
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Thomas Richards on William Cooper

Dear Friends,

William Cooper was a sincere Patriot. When he foretold that there would be a great attack on America and that the attack would be blamed on Osama Bin Laden he explained exactly why.It was because about five months before 9/11 a CNN reporter walked right in on Osama and got an interview where Osama allegedly stated that there would be a huge attack on America and/or Israel.Cooper pointed out that Osama was a wanted man and had been successfully hiding from the "world's greatest intelligence apparatus" as Cooper put it.Common sense like this is not needed in the spin driven, historically bankrupt "Alternative media" that has been so completely hijacked that it's a total joke at this point. Ha! and I get called cointelpro for pointing out highly suspicious aspects of "Alternative media". that tells me that there is no cointelpro against Jones. Or the Cointelpro is the Alex Jones movement itself.Cooper was onto the biggie 'agent' in the movement. Alex Jones. He called Jones a liar. If you are in the patriot movement which is synonymous with exposing 'TRUTH' and a great patriarch like William Cooper calls you a liar you can pretty much expect that Alex Jones would not be able to 'take off' the way his movement did.Cooper's legacy is turning out to be an important one. The spotting and outing of a phony in our midst. Alex Jones, this one's for you. You lied about Cooper to the patriot movement. You are the liar, the divider, the wolf in sheeps clothing. You are the phony, the entertainer, the magician and ringleader of a multi ringed circus.You are the Jesuit infiltrator so carefully groomed and placed in out midst with falsities guiding your every move from the very beginning.I've come to see how the people who follow you are incredibly mentally challenged. I see this from the attacks i receive from your cult members. I followed Jones for years but I wasn't a cult member. When I came across layer after layer of inconsistencies in his reporting I had to make the decision to back off. Then from and observational stance of his work. I was able to piece together so much information on him that it is impossible for me to look at anything he says or does as truth at all.I wanted to concentrate on remembering William cooper today.

But for me personally, I thank in my heart the truth that Cooper told. Which got him killed in a tremendously treasonous and suspicious manner outside his home on Nov 6th 2001. In Cooper's book, "Behold the pale horse", Cooper pointed out that Pope JPII was a salesman of the chemical Zyklon B gas when he worked for IG Farben during WWII. That chemical was used to gas hundreds of thousands of Jews at Auschwitz. Yet Ron Paul sent a public letter to Pope JPII praising him as a "Pro Life figure".I tell you something is desperately wrong. I also tell you that so much of this confusion can be straightened out if you take some time off and study into the Vatican and Jesuits and the Knights of Malta. Who the Knights of malta were and are and where they are and what they're doing. If you do this simple thing. You will see who is of truth and who are deceived and or agents and or are passing disinformation all over the place.

Your Brother in Truth, in Patriotism, in Love of Freedom,

-Thomas Richards


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