
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Truth is Out There

Big Brother keeps on expanding. KATIE SMALL from the Sunday Star Times on July 28, 2008 outlined more tidbits about eye scans, fingerprints, etc. These news are occuring in the nation of New Zealand. The deal is that the border control staff will be able to use iris scans and fingerprinting to check passengers' identities under major changes to New Zealand immigration rules. Amnesty International have criticized these actions as promoting an atmosphere of secrecy. The National Party is pledging support for the plan. The National Party immigration spokesman Dr. Lockwood Smith acknowledged the bill's provision for using biometric information would be a little controversial. He still supports the policy as being able to speed up passenger processing plus ultimately benefiting New Zealanders in his my. On the other hand, this policy is a direct violation of human privacy completely. The bill claims to simplify visa and appeal processes. The advocates of this bill want the legislation to be more in tuned with New Zealand's international obligations. There is another concern with this bill. There is the concern that the bill might deport individuals into nations where they torture human beings. There is a balancing act to address security concerns and protecting human rights (as found in laws like the the Refugee Convention and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights). Amnesty International believes that the bill is oppressive in that it says nothing to help people fleeing as refugees who are escaping from Zimbabwe and Myanmar. Smith wants to centralize 4 immigration appeals tribunals. Although, when you centralize agencies that doesn't necessary lead into a more effective agency. You still need oversight in any organization or group to make sure corruption or immoral activity is eliminated. The immigration service in New Zealand is part of the Department of Labour. Immigration is a serious issue. We have a bigger immigration problem in America. I do believe in legitimate ways of repelling illegal immigration like making sure our borders secured, companies banned from intentionally hiring illegal immigrants, and to make sure illegal immigrants are punished before getting citizenship. Also, big corporations readily exploit illegal immigrants by assualting them, giving them low benefits, and paying the low wages because they aren't U.S. citizens. Although, I do believe in compassion. Also, I will never ever promote violating civil liberties, using population control, or collectively demonizing people as a means to try to solve the problem of illegal immigration at all. There's no need for propaganda and wicked hatred of our fellow human beings. An Electric supercar is being constructed now. Michael V. Copeland is a senior writer for CNN. He writes that some are building the first electric supercar and it isn't going to be easy. Martin Eberhard is trying to overcome obstacles in order to build the ultimate electric car. He wants the car to have a lithium ion battery pack stable enough to power a 2,650 pound vehicle. With the energy problems we have now, more inventive solutions are needed in an open way. There shouldn't be hardcore restrictions in preventing these devices from being accessed by the common man at all. Now, cars exist now that can be powered by water and even air. So, we have the technology to enact real solutions to not have a reliance on foreign sources of oil. The problem is that the government readily doesn't let individuals know about it or discourage these inventions from being displayed pubicly. Eberbard has the Telsa headquarters in south of San Francisco in order to make out these futuristic cars. He is trying to use the lithium battery to power up the vehicle. They are capable of switching as much as 850 amps, which drive the AC motor as high as 14,000 rpm. This battery will send the rear-wheel-drive Roadster screeching off the line, with a range of 220 miles on a single charge. Few are buying his cars though. Alternative energy continues to be an uphill battle in the world. Other car companies are attemptig to create all electric vehicles. The deal is that some of these cars won't hit the market until 2009-2013. Ebehard's first prototype have been called the Roadster. Many have doubts over these plans. Regardless of the imperfections of some of these cars, a plan has to start somewhere. People purely have the right to diversify their energy sources. There has to be inventions and new creativity to enact much more improvement in the infrastructure of America.

