
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Extra tidbits

Note by Me: I apologize for the profanity.

By Timothy

Remember folks it was the SMOM using their powerful Military Vicar, Cardinal Francis Spellmen who ordered the hit. The CIA helped plan the attack but outsourced the job to British SIS's PERMANENT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS know to most as PERMINDEX. -Craig


The Office of Naval Intelligence(ONI) and apparently YOU haven't got a clue ONE about how many personnel of ONI WERE INDEED KILLED on 9/11. The ONLY reason WHY the Pentagon was hit and WHY this particular spot was chosen on the largest office buliding in the world was because ONI became aware of the upcoming attack on the World Trade Center during an ABOVE TOP SECRET operation.

This operation was conducted during the summer of 1999 by using a submarine(I don't know which one but I have some info on a possible name of the SSN used) to tap into a fiber optic communications cable. The coded voice traffic going through that cable was being listened to unscrambled aboard the sub and what was being said-by readily recognizable names and voices-was talk about the planning of the WTC attack. This information was relayed to ONI headquarters but using the underground ELF(extremely low frequency)communication system that exists underground at Buckley AFB east of Denver. This ELF system is the system by which ALL worldwide submarine comm traffic is handled when subs are undersea. The fact that ONI became aware of this is WHY these offices of ONI, along the the personnel that WERE indeed there that day and the files containing this discovery HAD to be added to the original 9/11 attack plan.

What nearly all people do not know is the FACT that several factions exist in all branches of the military and intelligence community. ALL are infiltrated and an element of the factions against the American people had infiltrated ONI and that is how this 1999 operation became known to the perpeTRAITORS of 9/11. I spoke of all this during a 2 hour broadcast on TVNEWSLIES with Jesse Richard out of New York-out of BROOKLYN, and that program is on archives-the show of June 22. This program-and a program that I did with Prof Jim Fetzer on June 14th-on RBNlive-caused an absolute FUROR because I brought out ON AIR--for the FIRST TIME--all of this and who modified the aircraft used against the Pentagon and the WTC-- the CIA proprietary, EVERGREEN AIR.

Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF),Concerned Citizen

wolveshater: Jesse Richard is a fraud Co-adjutor fake, just go check out his TVnewslies blog site where all they do is piss an moan about the Neocons and bush bush bush. With Mr. Proud Liberal Alcoholic idiot in Charge of FAKE history corner, And Kathyrn the Extreme Nazi Liberal Democunt idiot, administrator, Im banned from there for Listing comments about the Vatican, Peter, Rome, Im banned from there for trying too show the true History about Lincoln, and the Civil War. Im banned from there for trying too show 911 truth leading to Rome. They called me a John Bircher, LOL<LOL. I attempted to make the Masonic Catholic connection as well, that really flipped them out. Jesse and his group are a bunch of rock thrower truth bashers, I talked too Jesse on the phone about his fucked up blogs site, He said he would fix it, that was 4 months ago, its still a piece of shit. JESSE RICHARDS IS A FRAUD.




Quote from CNN: "Sitting in lawn chairs around the Browns' long gravel driveway, the couple's supporters rail against Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Federal Reserve, the Vatican and the mainstream media."

Alexandria: Boy, the anti-Browns spin has got me dizzy!

Minuteman Matt: Thats cause I sent Ed & Elaine a copy of Eric Phelps Vatican Assassins III e-book & Erics video seminars.

Craig: It will be a great day when the JESUITS are finally outed as the supreme power of this Earth.


Thats the facts too, Ive pointed out the excise tax in every debate myself. People are not looking for truth, they are only looking at winning every debate. And then when they cannot win the debate, Out comes the name calling. Ive been called every one of them too, RACIST, ANTI-SEMETIC, TAX-PROTESTER, ANTI-GOVERNMENT, UN-PATRIOTIC, STINKY-DOG, WACKO-DOODLE, CONSPIRACY NUTT. WOLVESHATER, I earned my handle at the many Wild life agency meetings in Jackson Hole and Boise, argueing against their damn wolf programn. Finally the State addmits last week Idaho had Wolves prior too the reintroduction of the Canadien Wolf that is now 1800 or more statewide and wiping out elk and deer herds. I love argueing with Secular progressive doinks who resort too name calling when defeated by expertise and hard FACTS. Just like they blame humans for global warming, its the damn hunters that have ruined wildlife in the forrest, I DONT THINK SO. I just wish the Jesuits would blow this popsicle stand too hell and be done with it, right in their damn faces. Every thing is fake, Taxes, Terrorism, Roman civil bullshit law, Make a law make a business bunkum crap. Bastards cant even fight like men, sneek around while we be sleepin doing all that nasty deception toxic spraying my ass and pissing on my food too, COWARDS. Thats ok man, Im waiten for their asses up here on this brush pile with my Barret 50 BMG, I can pop pumpkins at a mile. Come get me ya Wankas. Name callin sissys. WE LIVE IN TARDO STUPID MOFO NATION. PAY THEM TAXES WANKA, Uhh hang up Ethol. HA HA. IM goin out too blow holes thru some plywood now. See ya.



I watched a documentary on the Munich massacre at the Olympics in 1972 and then I watched Steven Speilbergs film Munich. The documenatary leads you to believe that the germans were not prepared. The snipers they put at the airport were not snipers, had no scopes and were down on man power. This is the Olympics there should have been more than enough man power and counter - terrorism teams ready for anything.

