
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Jesuit news

unmovable: Martin Scorsese doing a film about Two Jesuit priests, SebastiĆ£o Rodrigues and Francis Garrpe, travel to seventeenth century Japan under the Shogunate regime (which has isolated itself from all foreign contact) to see how the evangelical mission is going. There they witness the persecution of Japanese Christians at the hands of their own government, which wishes to purge Japan of all western influence. Eventually the priests separate and Rodrigues travels the countryside, wondering why God remains silent while His children suffer. should be rather telling.

Minuteman Matt: Sounds more like a propaganda film to me...

Nice find!Brother Eric

unmovable: Minuteman Matt,i agre but im sure there will be some truth in least visible to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear....

_________ (Kolvenbach information)


Confession to the Jesuits No. 32: Why Are So Many of Their Detractors Assassinated?

Nury Rivera, wife of former Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera, says her husband was poisoned by Vatican and Jesuits. She will appear Monday on The Investigative Journal radio show, telling the full story.

By Greg Szymanski, JD

Sept. 29, 2007

In this Confession to the Jesuits No.32, we ask why so many of their critics have met untimely deaths or were systematically discredited while alive? One such victim of Jesuit retaliation was former Jesuit priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera, who died on June 20, 1997, after leaving the evil Order and dedicating his life to exposing Jesuit satanic corruption. Rivera was killed by the Jesuits with the "poison cup" or "Cup of Borgia" for alerting America about Jesuit infiltration through secret societies in almost every facet of American, including intelligence agencies, financial institutions and religious organizations. Here is a short video clip featuring Rivera from an interview by James Arrabito, a truth seeker on a world-wide mission to expose the Jesuits and Vatican. Arrabito was also killed by the Jesuits, according to insiders, when his small airplane crashed in Alaska in 1990. A complete version of the video, 2 hours and 23 minutes in length, can be found in the Arctic Beacon Radio


On Monday, Oct. 1, 2007, Rivera's wife, Nury, will make an appearance on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, at telling the full and complete story of her husband's life and death."Vatican and Jesuit representatives came to me after Alberto was killed with a $1 million bribe," said Nury. "In exchange for the money, they wanted me to sign a document saying that Alberto was insane and delusional."When I refused this request, they later came to me again saying that if I tell them where Alberto was buried, they would take care of me and my son, Alberto Jr., for the rest of our lives."I also refused this request because I know they wanted to dig up my husband's bones and take them back to the Vatican for some kind of sick satanic worship were they think they gain power by having the remains of their detractors in their control." Another high-level priest, former Archbishop of Guatemala Gerard Bouffard, recently became a "person of interest" and threatened by the Jesuits after leaving the Catholic Church and trying to tell the truth about the Vatican's intentions of creating fascism in America.

After coming forward with startling revelations on The Investigative Journal radio show, Bouffard said he threatened and told never to speak again publicly "or else!"The following paragraphs are taken from a past Confession to the Jesuits, written by Greg Szymanski after he interviewed Bouffard on radio in October 2006:

Bishop Bouffard, who left the Church and is now a born again Christian living in Canada, based his conclusion after working six years as a Vatican priest, assigned the task of passing daily, sensitive correspondence between the Pope and the leaders of the Jesuit Order residing at Borgo Santo Spirito 5 near St. Peter's Square. "Yes, the man known as the Black Pope controls all major decisions made by the Pope and he in turn controls the Illuminati," said Bishop Bouffard last week on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, at where archives of the startling statements can be heard in their entirety. (Archives can also be found at "I know this to be true since I worked for years in the Vatican and traveled with Pope John Paul II. The Pope takes his marching orders from the Black Pope as the Jesuits also arte the leaders of the New World Order, with the task of infiltrating other religions and governments of the world in order to bring about a one world fascist government and a one world religion based on Satanism and Lucifer. "People can't imagine how evil and how much destruction they have caused and will cause while, at the same time using the perfect cover of hiding behind black robes and professing to be men of God."

