
Monday, October 15, 2007

Another Day and Another Challenge

Another Day and Another Challenge

Monday is here. Sports is going on and information is spreading like wildfire. Al Gore recently won the Nobel Peace Prize. The media from CNN, MSNBC, and FOX (from Chris Matthews to Wolf Blitzer) just loved the coverage and praised the man. Al Gore is an establishment man whose father was part of a Big Oil company (Al Gore Sr. was also a friend of high level Freemason Armaud Hammer. Hammer funded the USSR empire like 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Ford did as well). Gore's political policies have never been courageous as outlined by many writers from not opposing the murderous Iraqi sanctions in the 1990's to saying nothing about Chinagate. Gore promotes the ideal that man is causing global warming when scientists and new DVDs deny it. The environment is changing all of the time and man's "man-made" greenhouse gasses comprise about .26 per cent of the total greenhouse gas component of the earth's atmosphere, the solar system is warming, and CO2 increase while temperature went down from the 1940's to the early 1980's. Dr. William Gray found that there were more hurricance when the Earth cooled from 1900-1949 (being 101) than from 1957-2006 (being only 81. The elite in the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group are in support of global warming hysteria) when the Earth warmed. The mainstream media won't report on this stuff. Gore's opinions have even been debunked by a British judge, while real environmental issues are rarely discussed like deforestation, GM foods, toxic waste, water poisoned with flouride, illegal land grabs, etc. It is true that we do need to improve the environment by embracing alternative energies (in basic incentives, etc.), but extremism is never a solution on this issue. There is a video of Dr. David Ray Griffin advocating global government. This is really shocking since he's supposed to be part of the 9/11 truth movement. Global government isn't right since it will further centralize power into more elite hands and not to mention it will suppress nationalism and our individual liberty. Nations have a right to exist with their sovereignity entacted. There are more examples of our liberties being decreased like police arresting a police for just handing out vidoes. Iraq is going in a stalemate and the best solution is for us to allow the Iraqis to handle their own problems. I don't believe that the Iraqis are inferior or there is no hope for real freedom in Iraq, but the policy now isn't creating a radical improvement (The war basically was planned before 911 via the PNAC document and other sources. Many of the generals are Jesuit-trained).
Days exist and more challenges are there for anyone to witness. The deal is that I'm going to continue living my life. Life is a special function of human existence and I love life. I don't worship life though. We should worship God though. One of the final goals in my mind of what society is headed isn't just a one world religious atmosphere (promoted by the Vatican and Jesuits actively. Similar families in Europe called the Black Nobility has been running most of global policy for thousands of years along with the Pilgrim Society, the Vatican, the Bilderberg Group, etc).

It's also a technology revolution. See, before we were born Huxley and other elites advocated transhumanism or making nanotechnology and other devices to control man in a better in "bettering" the human species. That's why videos and many researchers are coming forward telling folks that they want to use nanotechnology to merge with biological infrastructures (including humans). That's wild that this is happening in our generation. Yet, I'm not afraid of the government. The elite want us afraid, so we won't do anything. The truth is that we can resist peacefully this brainwashing, this dehumanizing philosphy, this wierd technology, and Big Brother overload. We shouldn't have fear, but strength to live our lives and help people.
By Timothy

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