Sustainable development is an important issue to discuss and write about. Sustainable Development is an United Nations plan where America's land and resources are rationed (and controlled) for the sake of collectivism plus stripping the national sovereignity of America. The U.N. does this under the venire or guise of protecting the environment. Sustainable Development is the essence of overthrowing American law, economics, and government to accomplish U.N. control of the USA. That is why Article 29 Sec 3 of the United Nations declaration of Human Rights proclaims that rights and freedoms can't be exercised if they are contrary to the U.N. Collectivism is about the coercion or suppression of individual or the free will use of the government. The UN is notoriously rifed with scandals like sex abuse among its peacekeepers. It's the state using methods, especially slick means, to control what you think, what you do, and how you express yourself. It's basically allowing the government to control every aspect of our lives. It also includes the centralization of power into the hands of the few. The promotion of globalism is one way the United Nations promotes subtainable development. For example, UN arms promote "global citizenship" concepts in our public and some private school system. There is also Agenda 21 and other programs trying to control our forests and natural resources. Agenda 21 was signed by the U.S. during the Earth Summit in 1992. It gives unnecessary powers in the UN to control our water and land when we are capable enough to improve our environment. That was held in Rio de Janeiro. The United Nations was created by the New world order crowd, because many of the U.N.'s founders were CFR members. The U.N. isn't the most power group in the world. Although, it's a major nexus point of the advocation of globalism. That is why Popes (The Vatican is in league in the new world order in its leadership. Many Popes have called for a N.W.O. The Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and other Catholic order hold huge sway in international powers), Presidents, and leaders have gone to the United Nations in order to make policies. Presidential Administrations since their founding agreed with the U.N. agenda point blank. This is indeed contrary to the promotion of the authentic values of private property rights, individual liberty, and the perservation of our national sovereignity. Partial birth abortion is a serious issue in my state of Virginia. Steven Ertelt from on July 28, 2008 described on how Virginia's partial birth abortion ban will get a full appeals court hearing. The full 4th Circuit Court of Appeals will hold a hearing on the partial birth abortion ban after a panel voted 2-1 against it. To me, anyone who believes that partial birth abortion is a legitimate procedure is either ignorant or in need to check their morality out. Partial birth abortion is one of the most sick and violent actions in the world. It involves partially delivering a baby, sucking its brains out, killing it, and getting the baby out to dispose of it. Even a majority of Americans in polls consistently oppose partial brith abortion. The hearing exists after a request came from Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell. The 12 member Court of Appeals will hear the case. Marshall said that a health exception to partial birth abortion wasn't necessary at all. The appellate court claims that the Virginia ban doesn't contain language that practitioners will be refused to be prosecuted if they accidently perform a partial birth abortion. Pro-life people have condemned the panel's decision. Olivia Gans, the president of the Virginia Society for Human Life, commented that a majority of Virginia support Virginia's partial birth abortion ban as representative of the values of the citizens of the Commonwealth. The health exception is a fallicious argument because the 3 day long procedure is never necessary to protect a women's health. The pro-abortion crowd just want to do anything to make sure that abortion is on demand period. There is no compromise with them. There is also no compromise with me since abortion is evil and it's murder. Abortion is part of depopulation agenda that has been promoted by globalists for many centuries. It's an instrument of the elite. That's why the mainstream media mostly support abortion and refuse to accurately expose the eugenicist Margaret Sanger in a meaningful way. Now, Sanger was funded by the Rockefellers and other elite interests. The United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet are some of the leading sponsors of abortion and population control. Population control (whose views was heavily influenced by the liar Thomas Malthus and Francis Galton) is going on daily especially in the Third World. The result of it has done little to radically improve their economic and political disposition. If you want real improvement of the Third World you don't need to encorporate population growth (and development) excluding nefarious control tactics. What really ought to be done to improve the Third World is modernization (since according to Paul Driessen about 95% of Sub-Saharan Africans still do not have electricity, lights or refrigeration – or have them only a few hours a week), the usage of advanced technology (in their own countries), legitimate industralization, clean water, and improving their living standards. Now, some globalists don't want that since they don't want population growth to give people the chance to develop independently of the IMF and World Bank. In other words, the Third World ought to have real development to make them less dependent on the Western world (some of The Western elite are made up of modern day imperalists).

Police Brutality is a common occurence globally. Youtube from Tuesday, on July 29, 2008 presented a video in New York City. The video displays a then anonymous officer standing in the street. As a bike named Christopher Long drives past him, he moved toward the cyclist. Later, the officer violently knocks him to the ground in front of the crowds of people. This was done at Friday during a Critical Mass ride. That Mass rally is a monthly protest of urban reliance on vehices. The police officer was punished. The police person was stripped of his badge and gun after the video was presented in Youtube. Later, the police recieved desk duty. This is pending the outcome of a department investigation. The identity of the cop has been released. The rookie cop's name is Officer Patrick Pogan (who is 22 years old) of the Midtown South Precinct. In Winnfield, Louisiana, a black person named Baron Pikes was tased by a police officer multiple times. Later, the victim died. To this day, some people try to justify this injustice as consisting of adhering to police procedure. Tasers are known to be very dangerous. There is another incident where a white person suffered a 30 foot fall off a highway overpass in Ozark, Missouri. That event caused the boy to have a broken back. The boy was incohorent and refused to comply with the police officers' orders because he suffered a 30 foot fall. Then the police did the unthinkable. They've tasered him 19 times. He was only 16 years old. The boy's family wants serious answers to this tradegy. A person acting strangely with a broken back is never a justification to taser a person 16 times. Not all police officers act like this, but thug activities by the numerous police officers are commonplace. The good news is that patriots and civil liberty organizations are exposing these crimes. The truth will come out. In this generation and century, the truth is getting more airplay. The establishment fears independently minded human beings who are self-sufficient, active, and aren't swayed by propaganda or deception.