Bishop Bouffard's first hand knowledge of the evil lurking within the hierarchy of the Vatican and particularly the Jesuit Order confirms the testimony of other researchers, including Bill Hughes, author of the shocking books The Enemy Unmasked and The Secret Terrorists, as well as preeminent researcher of the Jesuit Order, Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins. Besides painting a dark picture of the Black Pope in Rome, Bishop Bouffard claims the evil power of the Jesuits extends throughout the world, including solid infiltration of the U.S. government, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and major religious organizations. Bishop Bouffard claims the Jesuits act like the perfect chameleons, taking on the identity of Protestants, Mormons, Baptists and Jews with the intention of bringing about the downfall of America as well as bringing the country under a one world religion based in Jerusalem and under the control of their leader, Lucifer."I know first hand that the Vatican controls and monitors everything in Israel with the intention of destroying the Jews," said Bishop Bouffard, adding the true purpose of the Jesuit Order is to orchestrate and control all leaders of the world in order to bring about a major worldwide conflict which will eventually destroy America, the Middle East and Israel.

"They destroy everything from within and want to bring about the destruction of the Catholic Church, as well, in order to usher in a one world religion based on Satanism. This is also seen in the way priests worship in the Mass, actually worshipping the dead. Also, signs of Satanism are seen in many outward symbols, customs and vestments displayed by the Church." After his service in Rome, Bishop Bouffard spent time in Africa and Guatemala, rising to a position of power within the Church. However, with this religious power came affiliation and membership as a Freemason, becoming a 37 Degree Masonic member, something supposedly frowned upon in the Roman Catholic Church since, according to Canon Law, membership in a Masonic Lodge brings immediate excommunication. According to Bishop Bouffard, Freemasonry is used by the Church to carry out its secret plans, as many other high-level priest, bishops, cardinals and even popes have joined secret societies along with others in positions of power in other religions and governments, many working together to further the evil Illuminati agenda. And his statements back up reports which surfaced in Italian and French newspapers in the early 1980's, reporting more than 150 high level priests with membership in Freemasonry, including the P2 Masonic Lodge and other secret societies. "I finally was born again and denounced the Catholic Church," said Bishop Bouffard, who now is a practicing Christian following the word of God through the Bible. "We must always pray for our leaders by openly denouncing evil and exposing the Jesuits for what they really are." After leaving the Church, Bishop Bouffard also made amends and asked the late Jesuit priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera for his forgiveness. Fr. Rivera was one of the few Jesuit priests with the courage to expose the evil intentions of the Society of Jesus, coming forward telling how he worked as one of the Jesuit Order's infiltrators in America with the job of infiltrating Protestant and Baptist churches with the intent of destroying them from within. "When I was a bishop and still loyal to the Church, I once wrote a letter denouncing Fr. Rivera and advocating his death," said Bishop Bouffard. "When I realized the truth, I searched out Frt. Rivera and asked his forgiveness. We became good friends and I know he was telling the truth. He was an honest many who also found God. "I know the Jesuits tried to change the truth, saying he never was a priest and destroying all evidence backing that up. They have tried to do the same to me, but Fr. Rivera was telling the truth without question. I know that for a fact and even was with him several weeks before his death. He was suffering terribly after being poisoned with acid. Like I said, you can't imagine the suffering and destruction that has been caused and will be caused by the Jesuits"


This was created by Thomas Richards:

(under construction) check out webpage for links and pictures.Gary Metz wrote a story on Alberto Rivera alleging that Alberto Rivera was a phony. This article was featured in at least two major "Christian" Magazines (Cornerstone, Christianity Today). And then several Catholic periodicals. Now Listen, on the whole internet, Gary Metz article is the MAIN source used to 'debunk' Alberto Rivera. Just to show you what a liar this man is. Gary Metz states in his article that Alberto River had a son who died in infancy and that was Alberto's only son. Yet I had many personal coorespondances with Alberto Rivera Jr. And Alberto Rivera Jr has made public his presence in an article defending his father. In doing some research on Gary Metz it really makes me curious as to why he did his story on Alberto Rivera. That story he did on Alberto Rivera is the only article he did that was featured in these magazines.

