
Monday, October 27, 2008

Don’t flee from your conscience

Health Information is coming on greatly. Mike Adams writing for Natural on October 23, 2008 described on how natural supplement companies are threatened with arrest if they don't pay up. The deal is that Mike Adams compares the FDA to a criminal extortion racket. The reason is that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration wants to steal money from supplement companies to fund top FDA contractors (while threatening these supplement companies if they refuse to do so). Some of these supplement industries submit to the FDA, because they usually don't have enough money to take the FDA to court for their crimes. Natural interviewed executives from 3 companies targeted by the FDA. They didn't reveal their names, because their cases haven't been resolved yet. Mike Adams writes that the FDA search for nutritional companies' sites and see their studies on the health benefits of nutritional products. They even see their peer-reviewed medical journals that further explain the health benefits of specific foods, supplements or nutrients. Later, the FDA warn the targeted company to get rid of information and links from their websites. By doing this, they can keep the health-conscious public in a state of nutritional ignorance about the scientifically-supported healing properties of natural supplements. Cherry products, for example, cannot link to scientific articles explaining the simple biological fact that cherries ease inflammation in human beings. Such links are considered "drug claims" by the FDA. Mike Adams writes that companies are even targeted by simply posting customer testimonials, even when those testimonials make no health claims at all. The FDA even forces some companies to submit to the FDA's requests of a consent decree (to be extremely regulated by the FDA). These actions by the FDA are against the First Amendment of course. The FDA has an over obsession with labeling pharmaceuticals as great when they are synthetic chemcials that have caused a lot of damage toward human beings. It's apart of a bigger agenda of the FDA and Codex Alimentarius to permit a hatred toward health supplements (like zinc having healing benefiting, vitamin D can prevent cancer, and resveratoral can lower cholesterol). Some of these health benefits from supplements and vitamins are commonly known in the scientific community.

The Election is a little more than a week away. The Obama and McCain campaigns are visiting Virginia and other battleground states. They want to get votes in order to possess enough electoral college votes to achieve the Presidency in 2008. Biden spoke in Suffolk, Virginia recently along with John McCain supporter Rudy Giuliani speaking in Virginia Beach, VA. One big news is about a Florida local TV reporter named Barbara West interviewing Joe Biden. West is form Orlando's WFTV. West's question were tough, yet fair on the Obama/Biden ticket's proposals on the improvement of the economy. It was a satellite interview and it happened on Thursday. West quoted Karl Marx and asked Biden how Obama isn't a Marxist with his "spread the wealth" comment. Joe Biden asked West if she was joking. She responded with word of "No." Barbara West also asked Joe Biden about about his comments that Obama could be tested early on as President. She inquired if America's days as the world's leading power were over. Biden said that her questioning was bad and didn't directly answer the question right away. "This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign. That's cowardly, because simple questions that aren't offensive is no justification to refuse to go into a regular local Orlando station at all. It's hypocritical for the Obama campaign to do this when the media asked Palin especially much more tough questions than this. I don't even support John McCain and this is basically evident. Philip Berg's lawsuit has been thrown out by the judge. Berg accused Barack Obama of not being an U.S. citizen since he claims that he was born in Kenya instead of Hawaii. He wants Barack to send his birth certificate in valiadating his American citizenship. Barack Obama denies these charges. Barack Obama didn't response to the requests for Admission that Berg gave. It's been found that the woman was lying when she claimed that a man assaulted her with a B letter on her face because she is a John McCain supporter. The most important issues though in this election ought to be about the economy, health care, the right to life, energy, the environment, our civil liberties, our religious liberty, and other things.

