
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Jesuit info


Masonic Saddam Hussein sent his sons to Baghdad College after it was nationalized. What gets me is if Hussein's Baath Party expelled the Jesuits then why didn't they just tear down the Order's schools Baghdad College and Al-Hikma University?

The Order was expelled from Iraq in 1969. I do not know if it was the Baath party that did this. Please confirm. Several leaders were assassinated after the expulsion.

The sons of the wealthy affluent families were sent to Baghdad College plus the Jesuits raised up the Baath Party to punish the those who were suspicious of the Order due to a series of political assassinations.

I see. Thanks! Then the Order brought Hussein to power to punish its enemies. After they used him for many years they spirited him out of the country via the US Air Force and put up a double to be tried and "hung."

I will address these and other details that show without a doubt that the Jesuits controlling the U.S. and the new Iraqi government which they will rule is reason why the U.S. is there-to facilitate the reconstruction of the old city of Babylon.

Amen!!! Dubai is the beginning---and no Jew is allowed in Dubai.

Is Ian Paisley Masonic?

Sure. He is an Orangeman.

The Company through their Masonic craft infilitrated and co-opted the genuine resistance and when Paisley entered politics he wasn't assassinated because he had given up, conceded, and agreed to play the game. This is tragic and treasonous!

Agreed. An Irish Protestant expatriate in Cyprus told me that Paisley was indeed a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor.

I told him I'm not a Calvinist by today's standards but rather I believe in the sovereignty of God over the will of man like the Puritans, like Jonathan Edwards. Calvin articulated what the Book says about the sovereignty of God. Historically, it is known as Calvinism (named after a man which my uncle objected to) but it is Biblicism and that existed way before Calvin or any of the Reformers. like The label and title of "Christian fundamentalist" which was not coined until after Marsden and his boys put out a series of pamphlets and booklets called "The Fundamentals" in the early 20th century I believe, but there were saved men and women who believed the Book literally who predated the term "fundamentalist." I told him (and I actually learned this in college in a European history class when we were talking about Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Luciferian Ignatius Loyola about what they said about freewill and predestination). My professor, an unsaved man who recommended a book to me by Jesuit Daniel Berrigan on the Book of Daniel said well if man has a freewill well then the betrayal of Christ by Judas Iscariot was a free choice and Christ's crucifixion hinged on Judas' decision of his own free will to betray Jesus.

Typical Jesuit heresy and blasphemy. As the Jesuits are the great champions of "freewill" as per their movie, The Devil's Advocate when Pacino said, "Free will, its a (explective)!", the Order utterly condems Protestantism for promoting predestination.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

Dear Craig,The article was posted in Noah Hutchens Bible based newsletter about two months ago. I was nearly thrown out of my chair. No Jews allowed in Dubai---and Rome runs it via its Masonic Moslems.

Brother Eric


Dolphin:I would like to know more about the structure and control of the medical cartel. How do you know it is Rockefellar who is in control of the medical mafia, as you call it. And how does this power structure work. Presumably you are saying that all companies like BAYER, Pfizer, Monsanto, GlaxoSmithKline etc etc are all under some form of control by Rockefellar. So supposing one of those compainies developed a product to remove all cancers without any side-effects and surgery and would sell relatively inexpensive but they knew would make them a huge profit, Just for example, are you suggesting Rockefellar would surpress that knowledge being made public and would prevent the drug being developed, well how would he achieve that exactly, some of those medical companies are worth so much that it can't be so straight forward to make them to tow the line if it affects their profits.How does Rockefellar affect the research and the medical education worldwide.Presumably he must control the FDA and other equivalents. I would very much appreciate as detailed reply as possible, particularly with names of those leading the Medical Cartel, and any evidence to support it.If you have a page on the site covering it already you might link me to it.

