
Friday, October 03, 2008

The Aftermath of the V.P. Debate

The Palin Biden Debate is finished. The host of it was Gwen Ifil. Now, she had controversy about writing about Barack Obama in a book outlining African American leadership. There is nothing wrong with her writing a book down about the strengths of African Americans in the political realm. Of course, Gwen is a liberal, because the vast majority of media hosts on TV are liberals. Yet, she is a fair journalist and has been much more fair than O'Reilly, Matthews, Hannity, Couric, Gibson, Maddow, Olbermann, and others combined. The Joe Biden vs. Sarah Palin debate is completed. What do I think of it? I believe that Joe Biden won slightly on skills (not on whether I agree with either person), but Sarah Palin held her own. Palin wasn't creamed and Sarah Palin did much better than many critics of her expected (i.e. She did her job). Joe Biden tried to define John McCain as identical to Bush's policies in foreign policy, the economy (Biden says that McCain wants tax breaks for multinational corporations. Biden says that McCain wants to tax citizens' health care benefits to fund his proposed tax credits for health care), and health care. Palin tried to define Biden as encouraging the false projection of how America should not work in terms of foreign policy, the economy (Palin accuses Obama of promoting almost 1 trillion dollars in new spending along with increased taxes among many Americans), and energy. Biden supported a timeline and wants a more firm war policy in Afghanistan. Palin wants to continue in Iraq as apart of a constant stay there until the Iraqi government is stabilized. Both are wrong of course. The reason is that Afghanistan and Pakistan didn't cause 9/11 and Iraqi policies (with Sunnis and Shias battling each other for over 1,000 years) from the Bush administration aren't working enough to stabilize the Middle Eastern region. Even Pakistan with nuclear devices haven't sold them to Iran at all. Iran doesn't have nuclear warheads at all. America now is illegally striking Pakistani territory, which is against their soverignity. The Iraqis has a surplus of cash in the billions from oil revenues. So, more pressure to Iraq ought to be made for a timetable in order for our troops to leave as soon as possible. You need more firm dialogue and communication in our allies via negiotations even with no preconditions. Biden listed more list after list of reasons of opposing McCain's policies, while Palin certainly expressed an all of the above approach in acquiring true energy independence. The truth on the economy is that multifaceted approach of oversight, no CEO bonuses in a bailout, cut unnecessary spending, encorporate fair trade, have fair taxes (you don't have extremely high taxes in an economic downturn at all), get rid of tax loopholes so companies can't escape taxes while being overseas, have middle class development, and use revenues (from cutting the bloaded military budget and other means. Not to mention the government wants to pass a trillion dollar military budget, which is too much money to spend already sense we borrow much of our money) to build up our infrastructure from the ground up. Joe Biden's biggest error in the debate was about energy policy. Biden seem to omit that we have tons of natural gas, oil, and other resources waiting to be retrieved by the American people. Even the majority of the American people want environmentally friendly oil drilling. Now, this doesn't mean that oil is the final solution. Oil is a temporary bridge to develop solar, wind, bio-desiel, hydrogen, and other forms of alternative energy. Sarah Palin's biggest error was dealing with foreign policy (along with her sometimes trying to shy away from directly answering Gwen Ifil's questions at times). The fact that violence is increasing in Afghanistan and the more Middle Eastern tension in the world nullifies the neo-conservative doctrine. The neo-imperialism that Biden and Palin support is what I oppose period. Biden wasn't perfect sense in the debate, he said always supported clean coal (yet, he told a voter that he's against it. He has a record of voting agaisnt clean coal while he was in the U.S. Senate. Biden said that McCain weakened regulation, but John McCain called for more regulation of Fannie and Freddie during the early 21st century. Yet, I don't even support John McCain). This Bush Doctrine is just not an authentic means to enhance our world with its promotion military aggression (along with breeding extremists from Bill Kristol to Dick Cheney). Both Joe Biden and Sarah Palin did extremely well in the debate.

