
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Criss ANgel exposed by David J. Stewart


Criss Angel EXPOSED!

By David J. Stewart

"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." -2nd Thessalonians 2:9,10
Criss Angel is of the Devil. Criss' real name is Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos. It is interesting that he chose to change his name to "angel," as in FALLEN ANGEL.

The Bible tells us that the Antichrist will deceive the masses by using power, signs, and lying wonders. Manipulation of other's bodies, levitation, mind reading, and bizarre behavior, the cross in handcuffs--wake up people! This is the work of the Devil. The Antichrist will come as a beautiful man and woo the masses. He will perform miracles and the world will worship him for this. If you think this is mere innocent fun, think again. Here's a video on YouTube titled Criss Angel = Jesus...
At the end of the video, a message appears which states... Criss Angel is the 2nd Coming of Jesus...Believe It! Criss Angel has also publickly walked on water, leading people to believe that he is Jesus. This is very disturbing folks. Magician, David Blaine, has also publicly attempted to IMITATE the miracles performed by Jesus. You see, Satan is continually trying to discredit the Lord Jesus Christ. No man can perform the miracles which Jesus did; BUT, Satan tries to IMITATE Christ's miracles to deceive the masses. We clearly see this folly in Moses' time, when Pharaoh called for his magicians to IMITATE the miracles which God had wrought by the rod of Moses (Exodus 7:11,22; 8:7,18). There is nothing new under the sun. Satan's followers today are still trying to imitate the works of God, in an attempt to discredit the Word of God.

Criss Angel, the Occult, and Satanism

After doing a little research online, it's was easy to discover the illusions and tricks behind Criss Angel's stunts and performances; HOWEVER, many people don't know this. Criss appears to walk up and down the side of a building, but he's actually being supported by clear cables hanging from a helicopter. A careful look at Criss walking down the side of a building shows that the clouds above are not moving at all. These are all cleverly planned and practiced illusions.
This is exactly what Satan specializes in--illusions. Satan shows us the neon lights of Las Vegas, but the local hospitals and morgue reveal the truth about sin. Satan shows the young woman, who's about to give up her virginity to some creep, an illusion of a happy family and a husband that cares about her. The truth is far different. Many young women have given away their virtue under some illusion, just to find themselves lonely, betrayed, and heartbroken. The Devil is a LIAR, and a thief (John 10:10). Every unsaved person is a child of the Devil, whether they realize it or not (John 3:36; Ephesians 2:2; 1st John 3:10). Criss Angel is a child of the Devil, and his illusions are true to Satan's nature. We read in 2nd Thessalonians 2:9 that the Antichrist will deceive the masses of this world using "lying wonders." Satan is a master illusionist.

Criss Angel of Mindfreak. He looks more like a fallen angel from Hell. Notice carefully on the necklace Criss Angel is wearing above, that he places his symbol above and below the cross. One cannot deny that Criss' symbol unquestioningly resembles the symbol for anarchy and witchcraft. Also, in the actual Mindfreak show on TV, red flashing lines extend the symbol, which causes the human mind to think it's a Pentagram. This is Satanic.

Criss Angel's symbol

The symbol of anarchy

An ordinary pentagram
The pentacle and the pentagram are the exact same thing, a five pointed straight-edged star... Criss Angel's symbol is 100% Satanic!

Baba of Vintage Tattoo Parlor with Criss Angel of Mindfreak. Carefully notice the occult Freemasonry shirt which Baba is wearing.
Clearly, Freemasonry, Tattoos, Criss Angel, and Satanism are inseparable. Notice the Satanic hand sign Baba is making. Birds-of-a-feather flock together.

Criss Angel's symbol

Satanist, Aleister Crowley

The U.S. Dollar
The New World Order (i.e., the forming beast system of the Antichrist) is commonly symbolized by the Pyramid and the All-Seeing Eye. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4).
The above symbol clearly shows the connection between Freemasonry and the New World Order. Satan, who is the god of this sinful world, controls the world through occult groups, informally known as the "Illuminati." Such groups include Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, Knights of Templar, Knights of Columbus, etc. Please read, Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C. Here's a diagram of the Illuminati power structure. As Christians, we simply need to be aware of what is going on, and stop voting and supporting occult presidents who are servants of Satan. If you'd like to learn much more about the occult, please read Be Wise As Serpents by Fritz Springmeier.

