if they be of GOD or satan. May the LORD Jesus of Nazareth be your one and only source of Truth and Goodness. Let Him be the only one to sustain you. Peace will one day come under His reign on Earth, but this will happen following the arrival of Anti-Christ and his accomplished time. Meanwhile, let us fight the good fight.
Translation : Jackie Maria





Who is : Aaron Russo? We have to study the spirit behind Aaron Russo, if we want to know if he’s an agent of the Lord or an agent of Lucifer. Why that? Because New-age movement for the Mondial Peace teaching exactly the same thing. They want we exchange our Liberty for Security by the coming of new age agents (spirits guides) and by the new men, the next leader of the world teaching by all religion including World Vision. In other side, we can by the Bible understand and see all the NEW COMMUNISM WORLD AGENDA’s taking place right now all around the clock. And this period in the Bible speak about the reign of Lucifer and his system. We know how Lucifer and his agents are lying to the population of the world to put their world dominance in place. So we have to stop and analyse who’s Aaron Russo supporting. - Promoting rock & roll by supporting Led Zeppelin. He also promote some of the 60's most successful rock acts, including The Who, Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane all satanic evangelics agents of Lucifer ; - working in the domain of night-clubs ; - partnership with Bette Midler superstar during his management of her career. In 1975 he produced the Tony award- winning "Clams on the Half-Shell Revue," - When Russo turned to producing feature films, his production of "The Rose", The Rose" is considered by many to be the classic rock n' roll film. - His films have won three Golden Globes, as well as the Image Award. Elite only support the ones who promotes their plans. - He is now writing, producing, and directing a new feature film/documentary titled "[b]America...From Freedom To Fascism." The film is an expose of the [b]Internal Revenue Service, and proves conclusively there is no law requiring an American citizen to pay a direct unapportioned Tax on their labor.

The film is very provocative and is receiving standing ovations at its previews. In 1996 Russo made a political video entitled "Aaron Russo's Mad as Hell", which was a hit throughout America. He was asked by the people of Nevada to run for governor and he made the decision to do so. - January of 2004, he declared his candidacy for the Libertarian Party's nomination for President of the Untied States. So just analyse a little more and you can clearly see that M. Russo is supporting Lucifer by all his affiliations. What he tells in the video and his « Call to Americans» is a call for a WAR to defend our rights. On this side, he is right. But the vast mobilisation is a big trap. Why I told you that? Person who’s supporting and promoting all Luciferian agents can’t work for God. The film «The Rose» who is consider by many to be the classic rock n’roll film can be and agent of the Lord.

Also, the Rose have a signification in freemasonry, like many other signs and and pictures we can see on his web site. The new film « America...From Freedom To Fascism» tell exactly what is going on in America and all around the world. And for long time agents of Lucifer’s preparing the spirits of young generation. We now have 3 generations who support rock & roll music. Since the Beatles, Elvis Presley, we can see how peoples were prepare for what is coming. In a total sexual perversion and a social rebellion against any autority, promoting by this music. So after this war, you will not see the real Peace of God's taking place. This is a LUCIFERIAN WAKE-UP CALL for all the generations for this social collapse. An other trap I saw in the letter «Then I want to see everyone in each state standing in front of the Capital building when the petitions are given to the Governors of each State» How many peoples will be at this big manifestation? If he work for the occult government, what are they prepared for populations who will be there? We know our government and the Congress dosen’t listen us. So what is the plan? Weapons vaporization? A nuclear attack by other country? A martial law? What? Peoples need the spirit of God by Jesus Christ to understand all the satanic plan.

Peoples need more than ever the protection of God. You have to chose right now who you want to serve. We can see a WAKE-UP CALL by all Luciferian agents. New age movement against the theocraty of Bush . Republican party (false theocraty of God) againt the world who do not accept this fascist democraty theocraty. The muslum group warn New-York « Your days are compted» just days before the death of Abou Moussab al-Zarqaoui, the chief of Al-Qaeda in Irak, and all christian peoples asking to resist of the agenda of the NEW WORLD SATANIC/NEW AGE GOVERNEMENT. Friends, we are so closed of a SOCIAL and TOTAL COLLAPSE. We have to be strong. We have to listen the voice of God and refuse this system of the Beast. The Rock & Roll musicians sold their soul for the Rock & Roll. We have to stand up for the LORD and just recognize his autority in our lives and refuse to support any agenture party of Lucifer. It's better to death free than be slave for eternity!


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