
Thursday, June 21, 2007

I'm still back.

I'm still back. Many are talking about Michael Bloomberg. He's the mayor of NYC who left the Republican party to be an Independent. Who is he. He is a man that's a billionare and he's liberal on social issues, but conservative on many economic issues. Bloomberg is so pro-abortion that he was responsible for pushing for mandatory abortion training for doctors in NYC medical programs. Killing unborn babies is not reproductive choice, it's murder period. He made New York improve, but also caused many Big Brother policies like proposing a toll in Manhattan and other policies. Michael is a member of the CFR. In New York City, Papal Knights are very powerful like Cardinal Egan and Jesuit O'Hare. Al Gore loves Bloomberg. Gore is communicating with Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch on a TV deal, Gore promotes globalism, and his family has been Big Oil. The Presidential race is still intense. More and more Americans are becoming indepedents by abhoring the 2 party system.

One controversy is embryonic stem cell research (or ESC research). Bush rightfully vetos a bill planning to send federal funds for ESC research. Now ESC had made no cures, yet adult stem cells have made over 60 treatments. Also, amonitic and skin cells from mice have the similar characteristics as ESC without killing embryos (or human beings). Therefore, you can have real science without breaking a moral line. Now, Scarborough support ESC research which was shocking. Lately, Joe has been sucking up to Ridley and Mika (who is a daughter of an elitist advocating a war in the Middle East by the West for decades. He's responsible for a lot of things you see today). As for global warming, people won't look at how sunspots correlate with climate change. Now, there has been another study by Purdue University that the planes alone caused the collapse of the Buildings. The problem is that the study doesn't take into account Building Number Seven's collapse, the intense fires only lasted for minutes, and other facts. Not to mention that a high level security clearance person, who was inside the Office of Emergency Management in World Trade Center 7 and has descibed and detailed explosions inside the building prior to the collapse of any of the buildings at ground zero on 9/11. The Middle East is burning not only in Iraq, but in Gaza.

by Timothy

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