Criss Angel is of the Devil, and the sinful world accepts him (John 15:19). Criss Angel is accepted by Wiccan witches, Satanists, sicko freaks, and Christ-rejecters everywhere. As Christians, we are to stand uncompromisingly against Satan's works of darkness (Psalm 94:16; Ephesians 5:11). Criss Angel is of the world, and the enemy of God (James 4:4).
Someone said to me that Criss Angel is a nice guy, who loves his mother, and is only making a living through entertainment. That may be, but his works are still of the Devil. Ozzy Osbourne, who has expressed nothing but hostile contempt for Bible-believing Christianity, claims his Satanic Rock-N-Roll concerts are only advertising gimmicks. Remember, Satan is a liar. Wiccan witches claim they are "good" witches, who practice "white" witchcraft. Nothing could be further from the truth, and God calls them liars (1st John 2:22). Wiccans worship a host of hundreds of pagan deities; BUT, vehemently reject the deity of Jesus Christ. Satan is the ultimate freak, and he wants your mind. Criss Angel is an enemy of Jesus Christ.
Criss Angel Says Korn is One of His favorite Bands
In the Mindfreak series, season one, Criss Angel openly admits that Korn is one of his favorite bands. Korn (sometimes typeset as "KoRn" or "KoЯn" to fit their official logo) is a Satanic nu metal band from Bakersfield, California. Nu metal is a musical genre that originated in the mid 1990s. It is a combination of punk, groove, and heavy metal. The album cover to the left clearly has a pedophilia influence. Also, notice the little girl being hung from the "K" in Korn. These people are sickos! Korn is of the Devil.

The album cover to the right is creepy. Notice the decapitated bear's head. The entire spirit of Korn's music is demonic, filled with sadism, and aimed at corrupting the innocence of youth.
Here's Korn's Satanic lyrics to their song, Hypocrites...
Your messiah was never mine [repeated 10 times]Hypocrites!Weeping rose of JeremiahDrops of blood drip off your petalsRepresenting all our tearsin a ring of burning metalHow you wanna be, what you gonna sayit doesn't bother me, who ya gonna paySorcerers and Satan's comeTo define the what and whyPeople travel across this earthOver water, land, and skyHow you wanna be, what you gonna sayit doesn't bother me, who ya gonna payPay the ferryman, pay the fuc**ng driverPay the preachers and pay the fuc**ng liars
And here's the lyrics to their song, Twisted Transistor...
Hey you, hey you, Devil's little sisterListening to your Twisted TransistorHold it between your legsTurn it up, turn it upLow end is coming throughCan't get enough
Korn is sick, sadistic, and Satanic. If you are a Christian young person, then I plead with you to run from the evil influences of Korn and Criss Angel. Lucifer is a fallen angel, and Criss Angel is clearly of the Devil.

Satan is a Master Illusionist

Satan can perform miracles. 2nd Corinthians 11:13-14 reveals that Satan transforms himself into an "ANGEL" of light to DECEIVE people. In my opinion, it is more than coincidence that Criss Sarantakos chose the name "ANGEL." Magicians are of the Devil, hiding their secrets from their viewers. The very nature of magic is deceit, which is synonymous with gambling, pool halls, and loan sharks. Magic is a form of witchcraft, that deceives the audience. It is by the same art of illusion that many people are cheated out of their life-savings. It is by the same art of illusion that false prophets lead people into Hell. It is by the same art of illusion that so many people are conned, hurt, and victimized. God hates magic, because it deceives people, which is exactly why most people are going straight to Hell when they die (Matthew 7:13-15). God never does anything in secret. Jesus said in John 18:20, "Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing." God does not attempt to trick, or deceive, us. God is upfront, and honest, telling us in His Word EXACTLY what He expects of us. In sharp contrast, Satan is a liar (John 8:44; 10:10), and his followers are liars too. Satan always uses illusions, trickery, and deception. The very nature of magic is Satanic.

The beast system is forming, and the average Joe in society today is woefully ignorant of what is happening. 2nd Thessalonians 2:10 tells us that those who don't love the truth will follow the beast into perdition. Please don't fall prey to Satan's illusions. The blood of Jesus Christ is one's only hope of escape (John 14:6).
19666 David Blaine Mocks God Saturated with Satan Religion: The Occult Connection 666
The False Prophet of the New World Order
Ye Must Be Born Again!


  1. Anonymous09:32

    woow i read this and when i was done i think the person who mad this was the devil... you said it your self that the stuff he does if fake so how is he the devil? you need to see some one of help your just a hater that all

  2. Anonymous09:38

    Woow you need help you are really crazy if people say criss is a good guy so then drop it I don’t get people you will spend all you time trying to find the bad in some one but never a second try to find the good
    And you did say that that stuff he does is fake so I don’t get how he is the devil so you are tell me that every one that does magic is the devil so the clown that go to little kids parties they are sons of the devil he make people happy with what he does and he is happy so give him a little credit and the name it is a fu**ing name I now some one name angel omg she is the devil lol so stupid
    _robyn schwind-

  3. Anonymous09:18

    Dude, I genuinely feel bad for you. You have undoubtably been brainwashed by fear mongers and fundamentalists. You think Christ went around pointing out satanists? No he spent his time helping people and teaching about life not death. Search you heart and see that we are all as God created us, perfectly imperfect. Maybe spend some time checking out who's ideas you are repeating and find some of your own. I don't know much about satan, but I know about ignorance and fearful stupidity, and I'm afraid of people like you who think about destroying life at every turn. Get some counselling for religious addiction and grow a garden or something.

