
Monday, December 11, 2006

Makow promotes Christ-Mass


What Henry convienantly forgets to inform you is that Christmas is simply the worship of Saturn and this event is really known as Saturnalia. It has nothing to do with Jesus/Christ or any of the nonsense they claimed. It will forever be celebrated I belive but not quite in the forms you've always been aware of. For a one intrigrated system they need a one religion. Its is not Jews behind it all as this Jew Basher promotes. Roman Catholics are the real ruling elite but their version of Christianity cannot stay either. In order for acceptance of a new religion ALL others have to go, no muslim would accept christianity but may accept some new weird named religion if a big enough faked event happened to cause it such as a hoaxed Alien or Godlike event. -2tuff

Alexandria: 2tuff, you're absolutely right, Christmas=Saturnalia. As a Christian I refuse to observe it. So does my husband.Interestingly enough, when I was a child I lived across the street from a classmate whose family was Jewish. His dad always put up a tree for him. And this was a Detroit suburb with a pretty high Jewish population--Oak Park, Michigan.

Think if I holler loud enough they'll get all the Xmas stuff off everything downtown where I live? (Not likely.)You know, I've had non-Christians tell me I was mean for not telling my child the Santa Claus lie. I don't believe in lying to my son, though.Come to think of what you said about that Jew, 2tuff...that would probably promote the Blame Jews thing, IMO.

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