
Monday, August 13, 2007

Jesuit information


Heres a little piece by a member of mine, you may wish to view. I've questioned myself your explanation for Hiram Abiff and the masonic ritual which you link to the Jesuit Order. As far as I'm aware that ritual has never changed for many many years. Therefore it cannot have anything to do with the Jesuit Order itself who only existed in 1534 apart from being the Los Alumbrados and so forth before. The Jesuit Order never had any power of Freemasonry until the 18th Century. To me the explanation within this article is more correct. Let me know your thoughts on what I've just said. -Craig Oxley

Papal Keys and Masonic Symbolism

Dear Craig,

A truly great post! Lots of great pics!

The legend of Hiriam Abif and the rite of the third degree of Blue Lodge Freemasonry no doubt dates back centuries. But the actual rite as it exists today may be of more recent origin. It may date back to shortly after the Pope's suppression of the Order, about the time of the Council of Wilhemsbad in 1782. It was at this Council that the Order began to repair the breach in the first Great Masonic Schism and consolidate its power over a re-united Scottish Rite Lodge.

It cannot be mere coincidence that three nations killed the Jesuit Order ("Father Hiram"---the chief builder of Solomon's temple) within its borders (symbolizing the three ruffians); that Hiram was raised from the dead by the Worshipful Master (the Pope---who is to be worshipped in the East from the Third Hebrew Temple) with the grip of a Lion (the Pope assuming the title of the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah") and that the Order has placed at the center of "the compass (male) and the square (female)" the letter "G." I am in agreement with the late Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor F. Tupper Saussy, that it stands for the Order's Church of the "G"esu in Rome.

It is the risen "Father Hiram" (the Jesuit Order) who aids the Worshipful Master sitting in the East (the Pope) to be the Universal Monarch of the World.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


What you say below does have merit. I personally stick with the Generative Principle for the 'G' which has far more important meaning than any Gesu which the Jesuit Order in charge of the Roman Catholic Institute would use. It has been spoke of in the past by the legendary William Cooper that Hiram Abiff was symbolism for Jacques De Molay the Grandmaster of the Knights Templar. The now dead very devious two-faced Temporal Coadjutor Saussy may think the G stands for Gesu but he doesn't impress me. I'd also add that the Compass and Square really is symbolism for the 6 pointed star of EL. Now what is the 6 pointed star? The MALE and FEMALE union with the up triangle being Male and down triangle the Female. Like I say the GENERATIVE PRINCIPLE!

Craig Oxley


Dear Brian,

Thank you for contacting me.

Indeed, the details of the USS Pueblo incident are very bothersome. I remember the news about the North Koreans "capturing" that ship in international waters as if it were yesterday. The most distressing reality is that if the US government really sought to prevent the capture of the USS Pueblo, it could have warned communist North Korea (deliberately created by the CFR-controlled US government in 1953 via Cardinal Spellman's President Eisenhower advised by Knight of Malta John Foster Dulles---whose son Avery Cardinal is today a Knight of Malth and a Jesuit at Fordham University) to not lay a hand on either the crew or the ship. Growning under the Inquisitiion of Jesuit Chairman Mao, "Communist" China was still recovering from its rape, pillage and plunder by Japan during WWII, and the military pillbox of Formosa as well as occupied Japan (which hated the communist North Koreans) could have been mobilized for the invasion of not only Korea but also of communist China. (The oppressed Chinese people would have gathered around US, Taiwanese and Japanese liberators.)

Since this did not happen, then the seizure all the classified documents by the North Koreans in 1968 was purposely intended by the CFR-ruled Johnson administration overseen by Francis Cardinal Spellman's successor, Terence Cardinal Cooke---JFK's murderer. The contents of those documents would be quite telling as to why they were given to the communist block countries. But then, one of the Black Pope's purposes of the Cold War Hoax was to build the Soviet Union and Red China in preparation for our coming Sino-Soviet-Moslem-Roman Catholic Latino invasion purposed to destroy the last bastion of the Lord's Grand and Glorious Protestant Reformation.

I will send your question around to the list and they may respond directly to you, Brian.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

Subject: Pueblo Incident

Dear Eric;

I served in the Army during the Viet Nam War in South Korea. I Navy friend of mine did some reading on the Pueblo Incident and some of the details are very bothersome.
The ship was actually a converted US Army ship that was not really suitable for spy work. The ship was loaded with classified documents that some Navy officers deemed unnecessary for the ship to carry. The Navy didn't respond until the North Koreans had control of the ship. Commander Bucher was a "graduate" of Boys Town.
Have you done any research in this area that would give me a lead as to a book or an article that would expand on the anomalies of this operation?

Brian Bergstrom



I am reading The SPy Next Door about FBI spy Robert philip Hanssen, and i wanted to ask your opinion on something i came across.

