
Tuesday, June 19, 2007


When life flows like a brisk stream, my mind will continue to be sharp. Recent news going on is that more scientists believe that global warming stopped in 1998, more understanding of symbolism (throughout history those in the Mysteries wanted to express the concept of generation or the merging of female and male influences to make perfection. Also, some in the Middle Ages built in accordance to 1/1,414 or the square root of 2. This exists in designs found in D.C., Rome, London, Toronto, etc.) The terrorism in Iraq, the terrorism against unborn via abortion, and the terrorism throughout the globe is nothing new. The Vatican slaughtered Bible-believing mainstream Waldesnians in the 1100's before the Reformation existed. These past histories convince me even further that torture is never a concise route to alleviate evil or incur justice in society. There are many fronts and disinformation. Even among the "alternative media", it's apparent. For example, much have been made about the Skulls and Bones and it should be exposed. Yet, the Skulls andBones worked under the British East India Company to further the Masonic British Empire's opium trade. Pellon Mellon of the Scroll & Key is a Pilgrim and the Pilgrims are more potent than the S&B. One Pilgrim Society kingpin is the Duke of Westimester named Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor or who owns 300 acres in downtown London (and land in Canada, Australia, Hawaii, etc.) He is a global kingpin. Also, some want to make the Bilderberg Group as atop of the pyramid.

The Bilderbergers were created by Jesuit priest Joseph Rettinger (according to John Coleman) and 33rd Degree Freemason Prince Benard of the Netherlands. The Prince was an ex-SS officer. It's apparent that high level Freemasonry and the Jesuit were key in the development and end of World War 2. 33° Freemason Douglas MacArthur was an ally of Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh and 33° Freemason Henry Clausen. Clausen was the one who investigated the Pearl Harbor disaster. As many realize, Roosevelt allowed Pearl Harbor to occur, so America can participate in WWII. Also, 32° Degree Freemason Matthew Ridgeway (a graduate of West Point and a Military soldier), 33° Degree Henry Arnold (the head of the Air Forces), and 33° Degree Mark Clark were American Allied men who defeated the Axis Powers. Cardinall Spellman was allowed by 32nd degree Mason Roosevelt to visited the Pope and organize intelligence for the war effort. Spellman would go on and help organize the Vietnam War. The Catholic Ustasha (like terrorist and Papist Ante' Pavelic) and many Catholic Nazis killed Serbs, Jews, etc. during WWII as well. In fact, high level Freemasonry and the Knights of Malta funded both sides, so it was a no win situation with those really running the world's big geo-policies. WWII was engineered by the Secret Societies in order to integrate the world more. That's why the Yalta Agreement and the United Nations were formulated. Therefore, many heads of the Bilderberg Group have always been Pilgrims, Knights of Malta, or high level Freemasons. The lesson is that there's more than meets the ye. Also, it's important to expose all of the players involved in globalization and the new world order excluding all omissions of certain organizations.

by Timothy


  1. Anonymous12:59

    For a more revealing insite on Yalta please see

  2. I will look at your site.

    By Timothy
