
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Connecting the Dots

It's another day in Wednesday. When I research the truth about the new world order, there is division. There is nothing more with wanting to be unified. Yet, we can't be unified just for unification sake. If people want to be united, they must expose all evil and not omit the Vatican connection or the Labor Zionist link to the new world order that many in the so-called "alternative" movement are doing now. Recently, Cheney Says He Is a 'Unique Creature,' Refuses to Say He Is Part of Executive Branch . Obviously Cheney is probably the most powerful Vice President in American history. Gordon Brown met George W. Bush yesterday. Brown is a Bilderberger and met in Cape Cod in various vacations for numerous years. Therefore, Brown is an elitist type of individual. Every since a couple of years ago, the 911 Truth Movement have grown in leaps and bounds. National Writer's Syndicate on July 31, 2007 had an article written by Gibbwake describing an Iraqi war veteran named Torrin Wolf. Wolf is disagreeing with the offical story of 9/11 and is in the 911 Truth Movement. Wolf not only discusses about Building Number 7, but the coverup of absetos killing firefighters and Rudy's controversy in that situation.

Lately, Denver have had more rumbles lately. According to some, it might be the next U.S. Capitol. The Denver area is home of the Aspen Institute where big globalists have meetings to plan what's next politically for the globe. It has the Masonic Airport with images of a Holocaust and a Big Brother like state. Some say we have freedom. Mark and Deborah Kuhn of Asheville, North Carolina experienced assault for just waving an upside down flag. A flag like that means the country is in distress. Far to often, dissent is falsely equated with non-patriotism. Our freedoms aren't really as potent as we think it is (The White House wants provisions for a warrantless wiretaping program). It's worse in Europe where homeschoolers can be sent into prison inside of Germany and Holocaust denial is illegal (Though, holocaust denial is evil, people have a right to say it if they want to. At least we have a first Amendment in America). History proves that government trust can never be 100%. Since man existed, certain groups wanted to control society. The same individuals (in the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasonry, and the Pilgrims) who organized WWI, WWII, the Cold War hoax, the increase of biometrics, the NAU agenda, etc. are involved in the war on terror making profits and wanting war if necessary. We can act and resist this nonense. Every human being has a right to resist evil. Every since 1997, I've began a journey in connecting the dots.

By Timothy

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