Katie Couric's bias is real from the media. She is apart of many Special interest groups. She is a member NOW, which is pro-abortion. She picketed at an anti-life rally according to the words of Whoppi Goldberg. Katie Couric did another interview with Sarah Palin. Now, many of Katie's questions were legitimate as to her policies. Other questions like evolution in school, and what newspapers you've read are either minor questions or have nothing to do with the serious national issues plaguing our nation. Usually, Katie tried to impose her agenda unto Palin. She asked Palin whether it should be illegal for a 15 year old rape or incest victim to get an abortion. Palin gave the correct answer that jailing abortion victims is wrong, but abortion for rape is immoral since it punishes the baby not the rapist. You punish the rapist alone. Also, the morning after pill is a known dangerous contraception device that has supreme problems unto women. Not to mention that polls consitently show that a vast majority of Americans support a partial birth abortion ban. There is nothing wrong also with environmentally safe oil drilling in Alaska and there is a diversity of thought on climate change issues (along with record winters, sunspots being gone from the sun, the CO2 being a natural chemical necessary for plant survival, researchers predicting an Ice Age in the world, the corporate elite promoting global warming hysteria, and the sun's great influence in the environment). She asked a silly question on evolution when evolution is a theory with modern scientists even having questions on certain aspects of the old Darwinian Evolution model (Evolution and legitimate scientific critics of it should be taught in public schools). The deal is many media puppets like Couric hate many conservative views (They hide this through specific questioning that they wouldn't pose to the other side. For example, Katie would never press evolution, abortion, or birth control questions toward Biden or Obama). Now, Sarah Palin isn't perfect. Questions about her experience, Troopergate, her foreign policy views, her knowledge of Supreme Court cases (which I can easily recall like the Dred Scott decision, Plessy v. Fergusson, the case promoting eminent domain, etc.), and others are legitimate questions to ask of her. Also, abortion is bigger than a state issue as Palin maintains. It's a human rights issue. Gibson (not only Katie) is another journalist obsessed with Palin's social views as well. I disagree with Palin the most on about foreign policy issues. Sarah Palin is a puppet that the elite use to demonize sincere religious people and promote ignorance in our culture.

The Pentagon and Africa have a real relationship with tensions. Shashank Bengali from McClatchy Newspapers on September 30, 2008 wrote about this relationship. The U.S. Africa Command, which is the Pentagon’s first effort to unite its counterterrorism, training and humanitarian operations on the continent, launches Wednesday. This is amid questions at home about its mission and deep suspicions in Africa about its intentions. The U.S. called this new command as Africom. It's a sign that the West still want Africa to be an important region strategically. Many in Africa view Africom as an unwelcomed expansion of the U.S.-led war on terrorism. They fear that the U.S. wants to secure greater access to Africa's vast oil resources. Several countries have refused to host the command. Officials say Africom will be based in Stuttgart, Germany, for the foreseeable future. The Defense Department has established military commands globally from Northern Command, Pacific Command, Central Command, and European Command. Some in Congress fear that Africom will shift U.S. policy in Afrcia toward democracy building (and economic development) toward security objectives (like fighting a war on terrorism against radical Muslims in Somalia plus North Africa. Some accused these radicals in Africa as having ties to Al-Qaeda). The U.S. has practicipated in covert operations in Somilia for years. In late 2006, the U.S. military provided intelligence to help Ethiopia topple a fundamentalist Islamic regime in Somalia, which caused an invasion that’s fueled a violent Islamist insurgency. One U.S. strike murdered top militant commander Aden Hashi Ayro from Somalia. Some Somalians believed that civilians were murdered. Another reason for Africom is the West's competition with China for African resources. China is increasing their influence in China. Africa is one of the new battlefield of political hegemony among the American and Chinese superpowers. The Defense Department wants to pay millions of dollars to pay for the new Africom. The Defense Department of couse will deny that they aren't utilizing Africom as a means to agitate against China or promote oil interests. This seems strange since by definition, Africom is an organization seeking to promote American interests in Africa.