Craig: The Rockefeller family have been in control of the Medical "Mafia" system present on this Earth going back around 1890. Investment Manager, Frederick T. Gates played a major part in all this. The Rockefellers had dominated all medical education since 1907. The Rockefellers wiped out hundreds of medical schools by the year 1918 via their Flexner Report and American Medical Association which they created in 1848. Study up on Harris Livermore Coulter and his teachings on the AMA along with James Gordon Burrow. Theres also the book 'Confessions of a Medical Heretic' by Jewish Dr Robert S. Mendelsohn. The American Medical Association is the top dog of the chain controlling the likes of the American Pharmaceutical Association and so forth. They dominate the lot from pricing, licensing, education, insurance and treating. It should be noted that Fordham "Military Fortress" University in the Bronx, NY has a powerful known Jesuit known as Fr' Joseph A. O’Hare SJ. This Jesuit controlled many of the these powerful players in this Medical Inquisition.The Rockefeller family are Sovereign Military Order of Malta Papal Knights. The SMOM control every aspect of your life. The system you live within was actually a creation of the Knights Templars. Who took over from the Knights Templars? The SMOM "The Greatest Merchants on Earth!" Just look who controls the Red Cross which is used for depopulation Worldwide. Look into the Eugenics projects and you'll see how the Rockefellers dominate this along with the British Royalty once again SMOM. You should study how John D Rockefeller took control of all the Blood banks. Look to the New York City blood council and Lawrence Rockefeller. Allen Dulles is a SMOM Papal Knight and his brother is a high 4th Vow Jesuit known as Fr' Avery Dulles SJ. Whats special about these? Well check into the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY more so linked to Allen Dulles and his Estate along with Averell Harriman and John F. Dulles. These Dulles's promoted the "Racial Hygiene Doctrines" of John D. Rockefeller. This laboratory was opened in 1909. You should also note the deals behind the scenes with I.G Farben in Germany with the Rockefellers. Note its President was a SMOM Papal Knight by the name of Herman Schmitz. Once again we see banking connections to the SMOM with Schmitz being a Director of Deutsche Bank.It is not in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta's best interests to give out cures. These have to be suppressed. We hear all day the establishment make out theres still no cure for Cancer. Well theres been many and most have been known for eons across the World and its cultures. They suppress the likes of Harry Hoxsey like you wouldn't believe and destroy anyone who helps the populance. You must remember the SMOM control their creation known as the Club of Rome. Its this organisation which controls the depopulation agenda and environment scams to help justify their devilish actions. A populance of happy, healthy people is a threat. You must realise these bluebloods make up 2% max of the Populance and they fear us like you wouldn't believe. They have to control us! One of their techniques is creating illness which enslaves you to the Medical Cartels and their quackery treatments. If your ill your hardly likely to care about uprising against them. They can profit from your misery whilst depopulating you at some point and in a way most sheople wouldn't realise. A great example of this is the hiv scam on the public and its enforced death treatments like AZT. Now we have normal children being forced on Ritalin. They do this by planting false information across the medical system and their media. The sheople fall for this thinking "well its the big boys telling me this, it must be true." Then they utilise their Education system staff to gatekeeper and decide who needs Ritalin by giving them a system such as the one they have now. These teachers study the children without real knowledge or experience. They decide if a child meets 6 of the 9 given options then they need Ritalin. This is enforced by telling the Parent they will have to put their child in other easy-learning schools. The Parent most times believes the crap in the first place and even if they dont they fear the school change. Its a system which enforces itself via the useage of the sheople who act as Gatekeepers for a system they simply do not see, choose to see or understand. Yes the FDA is fully controlled by the SMOM via their Rockefeller AMA. The FDA do not test any of the products! This is done by the Pharmaceutical companies subordinate to the AMA. They then say yes this is fine and the FDA then passes it over to the sheople to promote disease and control. You should note it was SMOM Papal Knight Teddy Roosevelt who established the FDA in June 1906 with the passing of the Pure Food and Drugs Act! Remember who conspired to assassinate U.S President William McKinley which led to Roosevelt taking office. It was the devious SMOM Papal Knight William R. Grace of the most powerful Irish Roman Catholic, Grace Family of SMOM Papal Knights. Most importantly remember that William R. Grace was a big friend of Roosevelt.
-Craig Oxley

Eric Phelps speaks of my information on the Rockefeller controlled Medical Establishment:Great piece!Correction: Avery Dulles is the nephew of CIA Director and JFK assassinAllen W. Dulles. Allen's brother was John Foster Dulles. All of theseDulles men were/are SMOMs.

Brother Eric

Craig: Now folks remember who Peres is. Peres was trained by the JESUITS in Poland. Peres is a Vatican spy and assassin well educated in the art of the "Cup of Borgia" which he's administered many times. Peres as with all these Israeli "Sabbatian" Labor Masonic Zionists are subordinate to high Sovereign Military Order of Malta Papal Knight and Middle Eastern region commander, King Juan Carlos of Spain. Israel is dominated at the top by VATICANOnce again folks notice the SERVILITY with the wearing of Black, respecting the POPE being 'Christ on Earth.' Remember these Sabbatians "Have no King, but Caesar!" Notice Peres down at the Aspen Institute, who controls this? The Royal Institution of International Affairs! Who created and controls them through their front Round Tables group and inner cores such as PILGRIM SOCIETY, Order of the Garter? You guessed it, the "Greatest Merchants on Earth," SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA. Loyal to the Vatican.Oh are we shocked to see Vatican stooge Olmert dressed in Black? I think not.Funny we should mention the Order of the GarterWho controls "The Protector of the Holy Sites of Jerusalem?" Why its 78th Grandmaster Andrew Bertie of course.Now we see this high SMOM Papal Knight on his knees to the POPE whos officially next up the ladder.How many get the priviledge to shake this man's hand? This is the PINACLE of control folks. It all ends with the SUPERIOR GENERAL of the SOCIETY OF JESUS period!

-Craig Oxley

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