
Monday, October 23, 2006

A New Heart

It's a new day and a new week. Recently, many decieved souls want to equal Fundamental Islam with Fundamental Christianity like Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. The truth is that isn't the case. Real Fundamental Christians like David J. Stewart and those from Cutting Edge Ministries don't advocate killing innocent people, cutting hands, wanting a hardcore theocracy, or committing suicide in an attempt to reach heaven. Also, Schroeder implies that no religion ought to be a made as any influence in government. If that the case, the Creator and Jesus should not of have been said by any President or Congressman. Instead, many President invoked the name of God, Christ, and religious concepts in their speeches. Even the Civil Rights Movement, the suffage Movement, and the abolionist movement were supported by those who utilized religious themes. It is hypocritical for those on the far left to condemn religious conservatives for their religiousity when the Civil Rights Movement invoked tons of religious concepts for their justification. I do believe that religious people shouldn't have an undying alliegance to Republicans or Democrats. Yet, I don't believe that Christians shouldn't be active in society. Even Jesus said to convert as many people as people to the faith. That's a command, so those who say Christians shouldn't be active are living in a dreamland. I will have to admit
that many of those in the "Christian Right" Movement have been infiltrated by groups like the CNP, Freemasonry (with "Brothers" of the Lodge like 33° Mason Robert Schuller), SMOMs, etc. for decades. For example, REV. SUN MYUNG MOON has close ties with Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye (who visited Moon's right hand man Bo Hi Pak. LaHaye is the author of the "Left Behind" book series lying that you can still be saved after taking the Mark of the Beast), and others. Moon is from the Unification Church cult that advocates that Moon is the Messiah and sexual rituals. This is against the Bible. That crowd is used to make Christians accept the policies of the status quo (i.e. the Bush war on terrorism, torture, unjust wars, etc.)

Some of them even show a great deal of truth like the socialist origins of the ACLU, religious liberty threats, and the evil of abortion, but it rarely deals with the new world order. John Hagee and a handful of other televangelists that I know of deal with the new world order remotely. Now, John Hagee has been a mouthpiece for Bush, yet he is right on some social issues. The good news is that many real conservative Christians aren't going for that and are being indepedently minded. I really can't believe that the Congress passed the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Many neo cons claim that it doesn't affected U.S. citizens, yet legal expert state otherwise like Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman and Professor Jonathan Turley. Critics of the Act that American citizens aren't excluded from being classified as enemy combatant as deteremined by the White House. It also ends habeas corpus rights upon detainees. This "war on terror" isn't declared since Congress never declared war against any entity in this time.

Extra high profile members of the government have come forward in disagreeing with the status quo. This man is named Robert Steele (he's the second ranking civilian in the in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence from 1988-1992). Steele recently said that at the mininium 9/11 was allowed to happen by the U.S. government as pretext to fight the nations of Afghanistan and Iraq. He further maintain that there is enough evidence to indict the Neo conservatives (i.e. Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, etc.) Nothing is new under the sun when you look at history. It appears like our so-called "enemy" the government wants us to fights as been the government's allies in times past. For example, Saddam Hussein was trained by the CIA in the late 1950's to overthrow Qasim. The U.S. gave Saddam chemical weapons in the 1980's and now America is attacking Iraq. The West funded the pro-Wahhabi Muslims to overthrow the pro-Western government in Iran (headed by Mohammed Mosedegh. Mohammed was ousted since he wanted to nationalize his oil supply, which the British objected to). Later, the West funded by the terrorist SAVAK government in Iran killing dissidents for decades. During the late 1970's and 1980's, Operation Cyclone trained many of the Wahhabis to attack the Communists in Afghanistan for geopolitical aims. So, the government and intelligence agencies control much of the Muslim extremists. History proves that.

On 60 Minutes, Pelosi said that she will not go ahead with impeaching the President. What do I think of this? It shows that the leadership of both parties are run by the same people. That's why Rupert Murdoch has colloborated with Hillary and Al Gore. That's why the Bush Sr. and William Jefferson Clinton are friends. When you look at both administration, you can lay massive hearing on a number of issues. A whole lot of people talk about Clinton and Monica. Yet, war crimes in Serbia, the murder of civilians in Waco, the selling of military secrets to China, possible drug running in Mena, Arkansas, and all down the list can be implicated in the Clinton administration. Folks yell about Bush and Iraq. Although, the Patriot Act (which has been unfairly used against American citizens like innocent scientists and the homeless who aren't terrorists), the Pentagon spying on peaceful anti-war protestors, allowing a White House offical John Yoo to call for torturing children even sexually, his disregard of aspects of certain laws, and a host of other real issues can be brought up against the Bush administration. I hear a wide variety of individuals waking up about biometrics, DNA databases, the evil of euthanasia, government toll roads, National IDs, etc. This is bigger than a political issues. All humans have a conscience. Our conscience basically leads us into understanding moral principles and about God (the Creator). Without true religion and authentic spirituality, you will only go so far being lost. We all need a new heart to go on in life.

By Timothy

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