E. Howard Hunt's testimony has been revealed for the past couple of years. He made a JFK confession video making known his low level involvement in the Kennedy assassination. These news are coming on the 45th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's murder near November 22, 2008. We do know that E. Howard Hunt was a Watergate conspirator and bugular. Many of the Watergate criminals ironically had roles in the Bay of Pigs disaster along with links to the Iran Contra scandal. Hunt's son revealed the tapes to the world. Hunt was a CIA operative. E. Howard Hunt said that Lyndon Baines Johnson (a 1st Degree Freemason) considered JFK to be an obstacle to the Presidency. He believed that Johnson consorted with CIA officials Cord Meyer (a member of the Scroll and Key at Yale University) and William K. Harvey to carry out the assassination plot. Harvey was a CIA leader who argued with Robert Kennedy over Harvey secretly trying to send troops in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Meyer's wife was a mistress to John F. Kennedy. Some in the mainstream media isn't reporting on this story despite of the fact of a witness admitting to his role in the assassination. The reality is that Hunt's testimony is one of many pointing to Oswald of not acting alone in the JFK assassination (other witnesses include Frank Sturgis, Marita Lorenz, and others saying that more than one man was involved in the murder of JFK. They can't all be a bunch of liars about everything). Of course, the assassination is bigger than LBJ (who was funded by more powerful Texas Masonic interests like RL Thorton, Clint Murchinson, etc.), Meyer, or Harvey. The assassination of JFK and especially its cover up had ties to the geo political elite including Secret Societies (as found in the Vatican via the Knights of Malta, high level Freemasonry, and the Pilgrim Society). John F. Kennedy opposed the Papal dictator Diem and the Jesuit-trained dictator Fidel Castro. JFK also wanted to end the contrived Cold War, he supported the Second Amendment, and distanced himself from Cardinal Spellman (one of the most powerful clergymen in American History. Spellman worked with the Wall Street elite for years). So, JFK's relationship with the Vatican wasn't always great since Kennedy believed that the U.S. Constitution is superior to Catholic canon law. In fact, George W. Bush is more pro-Catholic than JFK was. Kennedy also publicly opposed Secret Societies, secret oaths, and secret proceeding in a 1961 speech to the media. For example, during the assassination, SMOM John McCone (the same man who supported Johnson's decision to sign National Security Memorandum 278. This memo continued the Vietnam War for years to come) allowed ITT to cut off the telephone in Washington, D.C. for minutes. Never forget that the Vatican/Jesuit network are complicit in the Crusades,the Bartholomew Massacre genocide, the rising up of the Nazis, the Ustashi genocide, the Ratlines, the Ecumencial Movement, Vatican II, the assassination of leaders spanning centuries, and other evils (like calls heretics that aren't anathema in the Council on Trent and some Popes claiming authority to rule all governments of the Earth). Even some in the alternative media refuse to expose this previous information for whatever reason. Knight of Malta Lee Iacocca (in charge of the Dearborn Division of the Ford Motor Company) allowed Carl Renas to send the limousine (where JFK as shot) to Cincinnati. There the chrome molding was replaced disrupting the bullet holes. The Secret Service told Renas to shut up about this. The Secret Service was forced to stand down and Greer slowed the car down, turn his head back, and speed off. This strange behavior made some like William Cooper to assume that Greer was one of the gunmen in the vehicle killing John F. Kennedy. Also, Freemasons Earl Warren, J. Edgar Hoover, and Gerald Ford were key members of the Warren Commission that gave the official story about the assassination toward the public. Allen Dules (whose nephew was Jesuit Cardinal Avery Dulles. Even Oswald's relative was a Jesuit. One of Oswald's handlers was fascist George de Mohrenschildt who introduced Oswald to the White Russian crowd of Texas) was apart of the Warren Commission when Kennedy fired him. So, the truth about the Kennedy assassination is coming out. The truth is that evidence is building that the Vatican, high level Freemasonry, and other powerful banking interests have the power to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. They had the power to especially covered it up as well.

Dr. Michael S. Coffman wrote more about the global warming myths promoted by some people. One of the most recent deceptions about climate change was the Anarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf. The media claimed that the Earth was warming so fast that devestation was bound to occur in the Arctic and the Anarctic. Therefore, the mainstream media readily comment that polar bears would be threatened with extinction. This melting ice would flood the world's coastlines and islands according to some paranoid individuals. The truth is a different matter. The truth is that research shows that only the western Antarctic Peninsula is warming up. This warming is caused by volanic activity not global warming. NASA's Earth Observatory found that almost all of Antarctica is cooling not warming up. Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder, said that 220 square miles of the ice shelf in the South Police have melted along with Jim Elliot. The truth is that this 220 square mile figure is only 2.67% of the entire Wilkins Ice Shelf and only 0.01% the entire Antarctic ice cover. Therefore, these men are again overexaggerating the melting. The reason is because the ice melting is apart of a natural reaction to natural climate change. Joseph D’Aleo said that the breakup was more comparable to “an icicle falling from a snow and ice covered roof.” Northwestern Antarctica and especially in the especially the Antarctic Peninsula are showing ice disintegration. Yet, the rest of Antarctica has been cooling. This is because case Antarctica has gained ice since the early 1970's. Research found that the ice melting is caused by volcanoes not global warming. That's why the winter of 2007-2008 is the coldest winter in almost 30 years. The earth’s temperature plummeted by 0.6oC. The 2008 Antarctic winter has not yet reached its peak and the sea ice extent is on track to break the 2007 record. The Arctic ice is getting thicker in 2008 than 2007 as well. Not to mention that polar bear populations have increased as compared to numerous years ago. They are far from extinct as they can travel hundreds of miles at a time to get more food. These lies are promoted in a way for the government and big foundations to control our environment. Historically, individual human beings have been great caretakers of the environment. Problems occur when bad policies exist from rainforest depletion, ethanol subidies (that has increased food prices), and restriction of oil production. We need to protect the environment since that's moral and common sense. On the other hand, we should also not embrace psuedo-science in an attempt to promote a global warming hysteria agenda at all.