  4. I didn't write the work. David Stewart did. I agree with David on the Criss Angel issue. Also, no one called him a Devil. I don't need help nor do the person who wrote the article needs help. That person is David Stewart. My name isn't David at all.

    By Timothy

  5. Response: It obvious that I don't need help. I'm not crazy either. YOu don't offer any refutation of the article, yet use ad hominem attacks. That is a typical tactic of you and a tactic of someone who doesn't understand what David wrote. People have a right to expose evil, so that is part of our human existence. To cover up, yet decieving people that everything is good is just as much a lie as obsessing with evil. There is nothing wrong with bringing the good aspects of life in the forefront, but we aren't to be naive. Even the Bible says judge the fatherless and judge righteous judgement. His magic tricks are fake. No where in David's article did he call Cris the Devil. You are mistaken on that assumption. He wrote that his actions are of the Devil. There's a big difference. Who stupid to not understand that difference? It isn't me. The rest of your response is incoherent and a profane words.

  6. I feel sorry for you since you offer no refutation of the article by Stewart but try to demonize people. That's a sign of desperation. I'm not brainwashed and I don't accept fear monger. You accept fear monger of believing in the lie that all conservative Christians are fearly all of the time.

    Yes, Jesus Christ on more than one occasion pointed out the evils of the Pharisees constantly. Jesus called people vipers of Hell, children of the Devil, and hypocrites. You need to read the Bible instead of accepting talking points from leftists. Jesus helped people, but he also rebuked evil. You fail to realize that. Also, since you love Jesus, follow his words in Judging righteous judgement. God is live, but we shouldn't be ignorant of wickedness.

    Repeating? No idea is original anyway. That has nothing to do with the validation of the argument anyway. Angel follows phony magic, having occult symbolism, etc. I don't need counseling. Little do you know, many strong religious people were and are inventors, scientists, scholars, historians, leaders, and other contributors to society. I don't need to accept your stereoyping of fundamental religious people as fanatics since that's a lie. You know it's a lie. I won't become intimidated by you. You sparked a fire and I will response since this is my blog. You even admit that you know nothing about Satan when the Bible is an easy reference point to describe him. Accusing David of stupidity is silly on your part since you offer no evidence of his stupidity. Also, religious conservative built gardens and made great development of society before you were born, so you know I will respond to you.

    It's in my DNA.

  7. Anonymous22:21

    i understand both arguments. personally, im not religious. but i do think that the book of revelations is being followed like a user guide by the freemasons. and there is no denying all the symbolism surrounding him in every picture. there is a reason why skulls have been marketed to the public on a constant basis for years now. its not magic, it psychological munipulation on a grand scale by a bunch of people who want to be god. cris angel was choosen by someone in high places to be the un-christ. i agree, blind positive thinking and just finding a way to see everything as good, is the basis of the whole new age religon. cris angel is not good,. but dont tell that to all the flocks of hot chicks running to go have his child. they are blind. for some reason women are the first to run to embrace the next big gimic, they mimic the behavior of TV. watch how every tv show and ad just about is focused on demonizing men to all be crinimals, child melestors, and abusive. i promise you that that is a lie,. its nowhere near the level the brainwashing tube makes it out to be. men better start standing up for themselves and see how they are the new target of hatred. if women feel insulted by that, well you should, and you should start to realize that you are becomming the thing that you hate... im not perfect, and never claimed to be. follower your leader and watch where he takes you.

  8. Anonymous23:50

    i like korn
    in fact i have 3 of their albums and twisted transistor is my favorite song out of all of them
    criss angels tricks r illusion
    his CA logo doesn't even have 5 points
    his name is angel
    he looks like an angel
    hes hott
    hes rich
    he was ugly as a kid
    he is a nice person
    magic isnt even real and their is always a trick
    i honestly really dont no how he does his stuff that he does
    ur crazii
    dont give me the bullshit that u didnt write this
    i no u didnt
    but ur agreeing with it so ur fucked up just like the guy who wrote this
    criss is not hte son of the devil
    his name?
    it is a coincidence
    get over it and ur "of the devil"
    b/c u go around calling innocent ppl satan

  9. Why are you sensitive about one man. I will respond indepth later.

    By Timothy

  10. Your views: i understand both arguments. personally, im not religious. but i do think that the book of revelations is being followed like a user guide by the freemasons.
    and there is no denying all the symbolism surrounding him in every picture. there is a reason why skulls have been marketed to the public on a constant basis for years now. its not magic, it psychological munipulation on a grand scale by a bunch of people who want to be god. cris angel was choosen by someone in high places to be the un-christ. i agree, blind positive thinking and just finding a way to see everything as good, is the basis of the whole new age religon. cris angel is not good,. but dont tell that to all the flocks of hot chicks running to go have his child. they are blind. for some reason women are the first to run to embrace the next big gimic, they mimic the behavior of TV. watch how every tv show and ad just about is focused on demonizing men to all be crinimals, child melestors, and abusive. i promise you that that is a lie,. its nowhere near the level the brainwashing tube makes it out to be. men better start standing up for themselves and see how they are the new target of hatred. if women feel insulted by that, well you should, and you should start to realize that you are becomming the thing that you hate... im not perfect, and never claimed to be. follower your leader and watch where he takes you.

