
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Transhumanism - The New Eugenics?


Transhumanism - The New Eugenics?

Written by COT
Wednesday, 01 August 2007
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What is it to be human? With the advent of modern technology, humanity as we know it may be on the road to extinction. We ask, just how long do we have left?

There was a time when humanity was considered the pinnacle of creation. We were made in God’s image and the Earth was considered to be the centre of the universe. That all changed after the Enlightenment period. Humanity was no longer perceived to be apex of all creation, but rather, an unintentional glitch in the vastness of the universe. The Enlightenment ideal that humanity could build a better future for itself through the use of scientific endeavour and discovery has now led to the rise of the transhumanism philosophical framework.What is Transhumanism?Julian Huxley first coined the term, “transhumanism”, in the 1950’s. Huxley was the first director of UNESCO and brother of author Aldous, who wrote the science fiction novel, “A Brave New World”Julian Huxley was also a keen proponent of eugenics and it is fitting that that he was the first to use the term “transhumanism” as it is merely a variant of eugenics doctrine that he so heavily endorsed. But what exactly is transhumanism? Transhumanism can loosely be described as physical and mental enhancement of humanity through technology. Transhumanist thinkers want to eradicate what they consider to be undesirable aspects of human nature, such as, aging, suffering, disease and even death. From the website:“The enhancement options being discussed include radical extension of human health-span, eradication of disease, elimination of unnecessary suffering, and augmentation of human intellectual, physical, and emotional capacities.”
(1992 words)

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