Obviously the German BND and the Arab "terrorists" worked together in Jesuit-ruled, Bavarian Roman Catholic Munich.

Speilbergs film mentions none of this, but it seems maybe the germans acted this way on purpose. Then in the coming weeks one of their flights is taken by terrorists and they end up giving away their 3 prisoners of the munich massacre.

How convenient! Both "sides" working together as did the KGB and CIA during the Pope's Cold War Hoax.

Is their more to this event then we think or was the German security and police forces in 1972 poorly equiped and organized?

Yes. The German security forces are the best in Europe. To think that these Arab Moslems just slipped under the radar of the BND is crazy. And what was the outcome of the Munich massacre? Why the pope's Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists ruling Jerusalem were given more money and arms from the Order's CFR-controlled American government via Richard Nixon.

And President Richard "Nitler," (as my communist Grandpa Phelps called him) was overseen by Knight of Malta Alexander Haig whose brother, Francis, is a powerful Jesuit priest.


Brother Eric


According to this article, Fascist GOP Rudolph Giuliani, former NYC mayor on 33rd Freemason's Pat Robertson CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network financed by SMOM J. Peter Grace)said he thought about becoming a Roman Catholic priest, but did not because of he said he could not keep the vow of celibacy.

On the contrary, since he is a bisexual Guiliani would be with birds of a feather in the Romanist priesthood who prey on young boys as part of their Babylonian Masonic mystery religion which includes pederasty. The Jesuits' Vatican said they will not ban sodomite priests because their perverted sexual practices are a religious rite of the Roman Hierarchy and their masters the Jesuits are the cabal of sodomites who rule the world; the chief commanding "suck" of them all being the unnatural Father General of the Order aka the Black Pope Peter-Hans Kolvenbach.

The article quotes Guiliani as saying he was "very, very close to Father Michael Judge." Judge who perished on 9/11 was a sodomite Roman Catholic priest.

Here is my description of Rudy Guiliani from my "Axis of Evil (Society of Jesus, Illuminati, and Freemasonry) 9/11 Conspirators Chain of Command which I am putting together for my upcoming book "AMERICAN REICH" which I will send you momentarily for your assessment and any criticism which I would value and find most helpful. I included this picture to show just how blatant and unapologetic the Jesuits' CFR is in showing that man who they dubbed "America's Mayor" is a guilty and willing accomplice in 9/11 and an accessory to the fact.
The two platforms symbolize the Twin Towers of the WTC.

Traitorous mayor of New York City at the time of 9/11, who had prior knowledge of the controlled demolition of towers 1, 2, and 7 of the World Trade Center having been briefed by Edward Cardinal Egan who commands the NYPD, NYFD, CIA, FBI, and the U.S. Military including the Army and Navy which did nothing to help the victims in the towers, but only saw to it that they were pulverized. Brilliant Jewish Photographer Rick Siegel who filmed the controlled demolition of the WTC from Hoboken NJ shows in his film "911 Eyewitness" that the Army released flash bombs whilst hovering over the roof of the towers. Guiliani being an accessory after the fact covered up evidence of the use of thermite explosives planted throughout the Twin Towers and WTC 7 and did not allow the wreckage to be investigated which was shipped to Communist China to be used for military armaments in preparation for the upcoming invasion of the American West Coast. WTC 7 held a command center where Giuliani and the top leadership of the NYPD and NYFD coordinated the mismanagement and violation of protocol on 9/11. Proof that Giuliani knew was destroyed when WTC 7 was demolished. The CIA, U.S. Secret Service, and FBI had offices in the WTC as well as gold and silver which were removed prior to 9/11. He ensured that the maximum amount of casualties were suffered so as to achieve the intended reaction of the American public to desire to go to support the CIA war in Afghanistan (to secure heroin for the Black Pope's International Drug Trade) where the Taliban who allegedly carried this out were said to have been hiding namely CIA asset and operative Shriner Freemason Usama bin Ladin. For this reason he is one of Cardinal Egan's Fascist GOP top choices for the Emperorship of the American Empire and he would be the first cross-dressing U.S. President (Emperor) (that we know of) 33rd Degree Freemason and Shriner cross-dresser and accessory to the JFK Assassination 33rd Degree Freemason and Shriner J. Edgar Hoover would be proud of this murderous, conniving, bisexual and
abject slave of his master murderer and pedophile "Pimp of the Cloth" Edward Cardinal Egan.

As a matter of fact there is a video on YouTube of Jesuit-trained Donald Trump and Guiliani as "Ruda" dressed in drag in a skit kissing. What a perversion!

This interview from "60 Minutes" is self-explanatory and notice of course the classic examples of Jesuit casuistry from Georgetown University.

Brother Nicholas Rivera

Dear Nicholas,

Another Great post!

Keep up the great work.

Brother Eric


To me this helps us see who's most likely to take the throne of President within the Roman Corporation known as United States in 2008. All eyes are now on SMOM Papal Knight Rudy Giuliani, a most devious Mafiosi linked cretin.

user posted image

Is Kerik a homosexual lover of SMOM Rudy? I believe so.

Craig oxley

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