Let it also be known that Cornerstone Magazine and Christianity Today are very pro Catholic and pro Vatican. Another thing about Metz is that he is a huge name in political blogging. And it's all about Iran and how there should be a regime change there. For several years he's been writing articles about breaking news in Iran. Also, he has had interviews with individuals who are in the intelligence community. This man has an incredibly neo conservative agenda. His ideals fit right in with George Bush and his administration. Here is his BLOG. He also runs this website called Regime Change Iran. Another strange connection is this 'Pastor' in the Seventh Day Adventist church, Larry Kirkpatrick, who quotes from Gary Metz' article on Alberto as if Gary Metz in a credible solid reference on the matter. At the same time this Larry Kilpatrick is attacking a wonderful Vatican researcher Bill Hughes who wrote the very important book, “The Secret Terrorists”.But getting back to Gary Metz AKA Doctorzin. Here is an Regime Change in Iran: Interview with Gary Metz (AKA DoctorZIn) and a 16 year old kid (Ryan Mauro) does lots of work for the American intelligence community. To show you the type of propaganda news sources Gary Metz AKA Doctorzin writes for here is an example of an article on their web site: Article “American Nazi Idol-Cindy Sheehan's supporters don't just light candles....” (whether Cindy Sheenan is the other side to the same coin or not you can see what the agenda is through attacking her)Here's a quote from the article, "Far from distancing herself from these hatemongers, she has praised some of their work. In a podcast held live from Camp Crawford hosted by Howard Dean’s former campaign Joe Trippi, Sheehan praised the work of "journalist" Greg Szymanski, who has covered Sheehan for the UFO website and the American Free Press. At the time of the call, the Drudge Report had uncovered Sheehan’s conflicting statements about her first meeting with President Bush. In the call, Sheehan lauded Szymanski’s journalistic integrity, stating, "Your account, that you wrote, is a true one."

Szymanski wrote two accounts of her meeting with the president, as well as numerous articles for the American Free Press – including one questioning whether the Bush administration was involved in 9/11. AFP is the newest incarnation of THE SPOTLIGHT newspaper, which the Anti-Defamation League classifies as "the most widely read publication on the fringe Right." Both were published by Liberty Lobby, an organization with ties to neo-Nazism and anti-Semitism that is "presently the most influential right-wing extremist propaganda organization in the United States." Sheehan is appreciative of at least some of their journalists’ "true" work. One must say, at a minimum, her love for radical nutjobs does not discriminate. Here you can see that this group of people continue to slander good independent Journalists. They don't even care at all about telling the truth because if anyone clicked the link they provided for Greg Szymanski's you will see that he doesn't run a UFO website!

But that Greg specializes in exposing the Vatican's jesuit order intrigue in American Politics as all the greatest patriots in the world have done. So what you can see here is a trail of Jesuit/Vatican shills attempting to discredit good people who are exposing the jesuit order. In Source Watch web site they label Gary Metz "work" under the catagory of Propaganda. If you click the Religion link at the web site that Metz often writes for you will see that they are completely Pro Vatican.

Alexandria: All roads lead to Rome.Seems everyone who tries to "discredit" Brother Alberto is just quoting each other...going around in a circle. A quotes C, B quotes A, and C quotes B.Then there's "methinks he doth protest too much."

recontanker55: All roads will lead to rome until, Jesus returns. No matter how much is said about rome as long as the movies and the moron evangelicals potray rome as 'OK" the american idiot wil still not know what controls him/her.When the power goes out, thiers no beer, and red necks can't hunt the kings dear , maybe then , their will be a wakeup call. Or maybe when they suceed in taking the vets guns? They are the only real defense against terreny.

Alexandria: Cancel American Idol and Monday Night Football and see what happens....

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