
Monday, August 28, 2006

Qui Bono?

Over these days, I've been looking at videos dealing with the real world. Frankily, I'm shocked and my intellect increased especially about the issue of Gnosticism. Now, before going into that direction, Plan B must be explored first. Plan B was supported by FDA and Skulls and Bones initiate George W. Bush (whose brother Jeb Bush is a Third Degree Knight of Columbus) given over the counter for women 18 or over. It bans Plan B for minors unless given by a doctors' prescription. Pro life people abhored it and pro choice individuals praised the decision. Me personally, I didn't have an opinion about it years ago since I haven't researched this subject greatly before. Now, I know the truth about Plan B. Even pro-abortion people admit that Plan B won't reduce the amount of unintended pregnancies. For example, Jackie Payne, the abortion businesses' director of government relations, said that Plan B can't really prevent over a million abortions per year. Some individuals acquire other reservations. According to Care Net, a network of 975 pregnancy resource centers and medical clinics across North America, Plan B will increase STDs.

Is this true? It's true that in countries with Plan B like the United Kingdom and Scotland, STD rates and abortion rates have increased. Plan B is also a mega dosage of birth control pills with potentially even more risks than regular birth control. Doctors oppose this decision like Elizabeth Shadigian, M.D., (the President of the American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a professor at the University of Michigan) and CMA Executive Director Dr. David Stevens. Dr. Shadigian believes that at least 3 times the risk of potentially fatal ectopic pregnanc (if they concieve). She also believes that this new policy will increase risks for STDs and infertility. The FDA passing Plan B isn't suprising. The FDA recently FDA approved a viral cocktail to spray on our foods. This cocktail real, live viruses. I just found out more about a connection between Gnosticism and Scientology. Gnosticism is of course the religious belief that physical matter is evil. The Gnostics love things relating to the spiritual. The Gnostics view the Creator God (called the Demiurge or the "Architect or Craftsman") as the Devil and the Devil as God. They view Sophia as the instrument in helping man to realize his divinity and escape the Matrix. Gnostic themes are found in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code.

Scientology was invented by L. Ron Hubbard, a disciple of Aliester Crowley. Crowley was in British Intelligence. Aliester (who praised the Jesuits in his work) was a member of the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O (or Ordo Templi Orientis). Crowley was one of the many men who promoted the moral perversion evident today (when 80% of kids raised by evangelical Christian parents leave their faith behind when they enter college according to Marsha West). Silican Count Mariano Cardinal Rampolla was high in the O.T.O. Count Mariano was the Secretary of State to the O.T.O. Mariano being a member is proven by Craig Heimbichner's book called "Blood on the Altar." Scientology believes that an evil creator God created Earth and humans 76 million years ago to trap physical matter in a "Prison Planet." The Scientologists call this MEST (or matter, energy, space, and time). MEST is also called the physical universe. I believe that Gary and Lisa Ruby from Liberty to Captives Ministries have some of the best information on Scientology. Famous Scientologists are Tom Cruise, Catherine Bell, Greta van Susteren, John Travolta, Chaka Khan, Isaac Hayes, and Kirstie Alley. Scientology is nothing more than a New Age/Gnostic distortion of reality and true life. The lie of man becoming perfect or divine is additionally part of the New Age agenda. In actuality, Scientology and Gnosticism is about hating the Creator of this Universe and praising the Devil (or Lucifer). Gnosticism also claims that man can be his own redeemer. Other occult groups are Freemasonry (with deaths oaths in their Blue Lodge rituals), the Bohemian Grove, Rosicrucians, etc.

I can't really forget about Hurricane Katrina. It was a historical event. Violence, displacement, destructive force of nature, and other themes spread across the scene of the Deep South. Many states were affected and New Orleans was one of the biggest headlines covered by the media. It's almost the year anniversary of when Katrina hit landfall. The truth about this terrible circumstance is obvious. The federal, state, and local governments made crucial mistakes. FEMA delayed its response to help people, restricted communication to many of the local people, turned back food plus water supplies, and were very inept in the aftermath of Katrina. Ray Nagin is the famous mayor of New Orleans and Governor Blanco of New Orleans possessed much of the headlines as well. Tons of money were sent to the region by everyday Americans plus across the world. People in the Patriot Movement have exposed other mysterious and evil activites surrounding Katrina as well. For example, citizens' guns were illegally confiscated (even Larry Pratt from GOA) exposed this.