    My Response: I understand your response. Much occult symbolism exists. Cris Angel is just a puppet promoting illusions and such. The good news is that tons of people are waking up. Folks now are being intelligent enough to resist the propaganda and deception in life the war on terror and the establishment promoting moral relativism.

    By Timothy

  11. Another person's words:

    i like korn
    in fact i have 3 of their albums and twisted transistor is my favorite song out of all of them
    criss angels tricks r illusion
    his CA logo doesn't even have 5 points
    his name is angel
    he looks like an angel
    hes hott
    hes rich
    he was ugly as a kid
    he is a nice person
    magic isnt even real and their is always a trick
    i honestly really dont no how he does his stuff that he does
    ur crazii
    dont give me the bullshit that u didnt write this
    i no u didnt
    but ur agreeing with it so ur fucked up just like the guy who wrote this
    criss is not hte son of the devil
    his name?
    it is a coincidence
    get over it and ur "of the devil"
    b/c u go around calling innocent ppl satan


    My Response: What you like is you're business. Yet, I though you were the type that like "tolerance" and "free speech." Yet, when someone crashes the party with strong dissent, you get all sensitive like the man is a god. He's an illusionist and he isn't a god. Also, you seem like a liar because I didn't write. I quoted the research the article from David J. Stewart. David Stewart is indeed right that occult groups have influence in society and they ought to exposed and opposed. It's hilarious that you call me of the devil when you haven't answered the main points in the article. Innocent??? Not a single human being in human history is innocent from sin except Jesus Christ. That is purely why Jesus came unto the Earth, died, and rose again to offer human being salvation.

    By Timothy

  12. Also, one member of Korn left the band and is a born again Christian.

  13. Like I said before, it's in my DNA to respond. Actually, I love this stuff since it gets my mind going and transvering with energy and intellect. Thank you haters of the truth and skeptics.

    By Timothy

  14. Anonymous13:44

    I think I just heard thunder....oh wait, that was just God laughing at this article. People like David Stewart make God, and those who believe in God, look like archaic fools. Stop giving God and Christians a bad name Mr. Stewart. God gave Christopher (at a very young age) the drive to work hard and give back to society through entertainment. By calling his drive "of the devil" you are saying that God is "of the devil."

  15. I'm not David Stewart. I'm Timothy. I've just cited this article.

    is a link where you can email him and let your voice to be heard to him pro or con. I really don't understand the popularity behind this article, but controversial things are popular I guess. I think nothing with make God or real believers in God look like archaic fools. I think those who mock real religions, suppress the liberties of Christians, and make generalizations are making themselves look like fools. I'm not describing you, but others in the words who do these things. I'm glad I don't have the drive to make illusions, risk death, and suck up to the establishment in my life.

    By Timothy

  16. Anonymous09:37

    ummm if u really dont believe that criss angel is a work of the devil then something is really wrong with you.... i can already tell that criss angel has already brainwashed the world and like in that movie left behind part 2, Nicolae Carpathia, a man who was the president of the united nations [[ i cant remember but he was basically rulling everytihng]]. and theres a scene in the movie that really got me when Nicolae Carpathia [[the anti-christ]] brainwashes the people in the meeting that another man in the room shot another man in the room but it was truely him the devil is a liar and a deceiver and i pray that people do not follow after criss angel b/c he is the work of the enemy...
    and i truely dont understand y people follow after he devil or demonic things i understand that when your little ur parents tell u cant do this and that n its makes you want 2 rebel agianst but that doesnt mean 2 sell your soul out 2 the devil because that wont get you anywhere but only make ur life misrible, and make your mind insane, and plus makes that person look crazy and usually people who are satanic have the most issues in their lives, if only they would of gave thier life up 2 the lord then they wont have no stuggles they would live in peace in harmony even if america is goin thru a war, we will still rejoyce becuase we kno we have the lord on our side n he will come and the best time 2 rejoice is when your going thru hell that shows the devil how strong you are and it shows god how fiathful and true you are 2 his word.
    i am 16 years old and i might not be fully saved but i kno whats wrong and right and to me as my opion that the devil works in many ways 2 deviece us and polute our mind with tricks, like same sex marriage, thats jus disgusting only reason y people really want its is 4 lust of the flesh, and that is the work of the devil. or even the dollar bill i dont understand why you would want2 put some much witchcraft over a simple dollar y not a buter fly someting peacful and delightful lol. but i guess people jus want 2 live is uncertainty and dispair and i dont want 2 be apart of any of that.

    p.s. i enjoyed this article it opened my eyes up b/c i dont watch stuff like criss angel becuase it has witchery in it but now i kno another work of the devil that i can be aware of.. thanks

  17. Anonymous07:36

    Regarding Sterwart's article...I am undoubtedly impressed that "Satan" has kept up with our modern times spreading his subliminal messegaes everywhere...pretty soon he wouldn't have to lift a finger to "recruit" his lost souls, poor sod will be out of a job pretty soon. Thank God! (oh, excuse the pun) peace,love and happiness to all!!!

