
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jesuit info

My friends, how many times do you have to now be told how Alex Jones is a Temporal Coadjutor, in other words an agent and controlled opposition? For godsake he's just interviewed David Mayer de Rothschild, what more do you need for you to finally see this devious sneak? Its all controlled opposition all wrong and downright deceit like you wouldn't believe. Be very careful of Alex Jones who still to this day hides the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Jesuit control of this whole conspiracy. As time goes by he proves himself an agent more and more. To me this really topped it all off. -Craig

Dear Eric,We speak regular about Alex Jones being a controlled opposition for the SMOM media indoctrination. Well today I noticed he interviewed, David Mayer de Rothschild on Global Warming. Now just tell me how this would happen unless its all a setup and Alex is an asset to control the minds of intelligent folk and confuse them once again. The whole article is a complete setup including those pathetic twists where Rothschild says GCN is controlled by the Oil Industry, including also Jones reply. Its all mind games but alas to me this really tops it all off, having a Rothschild on his show. What the hell would a Rothschild want with Alex Jones unless its what we've said many times. I just hope now that people will be suspicious. Could you see Rothschild on assassinated William Cooper's 'The Hour of the Time' radioshow? I think not! Its about time people took Alan Watts information about these phony superstars of conspiracy seriously and quickly. Have you noticed also how Jones seems to always have many great pictures at hand for his articles? He has a picture for this and that no problem at all whilst you just cannot find half of them. Infact try looking just on google image for instance for some David Mayer de Rothschild pictures and look at what you get.Top Global Warming Advocate: Jupiter & Saturn Closer To Sun Than Earth


Craig Oxley

Dear Craig,Another great post!I fully agree!Brother Eric

Eric and Craig, EXCELLENT OBSERVATIONS. While this Rothschild interview mayhave been an exceptional example of Jones's treachery, the same monkeyshinesseem to occur everytime he has a CFR member, a talking head like Ann Coulter, Hutton Gibson, or any of the other Jesuit henchmen and junior conspirators on his broadcast. The high quality of his website, the photos (as Craig mentions), and the seemingly bottomless pools of information he dredges are indicators that he is only a disinformation Papal Puppet, vomiting forth truths in such a way as to turn his hearers from the foundational truth of conspiracy, that Rome is THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Cudos for this post!

N C Turner

Mad.Arsenal: Exactly, Rothschild would never dare enter unknown waters! With AJ, he knows its all fun and games, he's safe there. Its ridiculous.I was truly stunned when I saw he had interviewed this Rothschild, I must admit.

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