
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Jesuit Information

JagDRS: Just a few minutes ago I was re-reading Ken's article and saw that he has revised & expanded upon what had been the latter paragraphs to now include a denunciation of Eric Phelps by name. Here is the section that is different from what I previously copied here at the beginning. I have not doublechecked but I believe this revised article is using the same URL as the original.

If one follows the convoluted analogy that Ken is drawing here, for instance, one could fairly say that the information on Ken's sight, collectively, is bashing the Illuminiati, their secret socieites, our institutional leaders and whomever all they enlist as bit players and organizations and governments and industries and agents of government who collectively wield control over we the people, and have sought to dumb us down and enslave us down through the ages while enriching themselves to their benefit. By extension this is bashing we the people.

Alexandria: Your average Joe Catholic typically has no idea what goes on at the top. Thing is, when you try to tell them the truth, they don't want to hear it.

Mark Brewer: The solution to all of the wars between members of the patriot movement is to stop looking up to your favorite leader and look instead to see who is presenting verifiable facts. No more anonymous inside tips or hearsay. That will stop most of the fighting. Most patriot leaders present some verifiable facts and hearsay. They generally tend to leave information out that conflicts with their pet theory. That is why my information about the US/Israeli/Iranian axis is never well received. It goes against the pet theories of most patriot leaders.


Dear Vyz,

Stephen Birmingham is most likely a SMOM. He is a Roman Catholic and wrote the classic Real Lace: America's Irish Rich which I quote in VAIII.

The Order has attempted to charge the Rockefellers, as well as the Roosevelts, as being Jews for years. Hitler did the same. The fact is that Roosevelt was descended from French Huguenot stock (Delano) and Rockefeller is German Anglo Saxon. There may be some Jewish blood in both, but they are predominantly White Gentiles serving the Papacy.

Brother Eric



A book overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the
Jewish community states that the Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent
(meaning Spanish and Portuguese Jews). The book is entitled "The Grandees -
America's Sephardic Elite." The author is Stephen Birmingham, who is recognized by
the Jewish community as an expert on Jewish history.

[The leaders of the Jewish community are masons serving the Papacy. So they will endorse the work of Coadjutor Stephen Birmingham.]

The publisher of "The Grandees" is the Jewish owned publishing firm of
"Harper and Row" of New York City.

[Harper and Row are controlled by the Archbishop of New York using his Court Jews.]

Mr. Birmingham also wrote the book "Our Crowd"
about the family background of America's wealthiest and most successful Jews.
Both books have been hailed by Jewish publications as first class works in
the documentation of Jewish history.

[No doubt as the Jewish leaders are betraying their own people through obeying their papal masters in creating anti-Jewish fury here in the US.]

In "The Grandees" Stephen Birmingham reveals the existence of a very rare
book which was published only for Jews some years ago. The work was published
only for Jews some years ago. The work was compiled by the Jewish historian
Malcolm H. Stern and entitled "Americans of Jewish Decent." That book weighed 10
pounds and gave the history of 25,000 Jewish individuals in America. It is
extremely interesting to note that only 550 copies of the book were printed and
each copy was consecutively numbered. The book was delivered to the top Jewish
community leaders in America for their personal reference files in dealing
with and contacting Jews who are "Marranos" (those Jews who "PRETEND" to be
Christians in their community but secretly hold to their Jewish faith and race
when among their own kind).

Mr. Birmingham in "The Grandees" reports: "Who would expect to find the
Rockefellers in the book." Stern's work traces what he calls the "Nobility of
Jewry - the Sephardim who lived in Spain and Portugal as princes of the land."

Ridiculous! The Sephardic Jews were persecuted out of Spain and driven to Portugal. There on the piers of Lisbon their children were taken away and made to be Roman Catholics. This is found in The History of Priestcraft (1835) quoted in VAIII.

Many centuries ago the Jews flooded into Spain in great numbers and through
usury and stealth became vast land owners. The Jews controlled both Spain and
Portugal through their monopoly over the finances of the country.

Disagreed. The top Jews of both countries were merely financial agents for the Vatican during the Dark Ages. Making the Jews tax collectors for the pope created a hatred for the Jews among the common, Roman Catholic White Gentiles.

It was in 1492 that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain expelled
the Jews from their country and confiscated their ill-gotten wealth.

[Was all of the property and monies of the racial Jews in Spain "ill-gotten?" Hardly! This is just the continual policy of the Vatican, to steal the wealth from the Jews and then kill them---as did Austrian Roman Catholic Hitler and Bavarian Roman Catholic Himmler. This is the same anti-Jewish rhetoric as found in the Jesuit-written On the Jews and Their Lies wickedly attributed to Luther.]

