
Friday, October 27, 2006

Variety and Unity

Jumping on new challenges is part of living. So much information is coming out about the real world and reality. Tons of secularists want us to be intimidated into believing that there was no religious influence in early America. This is false for many reasons. Although, nothing in the Constitution supports a theocracy, the vast majority of early American citizens were professing Christians. There was Masonic/pagan influence in the creation of Washington D.C. (which the Jesuit-connected Carroll family had a strong power base at. The Jesuits were involved in so much intrigue that the Pope suppressed them in 1773) and other aspects of early America, but Judeo-Christian influence is still in early America via the Great Awakening, the preachers fighting for the American Revolution, and the strong Christians who birthed the Constitution plus Bill of Rights (like John Witherspoon, John Leland, and others). A lesson I do recieve from skeptics and people from the other side is about accurate. I must be as accurate as possible to make the best quality of articles. I believe I've done that, especially since the Summer of 2006.

It's necessary to oppose illegal immigration. I realize that compassion must be made unto anyone suffering whether illegal or legal immigration (I don't believe in assualting or mistreating any human being), but illegal immigration must be opposed for it's violation of the law. It's also a stripping of national sovereignty (which could lead to a ful blown American Union, which is advocated by the SPP Document of the Council on Foreign Relations). It gets deeper. Students are brainwashed on the how a North American Parliament merging the countries of America, Canada, and Mexico is a good thing. What's interesting that the Minutemen and other groups who dissent with open borders are made up of a wide variety of backgrounds. For example, the membership of the Minutemen is about 25 percent non-whites and 55 percent women. So, racism isn't a motivation behind most people who want the borders secured. It is bigger than illegal immigration. Documents and sources prove that corporate powers and Elite want to chip as many people as possible in a cashless society (As soon as May of 2008, the new Real ID Act mandate all states to have its citizens to have a national ID card). As for knowing what's going on, you'll be suprised. Many even in the wordly crowd (like those in Hollywood, famous people in popular culture) understand about vaccines, the evil population control agenda, embrace the 911 Truth Movement, understand the evil founding of the Federal Reserve, are pro-Second Amendment, and numerous real issues. Some of them are scared to go public with their views.

A Marine (who is stationed in Iraq) accused the place where he recieved the Internet of censorship. He said that he tried to search for topics like Foley, but the search engine called that forbidden. People have a right to go into the Interent without any censorship. Far being liberated, Iraq and Afghanistan are elected dictatorships under perpetual martial law. Civil liberties problems aren't just in the Middle East and Central Asia. In Great Britian (where Freemasonry or "the Craft" is firm), Home Secretary John Reid (of the UK) said that he wants crackdown on Internet sites classified as "propaganda." The truth is that anyone should write what they want on the Internet. The Internet was created by DARPA in the 1960's. I may disagree with some of the stuff on the Internet, but I don't agree with censorship. Programs are easily avaliable to get rid of stuff that you don't like without government-mandated censorship. It's here in America of course. Even Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff said that the Internet is a haven for "terrorists." Chertoff also said that the Netwhich "disaffected people living in the United States" are developing "radical ideologies and potentially violent skills." The truth is that governmnets throughout human history have done terrorism, not innocent bloggers.

Just look at Operation Barbossoa, Operation Ajax against Iran, Operation Paperclip (the U.S. sent Jesuit-based Nazis into America. Papal Knight Reinhard Gehlen became a founder of the CIA), Sephradic children being radiated in Israel (This was during the time of Labor Zionist David Ben Gurion. His fellow Labor Zionist Rudolf Kastner was involved with Eichmann in deporting 400,000 Jews to Auschwitz shortly before the end of the war (proven in Ben Hecht's book called "Perfidy." Barry Chamish wrote that these people are interrelated to the pro-occult plus pro-Zohar [anti-Torah] Frankists. This is not to say that all Jewish people are evil. I always believed in the right of Israel to exist and praising good Jewish people. I also expose radical Muslims working with the Nazis to kill human being in SE Europe like Grand Mufti Al-Husseini. Many of these radicals are involved with the Muslim Brotherhood {which was funded if not created by British & Middle Eastern Freemasonry}. St. John Philby helped Ibn Saud to be a leader in Saudi Arabia. This occured after the 1916 Sykes Picot Agreementcarved up the Middle East when the Ottomon Empire was defeated. Rumored Freemason TE Lawrence was also pro-Arabic in his interests), deliberately feeding radioactive cereal to kids for experimentation, and other atrocities. The U.N., U.S., and the E.U. have wickedely talked about controlling the Internet into Internet 2. Internet 2 is not free, but you might have to pay money to go on it. It's nothing more than a restricted information superhighway like the toll roads across the nation. Darren Murph from Engadget on October 27, 2006 cited information about smart surveillance system detecting violent behavior.

Recently, I've had problems with My Myspace. Just yesterday, I've shown videos about the new world order, the Kabbala, Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, corporate-occult influenced logos, and a wide variety of subjects. Also, in my Myspace account, I listed tons of real, damaging history about those in power from the past to the present.

Regardless of the censorship and other problems, I will still not compromise my core convictions. There is corruption inside of groups from the CFR (Many kingpins are promiment roles in it like Joseph O'Hare, the Rockefellers, and Peterson), the Pilgrim Society, FBI, NSA, the CIA (whose past heads were Knights of Malta like William Casey), MI6, the Pentagon, CSIS, the United Nations, the World Bank, The WTO, the Trilateral Commission, many Pharmaceutical companies (whose heads include Knights of Malta and CFR members), etc. Our responsibility is to educate ourselves and be active. It's not enough to know the facts on the new world order. We need to be active and help our neighbors. People are varied in their backgrounds, but we can unify to help others. I'm not talking about a false unity or unity for unity sake. I mean a real unity full of worth and vigor.

By Timothy

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