Jesse Ventura is trying to promote a show dealing with conspiracies. His new show will be in an investigative forum series on the TruTV channel. That's interesting because it's rare for conspiracy fact information to be shown on televsion. The truth is that conspiracies exist all of the time and the greater public have a concrete right to witness real conspiracies (from Abraham Lincoln's death to the history of occult Secret Societies). Now, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura is going to be the host of the show. He want to show conspiracy information then weight it up against the evidence to decipher their validity. Jesse Ventura is a libertarian who has come strong in opposing the Bush administration's policies. Ventura's show wants to hunt down answers about controversial issues. Jesse Ventura is famous to disagreeing with the official story dealing with 9/11. He said that it was infeasable to assume that jet feul alone could pulverize the steel and concrete into near dust in some instances (when both Towers plus WTC 7 collapsed). There are other issues that destroy the official story dealing with NORAD, wargames, the hijackers being trained by the federal government, intelligence connection to the terrorists' events, etc. He spoke to a crowd of about 10,000 people in the Ron Paul Rally for the Republic rally. Alex Jones was recently pitched a similar series tentatively titled “American Conspiracy”, by the same production company behind the Ventura fronted show. TruTv currently reaches 91 million U.S. households, meaning Ventura will potentially reach millions of viewers who are not already aware of his views and the movements he has associated himself with. Conspiracy facts tidbits are spreading far and wide in the 21st century.

Steven Ertelt from on October 1, 2008 wrote about Arnold Schwarzenegger signing a bad bill. Arnold is the Governor of California and the epitome of a Rockefeller Republican. He signed the bill that will cause the deaths of patients via dehydration. Pro-Life advocates are criticizing Arnold for this. This bill puts vulnerable patients at risk and has the physicians promoting suicide according to many pro-lifers. The measure didn't legalize assisted suicide but contained suicide-promoting provisions pro-life groups opposed. The bill is named AB 2747. It originally had the purpose of legalizing assisted suicide, but was amended in committee to urge doctors to inform patients on how they can legally end their lives. Brian Johnston, the head of the California Pro-Life Council and someone who has served on panels helping the elderly, condemned the governor. Johnston said that the law will condemn many of the elderly to death. "I've been in countless California nursing homes as both a California Commissioner on Aging and on the State's Board of Examiners of Nursing Homes," he said. "This bill will encourage tens of thousands of unheralded, quiet deaths by dehydration." AB 2427 pretends to offer charity to those suffering, but it has a provision in it that can authorize self dehydration as an option for doctors to utilize. This is done even if such counsel is against the best judgment of the physician. Johnston said that it “mandates that caregivers instruct these medically dependent individuals that they can choose to deny themselves food and water, that the physician must abet this, and keep them sedated as they die.” Not only does the bill promote suicide, it forces physicians who don't want to be involved in the grisly practice to refer cases to doctors who don't mind pushing death on their patients. "If the attending physician does not believe it is in the best interest of the patient to be guided into this 'knowledge,' they are required to excuse themselves and turn the patient over to a physician who does agree that this is something a patient with a terminal diagnosis be told," Johnston added. Hence, the bill gives murder an option that a doctor can use and doesn't omit pallative sedation (that can be used to kill a terminal patient. The Netherlands already have dehydration of non-terminal people from the 1970's. Randy Thomasson,who is the president of Campaign for Children and Families, also strongly opposed AB 2747). They don't call Arnold Schwarzenegger (an ally of Bohemian Grove members. The Grove performs sexual orgies, have occult rituals, and some of them are the heads of the US political world. Their patron saint is the Papal saint of Nepomuk. The owl image in the form of a statue being praise is Minvera. Minerva is a known code name for the Bavarian Illuminati) the Terminator for nothing.

