
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Jesuit info


A Message From Jack Chick Issue

Date: September/October 2007

Dear Ones in Christ,A red flag went up a few days back, when the antichrist, sitting on Caesar’s throne in the Vatican, showed his fangs.Something you probably didn’t know was this little ex-Nazi had brought back to life the “Holy Office of the Inquisition!” That was its original name. Eventually it was renamed the “Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office.” But to hide this killing machine in the 20th century, they gave it a kinder, gentler name: “Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.” Doesn’t that sound nice? It whitewashes its hideous past, so no one would be concerned with its activities.Then came Pope John Paul II, whose great acting skills won the hearts of our “Christian leaders.” They flocked to the Vatican seeking his “blessing.” As he was dying, he hoped to be “folded into the arms of his blessed Virgin.” But actually he faced a holy God, angry at him for his hidden sins against God and crimes against man.Now Ratzinger, former head of the “Holy Office,” has stepped into the pope’s slippers. He lacks the charm and charisma of the previous pope. But now he’s flexing his muscles as Benedict XVI. Ratzinger is a traditionalist, bringing back the Latin Masses — no more playing politics, and “No More Mr. Nice Guy!” From now on, it’s Rome’s way —or no way.Now that our Supreme Court has 5 Roman Catholic judges, and now that no senator or congressman would dare to say anything against the Great Whore (the Roman Catholic system ­— see Revelation 17-18), Ratzinger has virtually no opposition in the USA. Why? Because Protestantism is almost as extinct as the dinosaurs!The average Christian hasn’t got a clue of what’s on the horizon.Dr. Alberto Rivera said to me back in the late 1970s that if we published the Alberto comic books, we may be able to hold back the Roman Catholic takeover for years. I prayed and got the go-ahead. So we printed the truth and exposed the Great Whore.

But even that didn’t wake up our sleeping churches, because the Christian leaders were already embracing this ungodly cult as “brothers and sisters in Christ!”Betrayal? No, I see it as the doorway for judgment to begin in the house of God (1 Peter 4:17).Alberto told me that Rome’s shock troops are the Knights of Columbus. (For a picture of things to come, read my book, Smokescreens, and see what happened in Ireland and France to Bible believers who followed Jesus instead of the Vatican.)If the Lord tarries in bringing the rapture, there will be persecution in the U.S. — not for Muslims, but for servants of Jesus. How many years or months will we have left to pass out our gospel tracts? “The Lord knoweth.” Chick Publications was raised up for such a time as this, to cover the world with the gospel. We’ve been pushing “the old, old story of Jesus and His love,” without compromise worldwide. Missionaries, as well as men in prison, praise God for these tracts. Thank God for those of you who are involved. How many have been saved by your work? Only the Lord knows. But we must continue to sow the seeds until that trumpet blows.

-Your brother in Christ,

Jack T. Chick, President

Chick Publications, Inc.


Dear Brother or Sister,Thanks for the info and heads up.

Brother Eric

Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 12:36 AMSubject: catholic spiesI was raised catholic. I got saved and became a protestant in 1975. I read about what Mr. Rivera said about catholic spies in the churches. I live in New Orleans, the most catholic city in the US. I started trying to pick out catholic spies in the churches. If they gave themeselves away 3 times, then I would consider that person a catholic spy. I did this for years, in protestant churches in the New Orleans area. My conclusion on this matter. The catholic church controls mostly every protestant church in this area. Catholic spy pastors, song leaders, bible study leaders and church members. Something I noticed was what they do to protestant singles. They deliberately mess up their love life. The catholic spy men will date protestant women up to the point of proposing marriage and then throw them off all of a sudden for a catholic spy female deliberately breaking her heart. The catholic spy women will do the same thing to protestant single men. I suspect that the catholic spy men will even marry a protestant woman, give her a kid or two and then get a divorce, wrecking her life. They had every intention of divorcing her in the first place. On another topic: My dad was a soldier in World War 2. He told me that the catholic church started World War 2. He said that when the German prisoners found out that he was a catholic, they would tell him, that he was on their side.My dad helped liberate Buchenwald. He said when he got there, there was a pile of would with Jews lying on it, and another pile of wood on top of them with Jews lying on it--several layers like that. The whole thing was on fire with still living people in there burning and screaming.

Keep up the good work exposing the vatican's evil deeds.Personally I think this country's government is already lost. The only poeple that maybe could oppose the jesuits now is protestant congressmen in the two houses of congress using the general accounting office; and maybe they could not even do it.Stay safe. You know the jesuits murder people and you are probably a target. Live defensively; don't take chances and don't expose yourself. I don't want to read that they killed you.


This first hand corroboration of what we already know from men such as William Hogan is very singnificant. The teaching of no divorce is Romish and anti-Scriptural, and ensnaring crypto-catholic Protestants in a bad marriage is a good way to permanently negate their effectiveness. The most virulent and vehement "Protestant" in the new Orleans area is the father of Jason Storms, who from what I know is on his thrid marriage, Jason is a street preacher-from what I know he is pretty Arminian, and posessed of great boldness, but no doubt these reprobates are in his church having a big old time. I appreciate so much the testimony of the destruction of Christian lives through evil mismatch-I have expereienced that in my past, and we may thank Gd for the holy, just and good law of divorce in the bible-I am now offering my book GOD'S DIVORCE for free to Eric's e-mail list for a $3.00 cash payment to Nelson Turner P O 257 Grantville, Pa 17028-I said FRN's or money orders only-please include a legible address-Some of you Christian men probably don'thave the stones to read it, but here is your chance. Let's serve the LORD in the love of the truth and not fear what men may do unto us! Pastor Turner


Remember folks that Georgetown University was training around 900 Jesuits a year to infiltrate their enemies.



Hello Folks,The info below shows the connection between ROME AND FREEMASONRY that the vatican has DENIED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. My UNCLE was a 32nd degree mason and was ROMAN CATHOLIC, 60 years ago.



* Part of a paper pubblished by: ARS QUATUOR CORONATORUM TRANSACTIONS OF QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE N° 2076 Volume 104 for the Year 1991 The volume is available at: The Secretery, Q.C.C.C. Ltd., 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5BA UK


Bearing in mind all the documents and statements to which one has referred, and more particularly the absence of mention of Freemasonry in the 1983 codification of canon law, it would appear that the present position regarding a Catholic and membership of the Craft can be set out thus: 1.The Catholic Church now recognizes that there are two distinct divisions within Freemasonry:Regular - those jurisdictions which require from their members a belief in a Supreme Being and which are not inimical to the Church of Rome or to civil authority. Irregular - those jurisdictions which require no profession of faith from their candidates, and which may also be anti-Christian or anti-civil authority, or both. It also recognizes that Freemasonry under the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland is in the regular category.

2. A Catholic may join regular Freemasonry but ought to consult his Bishop, through his parish priest, not for permission to join but to ascertain the nature of the jurisdiction concerned.

3. A Catholic hitherto has been, or now is, a member of a regular lodge, need no longer consider himself as excommunicate and therefore has no need of absolution.4. A Catholic who has in the past abandoned his faith to become a regular freemason is urged to seek reconciliation with his Church.
5. Nowhere, seemingly, has it been stated that a Catholic who has been, is or may become a regular freemason is required to reveal in the confessional either his membership or what occurs in a freemasonic lodge ( on the grounds, presumably, that as a regular mason his membership is not sinful and therefore calls for neither confession nor absolution ).
6. Clerics, those bound by monastic vows and members of secular institutions are still precluded from entering Freemasonry.The information above comes from the link below if you need confirmation


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