  18. Anonymous00:23

    These people that made the website need to get a life. Criss is an illusionist not the devil. Look on it has most all of his secrets revealed on there.

    Anyone will put blame on others when it is convienent for them. No wonder the world is as screwed up as it is! It's because of sites like this and narrow minded people that have to believe everything is real.

  19. Anonymous06:56

    Well I think I can agree with you, There is something wrong with him!
    I mean he does do some cool stuff tho, but idk its a lil fishy.
    He is all you said and i Dont go to church, and im very open minded to things but this is one thing i think i can be sure of, that he has something to do with the devil.

  20. Anonymous09:40

    Wow, what are you mad or something?? All i can say is that this article is completely BENT towards the side of Christianity. Its practically written just to make everyone hate magicians and the occult. And Chris and David are good guys not bad.

  21. Anonymous13:08

    Criss is just and magician illusionist and all the things that he do is JUST tricks and illusionism. Criss don't have any powers ok and his is not the devil.
    You need to see some one of help your just a hater that all.

  22. Anonymous01:43

    OK. this is bull!
    i am a Christian and i love Criss Angel.. "Angel" is his stage name.. alot of people have them.. it really isnt that big of a deal.
    it might be of concern if that was his real name and he was pretending to have unique powers or somthing but he doesn't! he has a mom and brothers just like everybody else! and if you think his real last name is weird its becuase his parents are greek. so just get over it seriously this is pointless

  23. I can't believe people can be so sensitive over what David J. Stewart wrote. It's not pointless to dissent. It's funny that some of the "Christians" are some of the most harshest critics of this article. The reality is that there is nothing wrong with hating the occult. The occult is about secrecy and certainly God wants all information accesible to all people to make righteous decisions in life. The truth is that he like Korn, wears an Anarchy logo, uses magic (which is a form of illusion. Real Christians don't need illusions to find fulfilment in life at all), etc.

  24. If you don't like your false "god" being criticized, then respond. Don't go into a fit.

  25. Anonymous20:31

    You do know your "Bible" is nothing but stolen Hebrew stories that were in turn stolen from the Summerians and Akkadians? Instead of reading the "bible" with blindly stupid faith try disecting it for what it is, the greatest piece of propaganda work the world has ever seen. Your "Bible" = Stolen Stories from Hebrew, Muslim and My Pagan Forefathers. Look up the Athrasis story is predates your flood story by almost 400 years....hows that for the DEVIL buddy, btw the devil and hell an all that great Christian stuff is well not real. So relax a bit there chief and enjoy your life, go outside and sit under a tree and if u still cant beat your religious fever try reading the Torah and the Quaran, Maybe understanding other religions will help you to become less of a fundementalist twat.

  26. That's the only thing you guys can respond in. Adhominem attacks with you not even giving your first name like cowards.

  27. Here's my other response:

    The Bible is bigger than so called stolen stories. Histories that are similar to other cultures don't diminish the value of the Bible. That means that humanity have similar origins. Don't you comprehend that? Also, the OT and the NT outline historical facts that the Cladius explusion, the reign of Augustus, the empire of Darius, the Hebrew Temple, the Jewish people being transported into Babylonia, etc. It was been perseved by many copies and the NT is the most documented ancient document in ancient history. To say that the value is trash is a lie and you know it. The Bible wasn't stolen from Muslims since the Bible was created before Muslims existed. Also, paganism is fantasy. There is no evidence that Nature is God. Even pagans in ancient times acknowledged a true Supreme Being. The OT and NT outline the reality of Hell and the Devil. I trust those sources over you. I realize many ancient civilizations outline the story of a Flood. Doesn't that validate the story instead of discrediting that. You seem to fail to understand that, but have religious bigotry. You hypocrites claim tolerance, but are truly intolerant of those that disagree with you. You are no different than Pat Robertson. The only difference is that you guys like about tolerance even more. I've studied other religions for years. Sorry, I don't need works to save me. I don't need to face Mecca or follow rituals that don't save me either. I need faith on God and doing the right thing instead.

  28. I will enjoy my life but not at the expense of violating moral principles.

  29. I'm really not the one you can push around. You may do that to some ignorant person on the street, but I'm not the one. I'm anticipate you guys from a mile away and what you will say.

  30. Anonymous03:26

    the bible is a crutch for those who can't handle the "real world" everything in the bible was put in by the 19th Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church. so f off and contrubut to this world, or just fing go and die.

  31. Anonymous03:35


    We are comeing for u. All of u

    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
    6 6 6 -N.W.O.- 6 6 6
    6 6 6
    6 6 6
    6 6 6
    6 6 6

  32. The Bible existed before the Catholic Church. Leaders, scientists, theologians, lawyers, and other utilized the Bible for centuries for prayer and inspiration not some crutch. Also, there was the Old Latin version created in 157 A.D. The OT in the Massoretic Text is from thousands of years before Romanism was invented as well. In 266 AD. the Synod of Antioch mentioned NT books as well.