Bill Maher lies about religion again and again. He's known as a hypocrite and an anti-religious extremist. He claims to be so tolerant, but allowed security to violently throw out peaceful 9/11 Truth protestors from his show. He said the lie that Americans are extremely religious before we're young and dumb. This liar Bill Maher apparently forgotten that tons of inventors, Ph.D.s, and scientists who were known strong religious people from Michael Farraday to George Washington Carver. Maher came into the View show to promote his trash movie called "Religulous." On the View, Bill rants against organized religion. Elizabeth Hasselbeck refuted Maher by saying that John F. Kennedy, FDR, and even Abraham Lincoln publicly spoke of God in their Presidencies. Maher didn't say anything but say that religious people lack critical thinking. That's a load of falsehood, because critical thinking has been apart of theologians and religious individuals for thousands of years. For example, theologians have investigated science, nature, math, history, and philosophy, which require a excellent amount of critical thinking. Bill Maher believes that any religious person has a "neurological disorder." This slander is typical of him, because he offers no evidence for that obviously lying claim. Sherri Shepherd said that she prays to God and Maher mocked her as being suffering from a mental disorder if God answer you in prayer. Maher is crass by calling Palin a bimbo. Maher lied and said his movie doesn't judge, but his personal opinion is that any religious person has a mental disorder. Also, the movie has him mocking religion in general. He's a hypocrite. America being religious (and allowing others to not be in a religion if they want to) is one of the reasons America has been totally destroyed. Religious freedom and expressing your faith is a great beauty in our society. It should be respected. Bill Maher's own show typical show the establishment liberal line (having token neo cons on their on occasion) with little independent thinking.

US Exercises in America are nothing new. October 1st, 2008 was the date that NORTHCOM made active duty U.S. Army troops to be preparing for civil unrest. Now, US Northern Command (or NORTHCOM) denies that the Army will engage in law enforcement. They did concede that forces will be armed with both non-lethal and lethal weapons (along with having access to tanks). A September 8 Army Times report stated that active duty troops from the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team returning from Iraq would be on call as a “federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks,” for a period of 12 months from October 1st. The article says that the Army will dealing with civil unrest and crowd control (from biological attacks for even nuclear explosions). NORTHCOM subsequently denied that the military will act in a law enforcement role (which would be illegal and a violation of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act). Army Col. Michael Boatner, USNORTHCOM future operations division chief, told Homeland Security Today that these military units will handle saving lives, communities effected by attacks, etc. However, Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman was told by Air Force Lt. Col. Jamie Goodpaster, a public affairs officer for Northern Command, that “Military forces would have weapons on-site, “containerized,” she said. The Insurrection Act also restricts the federal government role in sending the military domestically. The truth is that NORTHCOM is slick since they already are involved in many ways domestically. NORTHCOM illegally signed a treaty with Canada to allow Canadian troops into America (plus vice verse) in cases of emergencies. That's against the American and Canadian national sovereignities. Not to mention that military in America (including foreign ones) have performed drills in American cities domestically for over 10 years. These things are done to prepare society to transpire in a more militarized format, which I adamantly disagree with.

The Economy is very bad. The Senate passed the bailout. The Congress can easily pass a bill with a $700 billion+ price tag that helps out Wall Street. Many from across the political spectrum from Rep. Dennis Kucinich to Chuck Baldwin have opposed this bailout. The reason are it gives too much power to the Treasury over our economic assets, it's welfare for the rich, and it doesn't adequately deal with the structural reasons why the crisis occured in the first place. The crisis occured because of monopolies, the manipulation of the markets, the control of private banks (head of the same bloodlines who formed the Federal Reserve Bank in the first place) of most of our economy dealing with our government, and the restriction of economic freedom. Not to mention that the bill gives Treasury Paulson immediate power to buy out and control financial institution deemed "risky," and the older bill had no judicial review (not to mention that some of the bailout money goes into foreign banks). This is a Ponzi scheme fraud instead of a representative of authentic capitalism. Wall Street should have the primary responsibility to fix their own problems, while real relief ought to given unto the victims of foreclosures, etc. In other words, you need to build the economy not just from the ground up or the top bottom, but from every sector possible. You ought to be multifaceted and help people from all economic levels to enrich the economy (via helping families renegotiate their foreclosures, have emergency funds, have fairer trade deals, banning mark to market rules [when you sell something, you have to mark the new properties to your old properties], and other solutions. The reality is that the FED has too much power, and proper spending cuts (including tax cuts and investments) can develop the economy. Some support the FDIC limit to limit some reserves to $250,000.