It was
during this period that the Rockefeller family moved to the Turkish Empire which
welcomed the Jews at that time, believing them to be a "poor persecuted people."

[Which indeed were the Jews. The Sultan could not believe that the King of Spain would expell the most industrious people of his land. Rockefellers in Turkey, I doubt it.]

The grandfather of our former Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller, admitted
that his family once moved from Turkey to France.

[Source please.]

It was from France that they
moved to America. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., was a wealthy man even before he
took over Standard Oil Co., which made their family one of the richest in the

[Source for this previous wealth. Sr. was a con-man selling snake oil for every disease.]

No one has ever explained how this family came into such wealth as soon
as they arrived in America from France.

There is no known information on how the Rockefellers came into huge
amounts of money in France. Some think [nice source-fascist Fox News does uses the same phrase] they got their money from the Rothschilds
and were originally their agents in buying up Christian businesses in America.

[The buying up of Protestant and Jewish business in America occured during the Great Depression after three Roman Catholics crashed the Stock Market. The Vatican, using $100 million obtained from Mussolini at the Lateran Treaty, bought the depressed American businesses and now rule the NYSE.]

"Marranos" are Jews who "PRETEND" to convert to Christianity

[i.e., Roman Catholicism, as there are no forced conversions in White Protestant nations as a matter of church doctrine or government policy. That is unique to Romanism.]

so as to deceive
Christians in their business dealings, but secretly continued to practice
Judaism in private rituals. For this reason, a Marrano family like the Rockefellers
would make the perfect tool for the Rothschilds of France who have for
centuries used secret agents to carry on their work.

[The Rothschilds are the "Keepers of the Vatican Treasury." Nothing more.]

"The Thunderbolt" was the first publication to bring Vice-President Nelson
Rockefeller's Jewish ancestry to public attention.

[Who ran this publication and please give the sources.]

This information finally
explains why he has always been able to work so closely with Jewish interests
and why his administration as governor of New York was loaded down with Jews
from top to bottom.

[CFR Jews loyal to the Archbishop of New York.]

His political campaigns of the past were always directed by
Jews and he was always the support of the Jewish community in all of his
political races.

[The Jesuits of Fordham University ruling the "Powerhouse" in New York City---St. Patrick's Cathedral---control the elections. The infamy of Tammany Hall is well-known. There is no faction of Jews who openly oppose the political power of the Archbishop of New York; they are scared to death of that killer and thus do his bidding.]

Normally the Jews would not support a Christian multi-millionaire for
political office because they would be afraid they could not control him after the

[Disagreed. They supported Gentile Bush, Gentile Reagan, Gentile Clinton, Gentile Truman, etc.]

The fact that Jewish community leaders have long known that the
Rockefellers were fellow Jews goes a long way in explaining why the organized
Jewish community has always supported the Rockefeller's political ambitions. Now
we can see why Nelson and David Rockefeller boosted his fellow Jew Henry
Kissinger into the Nixon administration and Kissinger in turn has used his position
to bring his fellow Jew Rockefeller into power.

[CFR Kissinger is ind a racial Jew---and a Knight of Malta, just like his Gentile SMOM brethren, CFR Alexander Haig, Jr, and CFR David Rockefeller.]

Brother Eric



I totally agree with your conclusions on these creatures. If their sterile then they have to be made externally by man. If their sterile straight away or after generations this shows they are not natural as with cross-breeding in many animals who suffer the same fate. Mind you we will be branded animal racists next for speaking yet more facts.

I keep making the following argument to people who claim the establishment are so far advanced; Why does the Superior General still wear glasses? Why does George W Bush suffer polyps? Why does Richard Cheney suffer from Heart problems? Why do the British Royalty need hip replacements and so forth? To me its bunkum to keep the illusions in the mind that these people are almost God like figures with mystical power. It keeps us in awe of the mystery and power of the Orders when infact they have no real mystery or power. Of course the Pope's Queen "Guelph" Elizabeth II isn't going to make herself look 30 again, thats too obvious. But things like hip replacements, glasses etc well come on they would not be used for sure. I'm quite sure the Superior General, Queen & Pope would utilise this equipment if it were available. If it does exist then this means theres someone far higher than the Jesuits, Vatican and British Royalty and only they have access. Again this creates mystery, confusion and stagnation which is exactly why I believe information on aliens is pushed within the populance. Thanks to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Bird Cage system and it's media outlets both mainstream and alternative this will carry on. The only way to destroy all the religions and get the populance to accept this, is to utilise Aliens/Gods telling us different. This is the goal of the Jesuits. The Jesuits utilised Balfour to get the one-world religion going, of which he utilised a secret society known as "The Synthetic Society," to do the duty.