According to the information Hanssen started spying as soon as he joined Opus Dei.

That figures. Opus Dei is the servant of the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits rule the Black Pope's International Intelligence Community composed of all the "security services" including the Soviet KGB/FSB. After the Order's CIA overthrew Allende in Chile it installed SMOM Pinochet whose secretary was Opus Dei. The "right wing Heritage Foundation that has been headed by Knight of Malta Frank Shakespeare is now led by Opus Dei members and is a favorite of Fox News.

He revealled to the Head of Opus Dei at the time, Father Robert P. Bucciarelli, what he was doing and his espionage. Hanssen turned to spying shortly after joining Opus Dei and converting to Catholicism. Supposedly he was a devout catholic.

Indeed, Opus Dei Bucciarelli knew all along as Hanssen was one of the very few at the apex of the Black Pope's International Intelligence Community where all the agencies merge. Hanssen was the link between the FBI counterintelligence, NSA, CIA and NSA---all of which are linked to the Russian KGB, now the FSB (domestic)/SVR (overseas). This is how we understand the recent murder of the KGB/SVR officer in London as he did not know the connection of the Black Pope's KGB/SVR to the Black Pope's International Drug Trade. Talking to KGB/SMOM guided Putin resulted in his assassination by MI5 working with the SVR. The British Intelligence connection to the KGB goes back to the Magnificent Five including Kim Philby, CIA/MI5/KGB who upon being discovered "defected" to the USSR in 1963---just in time for the JFK assassination. This is the magnitude of the conspiracy that 33rd Degree Freemason and JFK assassin J. Edgar Hoover spoke about in 1956.

what makes me suspicious is that he converts or was recruited into OPus dei worked succesfully for 25 years spying and doing extrodinary damage in dollars and lives and in info such as the continuity of government plan which he sold to the russians.

Yes. And Hanssen's hero was another fellow traitor and SMOM, James Jesus Angleton, portrayed in The Good Shepherd by Matt Damon. Both were traitors and both were key links between US intelligence and Soviet intelligence. And remember, the Cold War was a Hoax, serving as the guise to build Soviet Russia and Communist China while weakening the Western nations born out of the Reformation.

All the while this Reverand and another reverand he spoke with had knowledge of his betrayal of his country.

Of course. Cardinal Egan is fully aware of the treason of President George Bush who was a player in the 911 Demolition. Egan was the backbone of the Demolition. Further, Opus Dei Louis Freeh was also quite aware of his "brother's" service to Opus Dei acting as the liaison between the East and West.

I know cannon law forbids the release of info spoken in private but this sounds absurd. Shouldn't they be just as guilty for hiding this info as Hanssen was for doing it.

Of course! You are now beginning to understand the wickedness of the doctrine of the Pope's Temporal Power. To enforce the Pope's Temporal Power is to commit treason on an ongoing basis. And the Jesuits are the greatest defenders of Rome's Temporal Power.

Did the Vatican want certain russians to have their cover blown such as Dimitri Polyakov aka TOPHAT among others.

Yes. Polyakov was a real enemy of the KGB and thus the Jesuit Police State of the USSR---built by the Jesuits ruling Washington and London. Therefore, the Order used its FBI/CIA/NSA/DIA contact of Hanssen to expose Polyakov which resulted in his execution by the KGB. Angleton committed this identical type of treason/murder hundreds of times. Cheney and Bush have done the same with the exposing of CIA agent Valerie Wilson. Many agents were "terminated" in Russia as a result of the Bush/Cheney/Libby treason.

Or was this the Jesuits from Georgetown University working behind the scenes to achieve goals.

Jesuit Georgetown University and Jesuit Fordham University rule both Washington, D.C., and Moscow via Cardinal Egan's CFR and Trilateral Commission. The Archbishop of Westminster, overseen by the Jesuit Provincial at Stonyhurst, also oversees Moscow via the RIIA---the mother of the CFR. This is how the Pope's Temporal Power functions in the earth.

If Hanssen did confess his espionage and no one intervened, who betrayed whom?

Hanssen became reckless and thus exposed himself. He brought much light upon Opus Dei which was a great transgression in the eye of the Jesuit General. He therefore was sacrificed and another has taken his place.

Maybe Ashcroft even had knowledge of this for some time before they acted to try to catch him in the act.

Of course. The fall of Philby is somewhate similar to the fall of Hanssen. Philby "defected" to Moscow; Hanssen was sent to prison where a double can be substituted for him in the future.

take care,


Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


Bro. Eric,

Concerning the schedule of coming events, I've noticed that there seems to be a little vollying back and forth between whether or not detonations will occur which will bring on Martial Law, or an economic crash will bring on Martial Law due to ensuing anarchy, then the setting up of the dictator, and afterwards, the subsequent invasion.

