
Monday, October 22, 2007


Yesterday, another Republican debate occured yesterday. All of them were more specific on domestic issues. Usually, they were more specific on foreign policy subjects. It was differently a more strident anger the policies of Hillary Clinton. Clinton is a slick woman. She may decieve some that she's against the Iraq War, but she made no commitment to eliminate all troops from Iraq by the end of 2009. New military bases are increasing in Iraq similar to the Roman Empire when the Romans build cities across their Empire. They also talked about health care in using the individual as the decider in choice in a variety of options for their health (without the government or Big Pharma controlling all of our health care system). I would agree with that and add that vitamins and supplements ought to be promoted as well. All of us should be involved in outlining specifics to our belief system like abortion causing mental effects on women. Bill Maher from HBO has turned out to be an establishment shill. There is a clip of him using profanity and forcing a person out of his show for just speaking. That person wasn't violent at all. That's wild. Bill Maher doesn't accept 911 Truth information (like Norad standdown, Building Number Seven's mysterious collapse, witnesses hearing explosives, etc.) when evidence after evidence refutes the offical lying story. After 9/11, executive power is increasing, civil liberties is going down, and the SPP is here trying to integrate us into a North American community. I like to also thank new information coming in about the Vatican and Jesuits' role in globalization and the new world order. For example, I found out according to Thomas Richards' research that not only does only in 2006, 35 individuals (mainly monarchs like the Queen of England, the Pope, the Saudis, etc.) own 1/5 of the Earth's surface plus the Pope is worth $1.7 trillion in its total land holdings. It said that the Queen is worth over $33 trillion in holdings of land and the Saudi King Adullah has land holding worth over $2.9 trillion. There are wildfires in California, Turkey has been attacked by PKK guerillas and other important news are going on.

There has been a controversy over James Watson's comments that blacks are genetically inferior to white intellectually. What's the truth? First, Watson is a eugenicist. The reason is that he promotes genetic screening, he wants abortion, and he wants to experiment on humans even risking their lives. He's wrong and promotes evil. As for intelligence, I believe no human are identical 100%. I don't believe in equality in the sense that all humans are identical since that's biologically impossible. I do believe in equality in that all humans have a common origin, are related to each other, and are equal in value plus equal in worth. Now, intelligence as scientists discovered isn't fixed forever, therefore IQ and intelligence can increase irrespective if you're black or white via education and intervention. Therefore, I don't believe that blacks are genetically inferior to whites in intelligence since intelligence isn't a fixed concept. Not to mention that racial "differences" only make up about 0.012% of our whole biological variation. Watson is just a petty racist who even said that some anti-Semitism is justified. You couldn't make this stuff up. I wouldn't worry about people like that. There are very intelligent people in many races, ethnic groups, and backgrounds. Specifics are important to investigate and display.

By Timothy

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