
Friday, July 20, 2007

Communication and Controversy

Barrack Hussein Obama (whose wife Michelle is a CFR member) said that age-appropriate sex education for Kingergarderners is fine. Many folks criticized him including Mormon Mitt Romney. Obama mocked Alan Keyes' accent in trying to make his point know. He was speaking in a Planned Parenthood meeting. As a black man, I'm not too found of PP for many reasons. Most abortion clinics are in minority neighborhoods and many founders of Planned Parenthood expressed hatred for blacks and wanted to decrease black population explicity. I have tons of their quotes online for the doubters of that. Some of the founders' philosophy are similar to the Knight of Malta funded agenda to the Nazis. Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood) herself wanted concentration camps for those who were "unfit." Sanger was an occult, a follower of Theosophy, went into a Klan rally in the 1920's, and promoted other evil ideals. Now what about sex education? Primarily, it should be a parent's choice on how much sexual education a child should recieve by anyone not the government or schools. I agree with Obama that a parent should opt out of it if a parent doesn't want their child to be exposed to that type of education. Obama is wrong for promoted a babykilling, terrorist organization like Planned Parenthood. No taxpayers should fund that group, especially those that don't agree with abortion.

A woman died in the UK for long delays in their health care system. It's true that our health care is in need of reform, but the government controlling all of it isn't the answer. Michael Moore is an establishment leftist propagandist that even tries to distort what the Bible says to suck up to people. He didn't say a thing about 911 Truth in support of it until a limited remark this year. There is a shocking link between pharmaceuticals, suicide, violence and mass murder. All too often, many serial killers and school shooter are on prescription drugs. As for John McCain, his campaign is spiraling downward. A group of 911 Truthers asked him some questions. He afterwards became agitated and left the place into a SUV. McCain is know for his temper. That tells me that more and more elites are angered on how the common man is waking up more and more in this generation. People communicating and Controversy is part of the human experience. is a site I find interesting as well.

By Timothy

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