
Thursday, October 18, 2007


Independence is a good thing. It's a wonderful thing that I'm not caught into following the 2 major parties like a brainwashed individual. I'm my own man and I'm capable of creating my own thoughts on profound opinions plauging society. On Monday, there was another incident of a military standoff between the Mexican military and the Border Patrol. The vehicles that the Mexicans had carried marijuana illegally into America. That's some of the underreported information that proves the immorality of illegal immigration. Frankily, if people want to go into America, they have to do it the proper way. There is complexity on this issue of course and compassion should be executed when necessary. Yet, those here illegally will have to face some punishment for their actions (the border must be secured first. Without that, you have no solution in my mind). That isn't difficult. It's bigger than illegal immigration. The illegal immigrants are exploited by multi-corporations plus globalists (in the CFR and especially the Vatican/Jesuits who are in league in promoting illegal immigration) in order to achieve a global infrastructure or a new world order. That's why CFR member Condolezza Rice and other advocate "the North American community" from their own words. On health, the media is commenting on staph infections spreading across America even in Virginia (where I'm from). There has been an increase of opposition to vaccine since tons of scientists have made studies exposing the problems with vaccines (Also, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, who deliberately dumped a vaccine that was known to be contaminated with AIDS virus on the European and Latin American market after it killed people in America. Much of Big Pharma are headed by some Knights of Malta. Some vaccines have the dangerous neuro-toxin called mercury). People have a right to not take vaccines if they want to.

Texas Governor Rick Perry has endorsed pro-abortion former mayor Rudy Giuliani for the Republican nod for president. That's ironic since Perry claims to be pro life (when abortion killed many woman like one from Massachusetts named Laura Hope Smith. The mainstream media won't report on this story like they won't report on how RU 486 killed Holly Patterson. RU 486 is poison period. Abortion is about dehumanization and population control. That's why tons of globalists like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, etc. support it). He's like Sean Hannity who would endorse Giuliani if he was the Republican nominee. That is hypocrispy since they will forsake their views for the sake of sucking up to the Republican party. I would never do that. I rather fight it out against blatant evil head (at least you witness what you're up against) on than follow a man that you don't know what he will do like Rudy. Perry also is a member of the Bilderberg Group , supports the destructive war in Iraq, and is in support of the Texas-Trans Corridor, so he's a flunky of the Elite. I do believe in liberty. The War on our gun rights and the federal war on drugs (some officals are even sending non-violent offenders in prisons for a very long time. On some cases, these offenders serve longer sentences than rapists and child molestors. On some cases intellgence agencies and government bring illegal drugs into America which was reported by Gary Webb and others) caused huge problems in America. That's why government should be a tool and limited in its scope, not control all aspects of everyone's lives. We should be accountable to our neighbors, the laws, and our Creator, but we should always opposed blatant tyranny in any form. Indepedence is a great motto that I subscribe to.

By Timothy

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