Foreign troops from Mexico and Dutch people gaurded the streets of Louisiana. That's all illegal, because the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act forbids the military or foreigners to guard American citizens. Some have believe that Katrina was product of Weather modification technology. I don't know about that, but I wouldn't be suprised if that's true. Weather modification technology existed for decades causing rain, storms, and possibly hurricanes. The
Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005 was passed by Congress in 2005, so that's the smoking gun proving that Weather modification technology is for real. There also has been talk about martial law.

I've found this interesting article about health. Connie Bennett from the Common Voice on August 28, 2006 reported on Coca Cola. A lawsuit is filed against Coca Cola about them having benzene in their soft drinks, which can become cancerous. Benzene can also damage human blood plus other harsh side effects. ANTHONY DePALMA from the NY Times on August 25, 2006 wrote that an EPA scientist accused the EPA of covering up the dust danger from the aftermath of the WTC collapse. The dust acquired alkaline and many of the workers reported various ailiments. There is also the real agenda behind illegal immigration support by elitists and multinational corporations. It deals with the establishment of an American Union. You have today the RFID chips on passports, the NAFTA Superhighway being constructed (a union called the Teamsters believe that the highway is plagued with usafe rigs and drug truckers galore), and Bush being lax on protecting our borders. You have illegal immigrants and gangs like MS-13. Racist Hispanic supremacists advocating reconquista or a reconquering of the Southwest. Many of these racist not only are anti-white, but anti-Jewish, and anti-black. The ironic thing is that the Ford Foundation fund many of these people like La Mecha, Atzlan, and La Raza. The truth is that most Americans (even Hispanic citizens) don't concieve of endorsing open borders. The radical liberals and neo cons like William Kristol loving open borders don't represent every good, moral Hispanic Americans. You can escape the Vatican/Jesuit link to illegal immigration. The Jesuits support radical Liberation theology. Fr. Rick Ryscavage, a Jesuit priest of Fairfield University wants open borders and other Catholic priests in the West Coast. The CFR love this American Union plan to erase the border like CFR member Robert Pastor. These are all facts.

Some good news is that more and more people reject lies. Folks aren't following all of the mainstream media. The alternative media is getting stronger. As for the 9/11 Truth Movement, I'm still in it. Hundreds of pieces of evidence refute the offical story of 9/11. Even real conservatives like David J. Stewart, Ray McGovern, Paul Craig Roberts, Professor Steven Jones are in the 911 Truth Movement. Engineers, scientists, intelligence analysts, actors, theologians, philosophers, authors, investigative journalists, etc. have questioned the offical story. Simple facts proving that the 911 was an inside job (making the offical story false) are that WTC # 7 [being 47 stories tall] fell in a symmterical fashion when no plane hit it, the witnesses hearing explosives in the Twin Towers (like firefighters plus even one witness was in the basement hearing bombs going off), Professor Jones has found forensic evidence of thermate (an explosive, being used to cut through key support pillars in the WTC buildings), the wargames that prevented NORAD to intercept the craft, the plans for invasion before 9/11, WI99I (that restricted prosecuting those accused of terrorism), etc.

Qui Bono? or Who benefits? The Muslims being attacked with depleted uranium didn't benefit from the war on terrorism. I see oil companies recieving record profits, globalization continuing, and some Neo cons advocating invading Iran. Those who benefits are the internationalists, globalists, geo political organizations (i.e. CFR, Bilderberg, and the like) and Secret Societies (i.e. the Freemasons, Jesuits, etc.). The common man should reject this agenda of imperalism that George Washington spoke out against in his Farwell Address.

Our goal isn't to give up. Some folks hold on to the deluded ideal that all of the policies of the government is good. The truth is the oppose. For thousands of years governments have been involved in momental evil. Just look at the Knight of Malta-inspired Operation Paperclip, how the USA formed Northwood Documents when our government proposed engineering terrorism as an excuse to invade Cuba, how poor black people being injected with deadly radiation in the 1970's, strange mind control experiments done by the CIA, and Project MKSEARCH (or using mind altering drugs to manipulate human behavior). You know me. I will never quit. I will still live on this Earth writing and acting in the world. I've been thinking about the religious preachers on TV. The common thread is that most (like T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Robert Schuller, and Paul Crouch) of them talk about a health and wealth prosperity plan, which I knew to be false. The reason is that a poor man and a rich man ought to have respect and honor. Money doesn't define your spiritual life, but your character and actions do.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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