The 9/11 bill was opposed by NY mayor Michael Bloomberg. DEVLIN BARRETT from the Associated Press on September 30, 2008 wrote about how Congress selved a 10.9 billion dollar bill to provide health care ground zero workers, partly due to opposition from New York City officials. Bloomberg said that he disagreed with a provision of the bill that would have required the city to pay 10 percent of the cost of a long-term program providing health care to those sick from working amid the toxic World Trade Center debris in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. The total cost of the 10-year health program was to be $5.1 billion. The city’s share was to be $500 million. The bill will also opened the September 11th victim compensation fund with an estimated $6 billion for those who became sick after working amid the debris. Bloomberg spokesman Jason Post said the Sept. 11 health bill was an undue burden on New York taxpayers. That's ironic since NYC is one of the most taxed cities in America (not to mention Congress is trying to support trillions of dollars for the war on terror and a bailout). Taxpayers would be happy to pay money to help out 9/11 victims. In the proposal, the city would have paid $500 million over the first 10 years and additional costs in the following years. Denis Hughes, president of the New York state AFL-CIO, blamed "shortsighted" thinking by City Hall. One thing is certain. The victims of 9/11 deserve at least some support for their problems in a fund and other economic help, especially from the state and local governments.

I think that Maynard is hilarious. It's one thing to legitimately expose evil people who are Jewish. It's quite another to collectively blame all Jewish people (which is immoral) for all evils in the world. That is exactly what Maynard is doing. Therefore, he's a liar and a bigot. Now, Carl Maynard demonized anyone exposing the Jesuits. That's typical of them since they can never conclusively refute what we have to say. One person says that there is no evidence exposing the Jesuits, but that's a lie. That evidence is found in the Syllabus of Errors, the historical research made by Avro Manhattan (including Barry Chamish, the late Alberto Rivera, etc.), and old works as well. Also, many in the mainstream media are Gentiles not just Jewish. Rupert Murdoch (the biggest media kingpin in the world) is a member of the Papal Knight of St. Gregory, media elite Jack Welch affiliated with NBC is a Roman Catholic, and others have CFR/Vatican ties as well. Jesuit Leo O'Donovan is one of the heads of Disney, Jesuit controlled Georgetown is one of America's leading supporters of abortion (plus enuthanasia), and other related individuals have power in politics. Not to mention that most heads of NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and other leading abortion groups are Gentiles (like Cecile Richards, Bill Gates' father, and the Rockefeller Foundation). Curt in a slick way omits the power that the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, K of C, and the Pilgrim Society has on the corporate, political, and religious elite right now. Not to mention that the liar Curt doesn't mention the Constantianian Order, which has more power than any Labor Zionist (who have colloborated with the Vatican on many ventures I might add) I know. As for Michael Collins Piper (who is a Roman Catholic. Mark Glenn is another Catholic. Notice how many Papists are some of the most anti-Semitic haters trying to infiltrate the alternative media), he isn't as bad as Daryl Bradford Smith (who is a big shill). Although, he needs to cut connections with Willis Carto (and expose the Knights of Malta, Jesuit, etc. connection to world history). Carto is allied with the AFP or American Free Press (who used to be the overtly anti-Jewish SPOTLIGHT magazine. Piper wrote a book about JFK which was great to expose many secrets about his assassination. It omitted how the cover up had ties to the Knights of Malta and high level Freemasonry in a meaningful way). Now, Carto allowed eugenicist Pearson to come into America to be editor of Carto's magazine called Western Destiny. Now, it's fine to expose the Rothschilds (who are Vatican bankers as admitted by the Jewish Encyclopedia) and Labor Zionists, but you only get half of the story (i.e. You also need to expose the Pilgrim Society, Le Cerle, the 1001 Club, the Vatican/Jesuit network with over 1 billion members, and the Black Nobility bloodlines). So, the cat is out of the bag. I will expose all evil not just one or 2 organizations.

By Timothy

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