Has there been any further developments which would lead you to believe one of these to be the correct option?

The Jesuits have many strings to their bow. Which chorus of strings they may play and the timing of that concert is anybody's guess---unless an insider talks. But let us reason based upon what we know to be the truth about the power of the Black Pope. With the aide of his Assistants in Rome, Kolvenbach is the greatest Hegelian strategist of all.

If I were the Black Pope, I would continue to unite Roman Catholic Mexico, the apostate Protestant American Empire and apostate Protestant Canada into the North American Union for the purposes of this Crusade. According to Alan Watt, Roman Catholic, Jesuit-ruled Quebec is to be the center of power of the NAU. To accomplish this, these three, 21st Century Axis nations must be first commercially united, thus we have NAFTA and GATT as well as the "Amero" ready to be imposed as a result of the falling dollar (Federal Reserve Note). The building of the superhighway I-69 is further proof of the intended unification of the three axis nations. Hitler built the Autobon for the same reason.

While in the process of commercial and political unification of these three nations (similar to Roman Catholic Italy, apostate Protestant Germany and Roman Catholic Austria), I would continue my crusade into the Middle East including Iran and open up a front in the Far East, creating a two-front war that North America cannot win, or will not be permitted to win. To unite the US and Canada against the Moslems I would use my CIA and CSIS to use surgical nukes in the capitals of Washington, D.C., and Ottawa necessitating the rise of absolute, fascist military dictators in both nations. To unite the Moslems against North America, I would used my CIA/Al Qaeda to used surgical nukes in Mecca and Medina, blowing those mosques furthering the elimination of Islam as per the wishes of Jesuit Francis Xavier. Now both factions are armed with fierce hatred for one another and both factions are united financially with common currencies (euro and dinar). Saudi Arabia could very well repudiate the dollar and go to the dinar necessitating the US and Canada going to the Amero as an emergency measure thus avoiding hyper-inflation and the crashing of both economies.

Like the US and Canada, I have brought many millions of Moslems into Europe to use them, via my extreme, Islamic Masonic leaders, to incite anti-Islamic fury among my majority Roman Catholic peoples. This will drive the Europeans into right wing fascism as foretold by Martin Lee in his The Beast Reawakens. The saving of my top Nazis and their treasure, via the Vatican Ratlines and international banks overseen by my Jesuits, will have served its intended purpose. Therefore, we should not be surprised to see Europe on the side of the US Axis powers during the beginning years of this Third Thirty Years' War. The US and the EU, with its American-built and financed NATO infrastructure, will be used to annihilate many millions of Moslems in North America, in Europe and in the Middle East. This created, common enemy of color will serve as a unifying force among White Roman Catholics and White Apostate Protestants for both Europe and the US.

But as the USSR was first on the Axis side of Hitler, via the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939, but then switched to the Allied side of FDR and Churchill in 1941 due to HItler's "Operation Barbarossa," the Pope's EU will do the same. It will unite with the USSR and Red China as well, as surviving Moslems, to attack North America for its subjugation and partition. The Pope's EU will gain "Atlantica" in North Eastern US and Canada, while having sustained a minimum of losses in blood and treasure at the hand of Islam. The EU will be totally united, for what other means thereby forces the merging of nations other than war with a common enemy?

In conclusion, the Reformation nations will have been destroyed and partitioned in the West. Europe, including Britain, will be united into the world's most powerful military and commercial force centered in reunited Germany. Russia will have returned to "superpower" status and Red China will have absorbed all the Oriental nations of the Far East (including Taiwan, a united Korea and Japan---all three of which have been betrayed by the Pope's CFR-controlled US during the 20th Century) during her victorious war over the American Empire---including Alaska and Hawaii.

So, I would continue to unite North America into one solid commercial and military block. I would create another terrorist incident so as to unite North America against Islamic peoples of color. I would then destroy Mecca and Medina uniting Islam (including savage Turkey) against the West. I would then "extirpate" the majority of the world's Moslems, furthering the security of my "Kingdom of Jerusalem"---Israel. And once the West falls, my Germany-led EU is in place to protect Jerusalem while the Third Hebrew Temple is being built. Yes, this is my scenario---AMDG---"for the greater glory of god"---the god who sits in St. Peter's Chair.

Bro. Carl

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


In fact some days ago I spoke with a retired person that had a direction job. I know this person as a supporter of the Nazism and the 'Great Germany'.