It should be noted that the Jesuit Order and it's Vatican Intelligence control everything to do with space and observations of this region from an Earth perspective of course. Nothing gets out to anyone without the Vatican Intelligence allowing so. This is why the Planet X disinformation recently was very suspicious.

-Craig Oxley


Please refer the following extract from your book Vatican Assassins:

“Activist Tommy Lee Jones who played Clay L. Shaw in Oliver Stone’s JFK, Director’s Cut and played the part of a top secret intelligence officer – a modern super secret Jesuit above the law – using high-tech weapons against “aliens” (whose existence is notoriously espoused by Jesuits of the Vatican Observatory) in Men In Black]”

I have read lot of material on ET and alien technologies gleaned from Roswell Crash. I am quite an amateur to understand the intricacies of debate between Advocates of ET influence and alien technologies gleaned from Roswell Crash and its DEBUNKERS.

I am also an amateur.

Col Phillip Corso has written a Magnum Opus “Day After Roswell” which is compels one to ascribe the developments in high tech viz. chip technology, laser, fibre optics gleaned to the disc wreckage at Roswell.

No doubt that the wreckage had that high technology. I interviewd a retired AF Colonel whose personal friend was one of the first to arrive at the crash site. He described the vehicle pieces as being made of Pyrex mirrored on the inside and outside used to reflect the layser light driving the craft. Thus, Corning of New York is a general contractor for these anti-gravity machines along with GE.

However, there are many debunkers who insists that Flying Saucer crash at Roswell is a myth and the technologies described above are of terrestial origin viz. Stanton Friedman.

The Roswell crash indeed happened and was planned that way. Subsequent assassinations and government cover-ups sustain this conclusion. The hybrid humans on board who all died were purposely used to create the scare of an "alien invasion" from space, the scare being intended to re-direct American attention away from the US building the USSR (controlled by the Jesuits) during the Cold War.

I would appreciate your viewpoint regarding alien presence and technologies gleaned from them.

I do not believe that alien biological, water-blood based, life exists outside of the earth. Therefore, the life forms discovered (Grays, etc.) are merely hybrids of the Jesuits created in their underground labs crossing humans and animals. All these "aliens" have humanoid features and, as I understand, are sterile. They die and therefore are under the Biblical curse of death as a result of Adam's fall (Gensis 3)bringing sin upon the human race. Both time and death of all biological life forms are evidences of sin. Thus these creatures originate within the earth from the descendants of Adam.

Concerning technologies, the Jesuits are at least 100 years ahead of all known technologies. Thus, it is not surprising to see high-tech on the recovered craft at Roswell. The crash was a government project intended to deceive while justifying the building of our wicked, Jesuit-fascist, "national security state."

Faithfully yours,

Ashish Raje

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric


Thank you Brother Nicholas for your correction. This is one of the purposes
for you and the others being the email list.

Brother Eric

-ubject: Correction:Donald Cardinal Wuerl new governor of the Jesuits'
Illuminati/Masonic Columbian Capitol City

Dear Brother Eric,

I just wanted to add a correction to your first email to Elias about
Washington DC. Theodore Cardinal McCarrick is no longer in power but
the reins were passed on to Jesuit-trained (at Gregorian University in
Rome) Donald Cardinal Wuerl-master of Capitol(line) Hill including and
I have evidence of this from the John Carroll Society website which
has photos of the Annual Dinner party during which Knight of Columbus
Samuel Alito was presented with a medal just as Jesuit-trained Peter
Pace USMC last year. Cardinal Wuerl rules the White House, Fascist
House of Representatives (with the two fascis facing opposite
directions symbolizing the Masonic double-headed phoenix.

Brother, I'm sure you know about the Masonic Denver International
Airport with its underground base where this Jesuit-controlled
government is slated to be relocated. I'm sure you have seen the
photos of the stone slab with the Masonic compass and square plus the
macabre symbolic artwork depicting the coming holocaust here in North
America of Jews, Muslims and Bible-believing Christians like us.
If not here are links to photos of the airport (this is taken from a
pro-Masonic apologist website)

May the Lord bless you dear brother and yours.

Brother Nicholas

Remember that Colorado is a major SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA command point. Remember that Aspen Insitute is a most powerful SMOM direct commander protected by the SMOM's British SIS bullys. Remember also that University of Denver is fully protected by the British SIS. The SMOM control the whole show, its amazing the sheer power these Merchants have. Just take a look at Wall Street, their not called "The Greatest Merchants on Earth" for nothing. Also notice Denver has the second largest British "Diplomatic Mission" in the United States.

Craig Oxley


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