
Saturday, November 24, 2007

I'm back in the weekend

I'm back in the weekend. Lately, JOhn Gibson tried to manipulate his callers that Rudy Guiliani is a real conservative when he isn't. He's anti-Second Amendment (He's virtually identical to Hillary Clinton on that issue)and pro-abortion in the sense of wanting taxpayers to pay for it. Well, I usually don't do this, but it's vital to comment on the world on many occasions. People aren't buying the lesser of 2 evils propaganda displayed by many Neo-Cons like John Gibson. The Supreme Court will decide about the Second Amendment by next year. The truth of the matter is that the Second Amendment apparently gives the individual the right to bear arms. Throughout eons, dictatorship ban all guns from citizens from Mao Zedong to Adolf Hitler. Historically, education and other common sense things have decreased criminal activity not gun banning from law abiding citizens. You Tube from November 23, 2007 reported on how Boston Police used warrantless wiretapes in trying to find a gun. Mark Brittain from the Wales Daily Post on November 8, 2007 write on the government in an European trying to record as much DNA as possible. This of course violates privacy and is another expression of the massive Big Brother system controlling huge aspects of society. More than 200,000 DNA records are found. It is still important to possess indepedent thinking since deception permeate all over the Earth.

I heard from Thomas Richards about how Godtube was censoring certain issues. This is expected since even some "Christians" refuse to expose Secret Societies, the Vatican (which is notorious in infilitrating religious groups), abortion, and other important issue firmly for fear of being unfairly classified as a "bigot" or "intolerant." In fact, it is good to be intolerant of evil, terrorism, tyranny, and corruption. Thanksigiving is over and folks are shopping incessantly all over the place. In one store, I can into, it was extremely crowded. There is Youtube video of Dennis Kucinich and his wife Elizabeth talking about many issues. I don't agree with them on some issues, but both of them are better than Hillary or Rudy. Each wanted a new investigation of 9/11 and believed in Peak Oil. The reality is that the Club of Rome and the Bilderbergers use Peak Oil as an excuse to control more of society. That's documentated. It's true though that we need to end our use of fossil fuels into real energy indepedence (with all of our technology, we can do it easily). NATASHA COURTENAY-SMITH and MORAG TURNER from the UK Daily Mail from Friday on November 23, 2007 reported on a woman named Toni Vernelli who recieved sterilization for being "eco friendly." She called children a burden on the environment. This is extremism since there's nothing wrong with legitimately helping the environment as long as it doesn't go overboard. It's part of a dehumanization agenda and Leuren Moret is rightfully opposing this sick philosophy of population control.

By Timothy

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