
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Finding the Truth

It's Tuesday now. The world hasn't skipped a beat in massive updates. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf declared martial law against his own nation. He arrested journalists, suspended the nation's constitution, and other anti-liberty measures. It's kind of wild that this is happening when supposedly Pakistan is our ally. It's ironic that a White House offical commented that we shouldn't violate civil liberties to fight against terror, yet the Bush's administration support of the NSA's warrantless wiretapes, Gonzales denying habeas corpous explicitly in the Constitution, and other actions merit the classification of the Bush White House of possessing an anti-liberty mindset. Pervez is claiming that his actions are justified in battling against Muslim radicals, yet it could backfire and create more radicalism in his own country. ex-CIA agent Robert Baer (the CIA is a group known for its murderous covert acts for decades. Vatican agents were notorious founders of it like Reinhard Gehlen and others) even recently said that 9/11 might be an inside by the evidence. More and more celebrites, the public, and other corners are rightfully exposing the offical story of 9/11 as a total lie (since we know the government was warned multiple times about terror attacks against America, the mysterious collapse of Building Number Seven when no plane hit it, how the NIST found that they couldn't explain the collapse of the Towers, witnesses hearing explosives in the Towers, and how the "hijackers" were trained in American bases). Baer isn't known as a far-left man, so credible folks have always called 9/11 an inside job. This is part of a bigger time. Constantly, real Patriots are rising up. We want our sovereignity, we wants our jobs perserved in America, and we want to end the war in Iraq. We also want multinational corporations to never have governmental power and be held accountable when they praticipate in any evil endeavor (for example on how Dyncorp was caught in child sex rings) as well. Our liberties should be protected without paranoia ( like how John Christy, a scientists from the IPCC disagree with Al Gore catasphoric view of global warming). The truth of the matter is that recording massive climate changes on Neptune's largest moon, Triton. The whole solar system is warming since the sun is hotter than it has been in over 1,000 years as outlined in the film "The Great Global Warming Swindle", (which dissent with Al Gore's opinion on climate change).

John Lettice from The Register on Tuesday at November 6, 2007 reported on how the EU will adopt a policy of profiling passengers. The EU and the US want to compare and merge their watch lists to combat "terrorism" when in truth innocent folks have been classified on no fly lists for years. The European Union (which was formed via the Treaty of Rome. Vatican & Bilderberg agents are in the leadership of the EU from Barraso onward) is a globalist group seeking to intregrate Europe as part of a new world order system (This new world order includes ID cards, population control, biometrics, toll roads, SMARTgrowth, and globalization to try to control man's power plus land. It's bigger than Europe since some want a North American Union even proposing foreign companies like Cintra to own the Trans-Texas Corridor in America. Cintra is owned by Knight of Malta & socialist Juan Carlos. This isn't new since the Roman Empire over 2,000 years ago created roads spanning their Empire to trade and control its subjects. It's also about ceding power from governmentally elected leaders and individuals into select bureaucrats. When you have select, unelected bureaucrats ruling things, it's a plutocracy not a republic). Also, isn't due process the answer to investigate crime, not a pre-crime atmosphere that destablizes our civil liberties. CFR member Fred Thompson confirmed my suspicions. He not only supports the Iraq War, but says that starving people to death (which was done to Terri Schiavo) is a family matter and isn't murder. He also said that some states allowing murder (abortion) is cool with him. Frankily, abortion is murder and should be fought against in every state of the Union. He said all of this in Meet the Press with Tim Russert. I want to make a point that governmental power should be limited. Too much governmental power can lead (and has lead) into dictatorship, a ruin on the economy, and total suppression of independent human action. I also want to talk about James Waston, the co-discoverer of DNA. Some say don't criticize him. That's silly to me. This man supports anti-Semitism (by his own words), wants eugenics, wants genetic screening plus abortion. So, he's an enemy and anyone supporting him is badly mistaken and wrong. I won't support a man advocating pro-NWO ideals period. O'reilly is such a liar when he says we don't have a Constitutional crisis when police in NYC have militarized weapons in the streets, army members searching citizens across the nation, peaceful protestors unfairly arrested, The Pentagon caught spying on peaceful protestors (reported by Brenda Norrell), executive orders forming dictator like power in case of emergencies, innocent folks arrested under the Patriot Act, and other proofs. Health problems have to be confronted like flouride, the ineffectiveness of water bottles, aspartame, and other circumstances. I like finding the truth.

By Timothy

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