
Monday, August 06, 2007

Truth and Action

Yesterday, a Republican debate occur. This was more emotional in the since of the candidates' criticism being directed against the Democrats more. Romney was harsh against Barrack Obama for his statements about fighting in Pakistan if intelligence surface that Osama bin Laden was there. Me, I don't believe in preemptive tactics (which was promoted by Leo Strauss and Jesuit Edmund Walsh decades ago. Walsh was an ally of 33rd Degree Freemason MacArthur and Cardinal Spellman). We respect nation's sovereignty. Also, each of the candidates debated each other. Ron Paul was the most indepedent of the bunch proclaiming that we need to get out of Iraq. Also, Paul commented that we never invaded the Soviet Union with hundreds of nuclear warheads aimed at us, why should we invade Iran possibly if they have no nuclear weapons at all? That's a fair point. RFID chips advanced greatly over the course of years. There is a story called "Microchips in humans: High-tech helpers or Big Brother surveillance?" It talks about how employees are recieved these chips and Barry Steinhardt, director of the Technology and Liberty Program at the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington D.C." (although the ACLU is right on some issues, they are dead wrong on others like religious liberty rights. The ACLU was founded by the socialist Roger Baldwin) expressed concern that America will be a huge surveillance society. In that society, we're tracked even our thoughts. Already, we're very much tracked to a certain extent. Lately, many want to blame Jewish people for everything under the sun. I'm not into that camp because the conspiracy existed before Jewish people existed, the leadership of Vatican and other groups butchered Jewish people for centuries, many evil Jewish people involved in intrigue are members of secret orders (like Masons Schiff, Hammer, Lenin, and others. [like CFR member Abe Foxman]. Also, many of them don't represent all Jewish people. These puppets were financed by the real power elite found in the SMOMs, high level Freemasons, and the Pilgrim Society), and the mysticism that some elitists embrace come from the Gentile Mysteries (Even the Talmud and Kabbala have babylonian and Zoroastrian roots, so it's a Gentile conspiracy not a Jewish one.) The reason is that most of the heads of the Knights of Malta, Jesuits (& the Vatican), high level Freemasonry, and the Pilgrims (groups that really rule the world) are mostly Gentiles. The Sephradic, Indic, and other Hebrews have been found to be real Jewish people as well) of times past.

One thing I'm really tired of is people saying "Don't judge." What are they living in a dream world. People judge all of the time. We judge poisons as evil and we judge people on their appearance constantly. We should judge when necessary like actions and character. Although, we shouldn't judge certain things like a person's heart, etc. I do believe in individual liberty and freedom. That freedom extends to the right to life, the right to recieve whatever health care you want, to get anything education your want, to save our money, to have strong access to liberty, perserve our right to bear arms, etc. I will still expose Secret Societies from the Masons (whose Grand Orient Lodge was key in the development of the League of Nations) and the Jesuits (whose allies like the Knights of Malta own many corporations and some in the "alternative media" refuse to talk about them). The goal is the same in these organizations in desiring their philosophic vision of a new era on Earth with a one world, a unified religious sphere (via the New Age Movement), and a controlled population (through Big Brother, population control, etc.). What I need to do and all of us ought to do is for truth and action. We need to tell the truth and act.

By Timothy

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