Charlie Rangel failed in his immoral call of a draft for all U.S. citizens to be in the military. Rangel is right that much of the military comes from poor backgrounds and are exploited in wicked ways. Although, a solution to that isn't a draft (which is nothing more than forced servitude). Solutions to this tradegy are to fulfill the benefits promised to the soldiers, improving our health system, and ending the wars in Afganistan plus Iraq. Both nations have nothing to do with 9/11. The war on terrorism is a contrived circumstance and the Anglo-American establishment funded radical Muslims for over 80 years. Rangel is trying to the next best thing in his draft failure. Now, he wants a domestic draft. In other words Rangel desires to force citizens to do certain duties in America with their consent. Exurban League from July 28, 2008 reported on how Charlie Rangel desires a similar civilian defense corp. That is why Charlie Rangel promoted his National Service Act. This bill requires an universal draft of all persons aged 18-42 in order to perform national service in America. The bill says that these acts are to benefit the futherance of Homeland Security. Homeland Security is an immoral big government beast that is taking over tons of functions of many levels of government. Plus, they've instituted anti-liberty deeds (like the militarized police across urban centers, the support of the Patriot Act, the funding of the TSA harashing citizens plus using privacy violating X-Ray machines, and Homeland Security commissions have a new human incapacitation device). Homeland Security have fund Halliburton to built up FEMA camps or concentration camps in the USA. Why would Rangel want to force citizens to promote Homeland Security when it's a Big Brother institution? The deal is that a draft is wrong whether it's done militarily or domestically. Hence, we need to be careful of our politicans. It's interesting to note that Charlie Rangel is a Freemason and mentioned degatory comments about conservative Christians many years ago. Freemasonry is a promoter of Ecumencialism and the view that there are many route to God. So, we know at least realize where Rangel's coming from. Torture and the war on terrorism are related to each other. Reuters from Tuesday, on July 29, 2008 reported on an US created documentary shown at the Gitmo tribunal being introduced as evidence. The news revolve around how prosecutors in the trial of Osama bin Laden's driver was presented a graphic video on Monday. The video is about the so-called Al Qaeda Plan. There is a 6 member panel that will decide Hamdan's fate. This film outlines the history of al-Qaeda from its creation in 1988 through the September 11th. The commission’s lead prosecutor, Col. Lawrence Morris, said the tape would be used in other trials but no decision had been made whether to use it in the trial of accused September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Defense attorney says that the video might prejudice the jury in voting against Hamdan. Hamdan was caught in November 2001. He is a Yemeni native. To this day, there has been no evidence that Hamdan or Osama bin Laden committed all aspects of the 9/11 attacks at all. John McCain is still following the administration's way on torture. That's ironic because McCain was the one who once considered closing down Guantanamo Bay. Think Progress from Tuesday, on July 29, 2008 described John McCain as voting against a bill banning the CIA from waterboarding and other other torture methods in their interrogations. McCain supported that pro-waterboarding position in his interview with Newsweek. Subsequently, McCain said that America never tortured anyone, which is a lie. Even Lindsey Graham (a McCain supporter) admitted that waterboarding violates the Geneva Convention in common article three, the War Crimes statues, and many statues. Bush still wants the waterboarding option open when waterboarding is about nearly drowning someone to death. Torture is a destructive evil that needs to exposed and opposed. The truth is out and we shouldn't be intimidated at all.

