
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Len Horowitz


What a find! and what a disappointment!

As you must know, the Russian branch of the SMOM was started after Napoleon, under Jesuit control, drove the Order from Malta in 1798---thirty years after the Knights had driven the Jesuits from Malta. Now in Russia, it entered into an agreement with the acting Jesuit General to submit to the Company which had been formally recognized to exist in Russia by Pope Pius VII in 1801. With the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta under the protection of Tzar Paul I (who was murdered that year by the Order for his disobedience in befriending "heretic" Protestant Prussia), the Russian "Tongue" of the Knights of Malta would be "Orthodox"---created specially for the Orthodox nobles of Russia. One such noble would later include Tzar Nicholas II, a co-conspirator in the success of the Black Pope's Bolshevik Revolution.

Nicholas, with his English cousin and brother Knight of Malta, King George V, would use his secret police, the Okhrana, to betray the Kremlin into Bolshevik hands ending his Romanoff dynasty---the protector of the anti-Pope, Eastern Orthodox Church. Moscow, "the third Rome," was now in the hands of the Jesuits via their leading Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists smuggled into Russia from Jesuit-ruled New York City---Lenin and Trotsky's Bolsheviks. So great was the rejoicing of the Order over the fall of Moscow and the murders of over 5,000 anti-Pope priests and nuns, that "anti-communist" Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh (resident in Moscow in 1922 under the subtle excuse of a Papal Relief effort given exclusive jurisdiction from the Pope to "negotiate" with the Bolsheviks, Walsh installing Stalin as the Secretary of the Communist party that same year!) called this "the greatest historical event since the fall of the Roman Empire."Key to the fall of the Romanoff dynasty and the beheading of the anti-Pope Orthodox Church was the Sovereign Orthodox Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem. The Tzar, who was the protector and member of the Order, participated in this high crime of treason against his own people for which he and his family were rewarded with a secret escape. Meanwhile, the Knights aided the new secret police, the Cheka (manned by certain former Okhrana officials), headed by a Polish Roman Catholic who was indeed a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor---the monster Felix Dzerzhinski. Overseeing this bloody murderer was King SMOM George V via his British Secret Intelligence Service in the person of Sydney Reilly.

To throw dust in the eyes of the pedestrian observer, Lenin expelled the Russian Orthodox Branch of the Knights of Malta in 1917, it then taking up residence in Paris until the end of the Pope's Cold War Hoax premised upon the "Mutual Airborne Nuclear War" Hoax. After Knight of Malta George H. W. Bush followed orders in ending the Cold War Hoax (which JFK attempted to end prematurely) in December, 1989, on the island nation of Malta---in the very presence of the Knights of Malta, the brotherhood was readmitted into Russia: it is at this moment headquartered in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Without the aid and comfort of the Russian Orthodox tongue of the Knights of Malta working with the Protestant English tongue of the Knights of Malta, THERE COULD HAVE BEEN NO SUCCESSFUL BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION AND THE ENSUING MASS-MURDER OF THE ANTI-JESUIT RUSSIAN PEOPLE FOR NEARLY A CENTURY!It is this Russian tongue of the Knights of Malta Len Horowitz has now joined.

As per its site, the Russian branch "follows the precepts of Blessed Gerard," the founder of the Knights of Malta for the benefit of the Pope's bloodthirsty Crusades. Thus, these very Knights whom Horowitz wonderfully exposes in his masterpiece Emerging Viruses, he has now joined. I wonder if he knows that AIDS virus creator Dr. Robert C. Gallo is also a Knight and was awarded the "Sword of Ignatius Loyola" by the Order's St. Louis University in 1988?This is a great disappointment. May the risen Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, grant this racial Jew and professing Bible-believing Christian repentance for his infamous act. He has betrayed his own racially Jewish/Hebrew people---massacred by Knights of Malta who were members of Himmler's "Circle of Friends"---his racial brethren who are now slated for total annihilation here in North America thanks to Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor George Bush's "War on Terror."

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


2tuff: Well folks although I respected a lot of his work I knew he was a clever agent for a long time, how? Because of all his HIV Virus theory promotion and his continuing of Dr Strecker's disinformation on both HIV and Animal Viruses. Once you become fully aware of the disinformation surrounding viruses and especially HIV you can see through these people. They use your 'I want to see a devious conspiracy' mind against you in order to promote another conspiracy being a out and out LIE. So in this case in order to close the mind of a clever person they decide to tell you hiv is man made hoping to hook line and sinker you. Now when I, Rappoport and many others expose the truth on the phony virus scams you instantly clammour up and then attack us. So Horowitz is a Knights of Malta damn is there anyone these people haven't got to? I knew he'd turned Christian but didn't know he'd gone Catholic although he did at one time have a dig at King James.

Alexandria: I'm sure there are a FEW they haven't gotten to...most likely they're dead or in prison on trumped-up charges. Even the Christian radio station I listen to occasionally has the pro-ecumenism nonsense and Bushbots to boot.

Mark Brewer: The organization that Horowitz joined is not the Sovreign Military Order of Malta, but a Russian order with a different grand master started in 1799. This group is not affiliated with the Vatican.

El: Lol just needed 3 secs in their site to know who they bow to Check their not-vatican-related double headed "chicken". Same duck as in Jesuits shield of arms, or even Spains Franco banner. Masters of East & West. Theyre in son

fear of depth: Although, since the the existence of the hiv/aids virus is a big lie, one COULD argue that it IS in fact a "man made" disease after all.

2tuff: I have to disagree with Len Horowitz's Emerging Viruses book supposedly being this great masterpiece everyone talks about. Its mostly disinformation in order to get people to still believe in the main lie about HIV being the cause of AIDS which really has over 30 different syndromes all well known both old and new. I've said this about Len Horowitz for a good while. If you wish to understand the fraud upon us called HIV and the disinformation on animal viruses then study the work of a more intelligent journalist known as JON RAPPOPORT and his most excellent book 'AIDS INC.' Ask yourself this, how is it he is allowed to write a Spider which went into the FBI's system and he was able to find the names etc linked with the Anthrax attacks? If you or I did anything remotely near that we'd be in jail promto.

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