
Friday, July 21, 2006

“The Murder of Pope John Paul I” by Daryl Ebehart


“The Murder of Pope John Paul I”
Handout #8 // February 6, 2006

Here are some facts about the murder of Pope John Paul I that generally are not included in many history textbooks or encyclopedias here in America:

· Pope John Paul I (Albino Luciani) was murdered during the late night or early morning hours of 28/29 September 1978 – he was poisoned to death!

· The Vatican State refused to allow an autopsy of the body of John Paul I. Embalmers were hastily called in and asked to put the embalming fluid into the dead pope’s body without first draining his blood! (Did anyone fear what might be found in his blood?)

· Pope John Paul I had learned from the Italian news agency L-Osservatore Politico that a large number of top Vatican prelates (i.e., leading members of the Roman Curia) belonged to the P2 Lodge of Italian Freemasonry and other Masonic lodges. The list that John Paul I received contained the names of 121 powerful Roman Catholics who were confirmed members of Freemasonry.

· Michael de Semlyen tells us the following in his book All Roads Lead to Rome?: “Roman Catholic writer, Piers Compton, in his book The Broken Cross, recounts in considerable detail the initiation of Angelo Roncalli, later Pope John XXIII, into the society of Rose-Croix or Rosicrucians in 1935. He also lists eleven Cardinals, including Casaroli, Suenens and [Jean] Villot; and 75 other senior prelates of the [Roman Catholic] Church, Archbishops, Bishops, Monsignors and Papal Nuncios, together with their Code names and dates of initiation, as members of secret societies.”

· Pope John Paul I decided to remove all these Catholic Masons from power positions within the Vatican, as well as to “clean house” at the Vatican Bank, run by then-Bishop Paul Marcinkus. (John Paul I had noted a number of “irregularities” in the Vatican Bank.)

· Pope John Paul I handed his “list of demotions” to the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Jean Villot, on the night of September 28, 1978. Cardinal Villot ensured that John Paul I would never carry out the “cleansing” of the Masonic Vatican Temple – he died in his sleep, a victim of the “poison cup”.

· Italian (and other European nations’) newspapers carried the news of the murder of Pope John Paul I; however, American newspapers merely reported his “death”. Who or what institution in America has the power to keep news of the murder of a courageous pope from the American people? Who really runs the Vatican? Who really runs the USA?

· Pope John Paul II, immediately upon assuming his papal reign at the Vatican, protected then-Bishop Paul Marcinkus from the Italian authorities, who wanted to put Marcinkus and others on trial for fraud. (Marcinkus, a shady character who misused his post as head of the Vatican Bank, enjoyed the new pope’s protection and Vatican immunity.) Why did Pope John Paul II protect the murderers of courageous Pope John Paul I?

For more information on the murder of John Paul I, please visit (click on the “Tackling the Tough Topics” box) or, and please read the TTT newsletter “Pope John Paul I: Why was he murdered?” You might also want to read the book The Murder of John Paul I by Vance Ferrell. It presents convincing evidence that Pope John Paul I was murdered. It can be ordered from Harvestime Books via credit card for $6.50 postpaid by calling 1-931-692-2777.
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