    Another point is that in 1559 the Roman Catholic Church issued the Index Liborum Probihitorum or the Index of Forbidden Books. It restricted all books of the Protestant Reformers, Protestant Bibles, works of Erasmus, etc. Pope Paul VI only revoked this in 1959. Romanism has been very anti-religious liberty for a long time.

    The only thing you liars and skeptics can say is profanity, lies, or distortion of historical account. I live in the real world. Some reject the real world in their hatred of real believers in God.

  33. I told you skeptics I'm not going away anytime soon.

  34. Hello, I am in no way accusing you of saying "Criss Angel is the antichrist." But, some people may come to this conclusion after reading this. This post is for these people. We should not always listen to others without investigating the matter for ourselves, some may think "Criss Angel is the antichrist" but if we do a little research on who the antichrist will be we will come to find that Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos (Criss Angel) does not qualify to be that person. Criss Angel does not claim to be Jesus, or have supernatural abilities for that matter. The youtube video that this page was linked to was not one made by Criss Angel, it is obviously made by a fan, when in reality he would most likely disapprove of this and deny any claims of being Christ. To sum it all up, if your interest is sparked to come to a conclusion of what you think of Criss Angel or any other subject, do some studying before believing just anybody about it.

  35. Anonymous23:21

    People, look up David J. Stewart and see if he is credible for yourself..

  36. Anonymous23:51

    David J. Stewart shows 3 pictures in the article, one is SUPPOSED to be Criss Angels logo, the other is the anarchy sign and the other is a pentagram. The one that is SUPPOSED to be Criss Angels is not correctly drawn, it was drawn differently to look the same as the anarchy symbol. David J. Stewart is trying to back up his theory with false information, leading people to believe something to be true when it is not.

  37. I don't accuse Cris Angel of the Antichrist as some of you have mentioned. Also, I don't believe readers of the article will have the impression that Angel is the Antichrist. That's silly. This article harbor dissent with Criss Angel's actions and agenda (nothing more and nothing less). No one says that he claims to be Jesus. The article by David Stewart says that he mimics religious imagery in his illusions and follows a worldly path.

    Also, I study information all of the time Colton, so your words are words. Your words will never make me suck up to Criss Angel. Your words will never make intimidated by you or the responders to this article as well. I will fight for the truth and I will never ever back down.

  38. David Stewart shows more than 3 pictures in the article. Criss Angel's symbol looks similar, but not exactly like the anarchy. That doesn't means Angel is exempt from criticism on certain issues as this article shows.

    I can't believe here in America dissent is equated with one of the biggest evils in the Universe. Yet, it isn't. No one says Stewart is perfect. I don't. Yet, this article is up for people to see the information if they want. Also, we should never take anything at face value. That doesn't mean we embrace moral relativism either.

  39. Anonymous22:30

    I have to agree with Tim's opinion of Criss. While the guy obviously is an illusionist and entertainer, he is definately using the occult for hidden symbolism and outward ratings. He definately seems to have ties to people envolved in the occult world and he oozes the dark prideful spirit of antichrist.

    I do however think Mr. Stewart is off on some points and does augment some of his articles with slightly embellished, outdated, and sometimes incorrect information. He should spend more time teaching people how to follow after Jesus instead of witch-hunting (we all know who was really behind that farce in the first place too). He could also temper the truth with a bit of love and tact as well as prayerful discernment. For goodness sake, he backs one of the internet's biggest fear mongering and disinformation (augmented truthful info with a spin put on it to stear people in a specific direction) websites, "infowars" headed by Alex Jones who is tied directly to the Roman cult. Mr. Stewart would do well to read much better documented information contained at

    Exposing the works of darkness is a lot more simple when one is focused on letting their light shine. Satanists want Christians to loose controll and make an fool of themselves. They will use any opening you give them to black-mail you, discredit, or twist your actual words (and the one's of the Bible) to mean something else. The most powerful thing one can do is stand firm in the truth of the Word of God (and know it!), pray for them, and love them. If they want to spit in your face and reject the truth then it is on their head.

    One day their arrogance, greed, slandering, pension for lying, and self-obsession will be their own downfall. One day they will end up as weeping, tormented, worm-ridden, eye-sores next to their precious founder Levay and the fallen pseudo-god they claim not to worship as an actual diety.

