
Monday, January 08, 2007

Bill O'Reilly invites activist on show, then calls guest a 'lunatic'


Bill O'Reilly invites activist on show, then calls guest a 'lunatic'

Raw Story January 5, 2007 David Edwards

Bill O'Reilly invited a member of the anti-war activist group World Can't Wait on to his show to discuss why a Democratic press conference had been disrupted on Wednesday, but after arguing about "facts" as opposed to "opinions" the Fox News Channel host called his guest a lunatic.
"If you weren't a lunatic, ninety percent of America would agree with you," O'Reilly said.
O'Reilly claimed that the majority of Americans and Democrats do not support withdrawal, and targeting Democrats before they even have had a chance to address anything didn't make sense. The pundit also argued that "far left" activists must believe that Americans are "stupid" since they voted for Bush in two elections.

"If the country was the way you were portraying it, you'd be in Guantanamo," O'Reilly told World Can't Wait 's Sunsara Taylor.
Clip from O'Reilly show:

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