
Friday, January 05, 2007

How Monsanto Manipulates the System to Poison Your Health

How Monsanto Manipulates the System to Poison Your Health

Sir Richard Doll was a British cancer specialist who died last year. He was noted for making the connection between smoking and lung cancer. But for years,20 he was being paid as a consultant by Monsanto, a fact not revealed in his reports.

Sir Richard Doll told a commission investigating Monsanto's Agent Orange that there was no evidence that the chemical increased risks of cancer and genetic defects. He did not mention that he was being paid $1,500 a day by Monsanto at the time.
Monsanto has used similar paid shills and other techniques to propagandize the safety of genetically modified food, aspartame, and other products, including wrecking the careers of scientists who discover problems with their products.
When Dr. Arpad Pusztai conducted studies showing that rats fed on certain GM potatoes had suffered stunted growth and damage to the immune system, liver, and heart, he was suspended from his job, ordered to hand over all his data, and threatened with legal action if he spoke to anyone on the subject.

Can You Really Trust Monsanto? -- How They Corrupted Science

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