  40. Timothy,

    I am a christian. I've read this & other articles by David J. Stewart & he totally disturbs me. You defended him in one of your replies to a comment by saying he never called Criss Angel the devil.
    Open your eyes. He said he is a child of the devil & he spent the entire article flip-flopping back and forth between Criss Angel & the devil or anti-christ. Have you read other articles written by him? If so, have you thoroughly researched his claims? He attacks everyone, including Martin Luther King, Jr, Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, James Dobson, & Rick Warren just to name FEW. While it is commendable to out the deceivers in our world, his message is radical & full of negativity. Jesus came, shed his precious blood for ALL of us, not to push people away from God with judgements (judge not lest ye be judged & whoever is without sin cast the first stone). Jesus was maligned for spending his time with those who were not saved, those the priests, pharisees, & saducees would never even let lick their boots, so to speak. Please let God shine in you & work through you the way He wants to show His love through all of us. We are to be examples on this earth & should lead people to him, not drive them away. Please, please, don't let men like David J. Stewart influence you. Read your bible & pray for guidance.

  41. I do think this controversy is silly. I will make my point clear and will never be intimidated by people. I don't care if I will make a million more comments in this blog.

    Now, I never unconditionally supported David J. Stewart on every issue. I always made my disagreement with him on some issue. So, I want to make that clear. Also, you are in error since judging isn't monolithic. Jesus Christ perfectly said to Judge Righteous Judgment in John 7:24. We should judge someone's salvation or heart, but we have every right to judge false doctrine as wrong and judge righteously with common sense. A child of the Devil is different than being the Devil. David may have sad that and that's his view. I don't believe that Criss Angel is a Devil, but an establishment decieved man.

    I read tons of articles by him. He attacks Martin Luther King, Jr, Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, James Dobson, & Rick Warren. That's true. He does that because each of them followed Ecumenical and other false doctrines. I will not relent on that issue. You can attempt make scriptural and historical accounts refuting that, but that isn't going to happen. Warren is a member of the CFR and supports the war on terror.

    Negativity? The media and the establishment call real Christians every name under the sun. Yet, when dissent over doctrine is expressed, it's equated to Nazi tactics. That doesn't make sense at all. No, being strong is different from being negative. Being agile and non-weak is different from being negative. Jesus died for all men, but didn't call us to be cowards. Jesus Christ perfectly said to meek, but not compromise our core doctrines. If we do that, you are no different than the worldiness that you witness on TV on a daily basis.

  42. It's true that Jesus Christ communicated with sinners, etc. Yet, Jesus never changed one iota of his message while he was with the sinners. He peacefully encouraged them to change their lives. Biblical judging is fine. Judging people's heart is wrong. There is a big difference. I will never let men like David J. Stewart dictate my theology. God will do that. Yet, I will use Stewart's literature on background information on decievers, apostates, and phony Christians. There is nothing with authentic love. Yet, compromise for the save of promoting Love is not real Love. It's a charade. It's falsitity. So, real love is meekness with other people, but not compromise core Christian doctrine with others.

    It's ironicaly that professing Christians are something more angry with me than non-Christians on this Criss Angel issue.

  43. There is nothing wrong with reading the Bible or having prayer for guidance.

  44. I meant to say:

    We should not judge someone's salvation or heart, but we have every right to judge false doctrine as wrong and judge righteously with common sense.

  45. My eyes are already open.

  46. Anonymous04:34

    David Stewart is correct, this guy is really evil!

  47. Anonymous11:17

    I'm sorry but everyone knows that Criss Angel is an illusionist, a sort of stage magician. Someone did a Youtube video (anyone can) claiming he is Jesus and David claims he is a child of the devil. Neither is true. He is an entertainer similar to David Copperfield. Criss Angel has never claimed to be the son of God or made any religious statements to my knowledge.

    If you are unable to handle the truth of what he is and wish to cling to "he is a child of the devil" crap, that's your right, but it doesn't mean you're right.

    Davids claims, based entirely on someones Youtube video and the fact that Criss is an illusionist are completely unfounded. I mean if your going to go after Criss cause he walks up the side of a building you should go after David Copperfield cause he made a plane disappear.

    David Stewart owes Criss Angel an apology for wrongful accusation. But I'm sure he and those who believe the clap-trap he has spewed about Criss will just ignore this and continue.

    Hmmm. doesn't the bible have something about falsely accusing another?

  48. This thread must be really popular.

  49. Here are my words. You don't have to be sorry on this issu. I'm not sorry for dissent. Now, yes Criss Angel is an illusionist. We realize and comprehend this. I don't believe he's Jesus or the Devil. I've made that clear. Criss Angel is worldly and loves what the world consists off.

    Me and people like us know what the truth is. We don't need illusion to keep our kicks going. We don't need fictional magic to keep our eyes on the prize. That prize is God and Heaven. What we need is to keep living our lives in accordance with God's commandment simply. Also, dissent with some of Criss' agenda is never what you would call "crap." It's apart of the First Amendment.

    Also, I agree with David on many things. I don't agree with David Stewart on every single issue. Also, this link has nothing to do with David Copperfield at all. Copperfield is another illusionist. As for apology, you can easily email Stewart about this issue. What's true is that we don't need illusions for kicks or enlightenment. I don't need to listen to KOrn to have kicks as well (like Criss Angel) likes as well. Even fictional magic decieves people about reality and their capibility to improve their lives. Sorry, I don't need that in my life. I just need God and his will in my life.