John McCain and Barack Obama are battling for the Presdential race. Both men are making strides and errors. Some media pundits outline that John McCain is missing an overarching narrative in order to increase the potency of his campaign. John McCain's new ads have commenced to attack Barack Obama's views more often. McCain is far from being a conservative and that is why conservatives have a huge issue going along with his campaign. There is the issue of John McCain's foreign policy issue of him being too aggressive. Webster Tarpley made interesting points about Barack Obama as well. Tarpley sees Obama as the Anglo-American elite's (via the RAND Corporation, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, etc) choice for the President. He exclaims that Obama's scandals and his errors aren't focused in the media, because a lot of media are aligning with the man's agenda. He had an interesting take on Obama's foreign policy philosophy. Brzezinski was his foreign advisor (and both of Brzezinski's sons work for the Obama and McCain campaigns). Tarpley rightfully view Barack Obama as a man sent by the elite to pacify much of the liberals, because he has a gentler image than McCain or Hillary has. Although, both major Presidential candidates believe in wars in Central Asia. Tarpley views Brzezinski as not wanting to invade Iran, but instead want a push to cause conflict in Russia and China. The reason is that in the late 1970's, Brzezinski carried hatred of the Soviet Union (with him funding bin Laden to attack the Soviets in Afghanistan) and this has carried over today. Now, China is an ally of Pakistan and Russia. Webster Tarpley feels that the elite want to fight in Afghanistan not only for their resources. He feels that the Western/NATO alliance wants to encircle Pakistan in order to further control China. Of this commentary, it is true that geopolitics is complex and long term strategy is definitely comtemplated by the West (also Russia, and China. China is having a huge power grab in Africa competing against Western interests. This doesn't man China is immune from criticism. The government of China has extreme policies). The major candidates omit many real issue. John McCain and Barack Obama don't talk about the economic exploitation of the ghettos, lead, flouride, predatory lending, asbestos, payday loans, the North American Union, the new world order, etc. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are deciding on their Vice President candidates. Obama is considering Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, Sabellius, Joe Biden, pro-gun Brian Schwietzer, Bill Richardson, and other candidates for the VP spot. McCain is looking at Mitt Romney, Tim Palwenty, Jindal, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, Joe Liberman, and others for the possible VP spot as well. Third party candidates are in the race. With the state of country, third party candidates can yield better than expected in terms of the poll number dring the Election of 2008. The Third Party candidate include Chuck Baldwin (of the Consitution Party), Bob Bar (of the Libertarian Party), Cynthia McKinney (of the Green Party), Ralph Nader (who is running as an Independent), etc. Border patrol agents Ignaci Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean have suffered of course an immoral, excessive penalty for their actions. The government and even the White seem disponded to their bad punishments. Jim Kouri from on July 28, 2008 wrote that the court system maintained their sentencings. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision to jail both men, while reversing only a minor obstruction of justice count. The story is that both Ramos and Compean shot and wounded a Mexican drug smuggler. The drug smuggler's name is Oswald Aldrete-Davila. They were placed in jailed in February 17, 2005. Still, people like attorneys from Judicial Watch are actively pursuing their release from captivity. The 2 Border Patrol agents were sentenced to 11 and 12 years respectively. This is inspite of the fact that Oswald was trying to smuggle 750 pounds of marijuana into the U.S. Oswald wasn't jailed. He recieve medical treatment, immunity, and his testimony was utilized to convict Ramos and Compean. It's a disgrace and at the bare minimum, Ramos and Compean should recieve a temporary suspension for some of their errors (for them not filing the report of discharging a firearm merits a 5 day suspension at most according to TJ Bonner) not jail time for over 10 years. Three weeks ago, Judicial Watch, a non-partisan, public interest law firm, filed a lawsuit against the Department of State to obtain documents related to the government’s decision to prosecute Ramos and Compean. Also, The lawsuit includes to investigate why the U.S. government came to strike a deal with the criminal and drug trafficker Aldrete-Davila for his testimony against the two agents. These agents intercepted him at the US-Mexican border. Oswald is trying to sue the agents for 5 million dollars. Lou Dobbs, Dana Rohrabacher, Glen Beck (although I don't agree with him on every issue), and Tara Setmayer are some of the few media individuals or political leaders talking about this injustice. More than 70 lawmakers signed a petiton for Ramos and Compean to be pardoned. Bush didn't do anything after that. Both men should be pardoned immediately.

There are Climate cops around. These aren't literal cops, but a clique of radical people. In the 21st century, paranoia about the lies about global warming exist. These lies talk about how the world is going to immediately die. The truth is that the environment is much better than it was 40 years ago in America. Now, we have a more appreciation of the environment. Anyone who intentionally tries to posion the water, the land, and the air ought to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Although, some activists have gone too far in advocating the government and select interests to control every aspect of our lives (from carbon taxes, an over $900 billion Poverty Plan advocated by Obama to greatly to put a burden in our economy, and the over regulation of our society). Now, a big British energy company is blitzing the newspapers with full page color advertisements to encourage chidlren to sign up as "climate cops." Their goal is to keep climate case files on their families, friends, and neighbors. The ads are run by Npower who have a climatecop website. It has so-called "trainees" requiring them to complete 3 missions before they join the "elite cadets" and train to become a climate cop. The whole deal is about using eco-propaganda to manipulate young children to be part of a mythical "green brigade." Their site have climate crime cards which instruct recruits to spy on families, friends, and relatives to encourage young people to build up "climate crime case file." They want to report on your family to make sure they don't do these crimes again in a playful game type manner. Even if some of this is for fun, it gives a mentality for spying and the promotion of the man-made global warming myth. It's ironic because George Orwell's classic 1984 is a book describing children being encouraged by authorities to spy on their own parents. The 1984 book also focus on children turning parents in for minor transgressions against the State. The climatecop site has materials for teachers as well. That's why I will expose man-made global warming extremism, flouride, the RFID chips, Agenda 21, the FEMA camps, and other evils in the world. The cat is out of the bag though. Human beings are waking up daily. I still live in Virginia in the 7 city region of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Newport News, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton, and Virginia Beach. Hampton is also in Northeastern North Carolina, not only Virginia. We have a right to be active and improve our lives plus those around us. The truth is out.

By Timothy

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