
Monday, January 08, 2007

Fair Jury Could Crack Diana Cover-Up


Fair Jury Could Crack Diana Cover-Up

Queen backs away from Royal jury as whitewash charges pre-empt inquest hearing

Paul Joseph WatsonPrison PlanetMonday, January 8, 2007

A ludicrous attempt on behalf of the Royal family to have its own household members staff a jury looking into the death of Princess Diana has failed, opening up for the first time the possibility that a fair jury inquest could crack the cover-up behind the 1997 Paris car crash that also killed Dodi Al Fayed.
At a preliminary hearing today that will decide whether a formal inquest, a legally mandated routine procedure under British law, into Diana's death will go ahead, the Queen's QC was forced to back away from an audacious move to appoint 12 royal courtiers to the jury that will hear the case.
There is no plausible argument against an inquest into the deaths of both Diana and Dodi and the need for a preliminary hearing in itself merely acts as an unnecessary roadblock to prevent a full and open inquest that has taken ten years to accomplish despite the fact that the death of a British national under anything other than straightforward circumstances immediately mandates an inquest according to British law.

The aftermath of the death of Diana Princess of Wales, 94% of which the British public believe was an assassination, has been characterized at every step of the way by official stalling, witness intimidation, whitewash and chicanery, behavior alone that suggests elements of the state are clearly attempting to sabotage a fair appraisal of the evidence because it would implicate them as being involved in the murder.
Whenever the British state or big monied interests are in trouble and facing a chorus of allegations, they turn to establishment bagman Lord Stevens to conduct a sham "investigation," to supposedly absolve them of blame. Stevens has been used to bury everything from British government control of the IRA to Premiership football managers taking bungs from transfer deals. No surprise it was therefore when Stevens concluded last month's inquiry into Diana's death by dismissing any evidence of a murder conspiracy.

The golden rule should be that if Stevens says its not a conspiracy, then you can bet your life it's a conspiracy!
Who Killed Princess Diana? 21 minute clip from a Discovery Channel documentary.
As previously exhaustively documented by this website, the evidence pointing to murder and serious foul play on the part of numerous different individuals and agencies is conclusive. If a fair-minded, independent and unmolested jury were to truly consider the gargantuan evidence for assassination they could come to no other conclusion.
From the mid 1990's, Diana released a series of audio, videotapes and letters voicing her fears that she would be killed in a car crash made to look like an accident. In one letter, Diana stated, "My husband is planning ‘an accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for Charles to marry”.


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A brief summary of the known evidence is as follows.
- The Pont de L'Alma tunnel was crawling with secret service personnel from French and British intelligence. The driver of the Mercedes, Henri Paul is now confirmed as having worked for the French secret service.

- The unscheduled journey through the symbolic Pont de L'Alma tunnel (an ancient Pagan sacrificial site) took Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed AWAY FROM their intended destination, Dodi's flat.

- Just before the car entered the tunnel every police radio in Paris mysteriously died, preventing a quick response which could have saved Diana's life.
- Just before the car entered the tunnel every security camera in the tunnel mysteriously died, preventing us from ever seeing footage of what caused the crash.
- Eyewitnesses reported snipers and gunfire within the tunnel.
- The crime scene was completely cleaned within hours of the crash, a policy totally anathema to standard preservation of any crime scene.

- Diana was still alive after the crash. Unexplained delays in getting her to the hospital, caused by the slow speed of the ambulance and the fact that it passed several nearer hospitals before reaching its destination, ensured Diana was dead upon arrival. A faster response could have saved her life.

- The Mercedes used to transport Dodi and Diana from the Ritz was mysteriously swapped for a car that had been stolen only weeks earlier.

- The foremost reason put forward to explain the 'accident' - that driver Henri Paul was dangerously drunk, has been thoroughly debunked by the camera footage of his behavior before the crash and the fact that the tests on Paul's blood were either faked or swapped with the blood of another dead man. Paul's liver showed no sign of alcohol abuse and his close friends and family said he rarely drank alcohol.

- Multiple eyewitnesses reported a mysterious flash of light immediately before the crash. Many insist that this was a laser directed at the driver to cause temporary blindness leading to the crash.

- The initial French investigation into the crash went to every length to ignore key evidence, intimidate eyewitnesses into silence and outright fabricate evidence.
It is important to stress that a detailed compendium of the evidence pointing to murder would fill a book on its own. A plethora of further unanswered questions is summarized here.
Diana was killed because she was pregnant with Dodi's child and the British royal family didn't want an Arab in their sacred bloodline because they are zealously racist and bigoted. Diana was also becoming politically involved in the Middle East and the elite saw her as a loose cannon that could rally popular support around anything. Diana herself remarked to reporters that there would be "a big surprise" from her a few days before her death.
With Neo-Cons in America gearing up to launch the "war on terror" and the assault of the new American empire on the world, Diana would undoubtedly acted as a vociferous and influential critic and a rallying icon for peace all around the world.

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