    The Bible says something against falsely accusing people. It also says something about Judging righteous Judgment (John 7:24) and utilizing discrenment, which many in this generation disregard for their own selfish reasons.

    By Timothy

  50. Like I've said, I don't care if there are 1 million comments in this thread. I will come back very potent in expressing my views concisely. That's me.

    By Timothy

  51. Anonymous15:03

    chris angel is not jesus!!if i remember correctly, jesus was some little fairy who liked to get nailed and was the son of a whore that i used to nail. about a couple of millenia ago.FOOL!!!

    -Luc. Iferini

  52. Jesus Christ is the Messiah who made inventors, researchers, scientists, authors, authors of the Bill of Rights & Constitution (that you enjoy), and other leaders great whether you like it or not. Not to mention that Jesus is a great man who was strong. You can disrespect God and Mary all you want, but hey God is still in control. The lies you anti-Christians spew won't affect us at all. We are strong and we are here to stay.

    By Timothy

  53. Anonymous19:48

    You know, criss angel says him self tricks are just that, 'TRICKS'! Monks are know to be able to levitate while meditating and they are ALL but devil worshipers.

  54. Kellie08:12

    This person is a nut.. Sounds like the Mama on Waterboy.. "EVERYTHING IS THE DEBBUL!"

    Calm down you, there is only one freak here, and that is the author of this article.

  55. Anonymous21:25

    Dude, this guy is just a big bible basher and a hater. Have you ever heard of the band HIM. They sing songs that has to do with some satanic stuff and they were stuff like that too but there acualy not satanists. Criss Angel might just be like that too. And besides
    theres millions of satanist in the world.....but there STILL PEOPLE and they are entitled to there belifes. If they dont want to belive in "God" they shouldnt have too!

    by the way. Im a 13 year old wiccan but I dont belive in satan!!!

  56. That is just insane. I mean you said that what Criss does is fake, so how can he be of the Devil? The Devil and his helpers wouldnt need to use fake stuff. Criss Angel is an illusionist, thats all. By the way, Wiccans and witches are different. Wiccans follow the actual religion and most worship only a God and Goddess. Thats it! Plus, Wiccans dont believe in a Devil. Witches are people who do spells, ya know, REAL magic. Not all Wiccans cast spells. There are even some Christians who do spells using Bible verses. Im not quick to dismiss something, but this bugs me alot. Ive done alot of research and there are ways to explain things. I am a Criss Angel Loyal, and I am highly offended, also angry. Him and I are one. Theres also a difference between a pentacle and a pentagram. A pentacle is a pentagram without the circle. Also, they are symbols of both Venus and the five elements, Earth Air Fire Water and Spirit. Have a problem with what I typed? Id be happy to have an argument with a Christian. Did you know Christ was a vampire? Probably not.
    One last thing, Criss Angels symbol is just an A with a backwards C around it. Get over it.

  57. Also, an upside-down pentagram is the satanic sign. I think God is just anti-magic because he cant stand that fact that we are as powerful as him. He is after all a jealous God

  58. Thanks for your comments pro and con.

  59. I will say that you can email David J. Stewart on his site if you have disagreements. I do realize that Angel does illusions, etc. As for the pro-Wiccan, your words are really silly. Jesus Christ wasn't a vampire. Wiccan worshipping Nature as God and Goddesses is a violation of God's commandments. Wiccan is still related to Satanism since both accept the view that man can be a god via rituals, they accept occult rituals, and they believe reject Judeo-Christian values. You have a right to be angry. This is a free nation. I have a right to disagree with you. The Pentagram and the pentacle are still used in the worship of the Elements and Nature. That's silly since Nature and the elements aren't divine and have basic limitations. I do know the meaning of the Pentagram do.

    So, you and your ilk will never intimidate me.

    By Timothy

  60. I don't deal with tricks and illusions. I deal with reality. God is beyond tricks.

  61. No one says you can't believe in what you want. We just have a right to disagree with you. See, in this generation, you want to promote "tolerance",(which is impossible 100% of the time since human nature is intolerant against things. Being intolerant of evil is fine. Being tolerant of holiness is also fine) yet some of you have no tolerance for views that counteract your own worldview.

  62. I wonder the hate. I know why, because these words have an impact and struck a nerve. I don't believe in illusions anyway. Thanks your inspiring me even more to maintain my views.

  63. Cinder, man isn't as powerful as God. God created the Heavens and Universe. Therefore, humans are finite in what they can or can't do. The Pentagram have many meanings as all symbols do. One meaning of the upside Pentagram is satanic influences.

    It's as simple as that.

    By Timothy

  64. "One meaning of the upside Pentagram is satanic influences."

    What are the other meanings of the upside pentagram; are they all allegedly satanic; or are any of them non-satanic?

  65. Anonymous05:22

    if he is not child of the great Devil,AZAZIL.why he not turn into MUSLIM.

  66. Anonymous05:25

    if he is not child of the great Devil,AZAZIL.why he not turn into MUSLIM.
