
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Rick Santorum - Knight of Malta by Eric Phelps


Dear Messenger,

The traitor Rick Santorum from my Sovereign State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a Knight of Malta: his wife is a Dame of Malta. Therefore, Santorum's political master is New York Archbishop Edward Cardinal Egan, the Protector of the American Langue of SMOM. The SMOM US Senator is merely trying to further Pope Benedict XVI's Crusade against Islam by making another false claim of WMD. Please make a note of this.

Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric Jon Phelps,
Author of Vatican Assassins:
"Wounded In The House Of My Friends

"----- Original Message -----

From: "t r u t h o u t"


Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:39 AMSubject: FOCUS Larry C. Johnson: So-Called Iraqi WMD> > FOCUS Larry C. Johnson: So-Called Iraqi WMD>>

Larry Johnson comments on Rick Santorum's "desperate effort to re-energize his failing re-election campaign by touting the discovery of so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq." He says that Santorum is trying to portray old stockpiles of sarin and mustard gas as WMDs, but these "were not the bill of goods sold to the American people to justify invading Iraq. We were warned of imminent mushroom clouds and unmanned aerial vehicles spritzing amusement parks with deadly biological agents."> > VIDEO Katrina Plus Ten Months - Professor Bill Quigley Speaks> A Film by Chris Hume and L. Wild Horse>>

Over 7,200 family dwellings sit empty throughout New Orleans. No, not FEMA trailers. These are solid brick public housing projects that survived Katrina. They only require interior repairs, and thousands of displaced low income families want to move back in. But instead, they are being fenced off and condemned. Why? Chris Hume and L. Wild Horse speak with Professor Bill Quigley and several former tenants.

JagDRS: my dear old friend claims that as a young boy, Rick was a fellow member of the same Catholic Church she attended and that his family and her family mingled often. This friend is one of the more open minded, reasonable, and knowledgable people I know; one of the few that I can sit down and have a good, long, substantive talk with. I guess we all have our blind spots. To this day, when it comes to talk about Rick, she still can only think & talk of him as a faithful, good, honest Catholic boy politician "trying to do right by his country".

2tuff: This religion makes you good mentality makes me sick. The Pope is seen as the head of the Catholic Church but look at how many hes killed. Terms like "Soldiers of Christ" then forgetting THOU SHALL NOT KILL. Its all hypocriscy!

Alexandria: The thing is, when one becomes a Catholic, one's loyalty is to the Catholic church FIRST. So if it's a toss-up between Rome and that person's country, Rome wins out.That's why the Puritans (my ancestors were Puritans too) outlawed Mass, Xmas, and the like. They knew that Catholics could infiltrate. Jesuits were coming over here in the early 17th century.

2tuff: No theres many Catholics which believe in their country and these are whats seen by the RCC as liberals and once again expendable. The RCC only recognises someone within Rome/Italy whos subordinate to the Temporal Power.

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