["Pan Germanism" which led to the doctrine of "Greater Germany" was a creation of the Jesuit Order and championed in Father Stampfle's Mein Kampf (Hitler being totally unable to write such a work as all he read were newspapers). Jesuit Coadjutor General and Professor Karl Haushofer (the friend of Georgetown Jesuit and US Army Colonel Edmund A. Walsh who refused to prosecute Haushofer at Nuremberg) built his doctrine of German geopolitics around the doctrine of "Pan Germanism." The late French author Edmond Paris speaks much of this in his The Secret History of the Jesuits. Pan Germanism was a set up for the destruction of apostate Protestant Prussia just as "Pan Americanism" is a set up for the NAU and the destruction of apostate Protestant America.]

I told him about the role of the Jesuits in starting the XXth century religious butchery. He was aware, and proud of them! Then I spoke him about Wladimir Ledochowski, and he was very happy when he heard that name! He knows very well Ledochowski, who he is and what he did. Only a thing surprised him: it seems he doesnt' know that Lenin allowed the Jesuits to reenter in Russia....

[This is indeed a great secret which I discovered in Notre Dame Professor and Priest James J. Zatko's Descent Into Darkness (1965). Zatko was a professor at Notre Dame University run by CFR-member, "Father" Theodore Hesburgh.]

But at the end of the talking he told me: "Is possible govern the world ONLY with the crime".

[This is typical Jesuit doctrine as enumerated in the vicious doctrines of "Jesuit Moral Theologians," Suarez, Molina, Sa, Escobar, Bausenbaum, Bellermine, Salmeron, and a host of others too wicked to name. This doctrine is reflected in the late Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor F. Tupper Saussy's Rulers of Evil, i.e., that God ordained the Jesuit Order to rule evil in the earth and thus we have no Biblical or natural right to resist the power of "the Company."]

Then, as I was exposing him the buildings of the Jesuit city of Trieste (= the stadium & others) that with the most probability are destined to be the extermination camps of the near next Global Jesuit Pogrom (2012-2022 ?), he fled smiling away....

[This man must have been a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, and there are many of them, including John C. Gannon, the founder of the Order's Department of "Romeland" Security.]

So this supporter of Nazism was surprised about Lenin's connectivity with the Jesuit Order?

[Of course! He really believes that Nazism is an enemy of Communism. He does not know that Hitler and Stalin worked together for the entire duration of Ledochowski's WWII. The cooperation between Hitler's Gestapo/SS and Stalin's NKVD produced the mass-murder of 15,000 Polish officers in the forest of Katyn.]

Especially since this person is also described as a supporter of the 'Great Germany', what would have been his response to the idea of Germany being set up to start WW2 to loose it for the sake of accomplishing the Oder-Neisse line and its accompanying wholesale population expulsions as Wlodimir Ledochowski's Kulterkampf Revenge?

[He would never believe you!]

So the RCC is behind this stadium building boom in Europe to?!

[Of course. That is where the Moslems (which the Order has brought into Europe for the purpose of uniting it under Jesuit Neo-Nazi fascism) are going to be incarcerated before they are eliminated. The same has been done here in the US. The Wall Marts are the holding facilities, each massive building being near an interstate, a railroad or an airport.]

Interesting how these are being built ostensibly to provide the luxury sky-boxes (so lusted for by the ruling power apostate shadow government), so equipped with refrigerated water fountains, whereas those in the general admission area are not.

Considering the use of stadiums in Pinochet's Chile during the mid-late 1970s, would not these new stadiums be even more useable as mass detention facilities, with the sky-boxes needed as the command centers?!

[Great point!]

Douglas A. Willinger
(please see my blogger profile for my other blogs of possible interest)

Brother Eric


Another good post on Ledochowski. His Jesuit-backed Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"---the struggle of the Jesuits against the Protestant culture of democratic Prussia) was the comeback against Protestant, Bible-believing, Prince Bismarck's Kulterkampf ("Struggle against Culture"---the culture sought to be imposed in the Protestant-ruled Second Reich by the Jesuits).

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

A What Should Be Obvious Fact Pattern:

Wlodimir Ledochowski, born October 7, 1866, (source NY Times obituary) a Kulterkampf revenge time-line child: 6 when Bismark expelled the Jesuits from Germany, and 8 when Bismark imprisoned Wlodimir's uncle, M. Ledochowski -- who was Archbishop of Posen (Poznan) for 12 months from 1974-75.

A possible inter-Vatican coup with the statistically unlikely hours apart deaths of the Pope and the Black Pope in 1914.

A possible inter-Vatican coup, or attempt at such, with the timing of his death to the turning of the tide of the war at the Battle of Stalingrad. I say attempt at such because Ledowchoski's plausible counter reformation strategy played out, with his successor IIRC being an elderly intrum caretaker until after WW2's end with the formal selection of the 27th JSG Jean-Baptiste Janssens.

Yet what books have been published about Wlodimir Ledochowski?

Indeed, why do so many Jesuit history accounts seem to fade out when they get within about 200 years of today?

Douglas A. Willinger


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