The right to life is vital to perserve. Steven Ertelt from on October 23, 2008 have information about how Cornell University officials believe that accusation of censorsing pro-life signs is false. It's a point of controversy now with many universities restricting the free speech rights of pro-life citizens in the USA. The Cornell Coalition for Life says that a staff removed a display it erected to educate students about fetal development. This is inspite of the fact that the pro-life group obtained permission beforehand. The Cornell Coalition for Life has educated its peers about abortion for decades. Its latest effort is called the Elena Campaign. This involved a group of light hearted educational signs with pictures and texts describing the biological development of babies who are killed in abortions. Less than one hour after CCFL set up their signs in the Engineering Quad, Dawn Warren, an administrative assistant, abruptly removed them. In a response send to, Thomas W. Bruce, the Vice President for University Communications, says the Cornell official "removed them out of concern that proper authorizations had not been received." "After receiving information that the group, Cornell Coalition for Life, had indeed received the appropriate approvals for posting the signs -- after a meeting with members of the group and Engineering administrators apologies were given and the group was told that it could repost the signs immediately," Bruce said. Bruce said that the signs' removal had nothing to do with a limitation on free speech. Tristen Cramer, a CCL member, talked with and said Cornell hasn't sent an official response to the group even though it contacted Cornell officials about the incident. "The Cornell Coalition for Life stands by our earlier statement as they were a fair and accurate description of the events of Wednesday morning," she said. She said that Bruce's account of what happened didn't happened. Tristen said that the administrative assistant refused to return the material when they showed forms indicating approval before the signs were taken inside. As first reported, Warren took the signs to the Facilities Office of the College of Engineering, even though CCFL had gone through the proper administrative avenues to get approval for the display. The campus pro-life group told Wednesday that Warren removed the signs without permission because she did not personally approve of the content. Cramer says Cornell officials went further and Warren, along with Cathy Dove, Associate Dean for Administration in the College of Engineering, attempted to prevent members of CCFL from retrieving the signs after their removal. The CCFL were imtimidated when Dove said that an unwritten policy of the College of Engineering prevented opinionated displays from being shown. The truth is that free speech ought to reign especially in colleges.

The economy is in dire straights. The bailout hasn't worked at all because of its unnecessary burden on taxpayers and the Fed's reject of any alternative to help our economic situation. Even Raymond James from CNBC said that the Illuminati is blamed for the financial crisis. One of the Secretary Treasury Henry Paulson's biggest mistakes is something else. Regularly, strong banks that make wise decisions ought to thrive. Weak banks fail, but Paulson want the weak banks to get billions of dollars of money, so the public wouldn't see the distinction between good and bad banks. CNBC reported that nine of the US's largest banks are forced to sign a 125 billion dollar capital infusion. This isn't making a dent in making the banks to lend money for fear of future non-success. The real issue is that too much credit, hyper inflation, and making artifically low interest rates have increased the damage of the economic downturn in America. These same international bankers have promoted the dangerous deritatives that caused problems for investors in our economy as well. No wonder some experts want to do nothing until the crisis is over. I do believe we need to do something about it, but not the bailout for Wall Street. The housing bubble was caused by both parties for decades before Bill Clinton or George W. Bush were President. Clinton forced financial companies to expand mortgage loans to those who might not be qualified. George W. Bush made tax cuts along with overspending, which isn't a good equation for an economic boon. The Federal Reserve constantly cut interest rates. According to a mortgage broker Cook interviewed, word began to come down through the mortgage banks to begin falsifying mortgage applications to show more borrower income than borrowers actually possessed. Little oversight came and more deficit spending occured with the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, the insane policy (or doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result) is the constant influx of devalued currency in our economy. Some legitimately don't want new debt, but the encouragement of America to save their money (along with producing more goods for export). Other solutions are cutting taxes across the board (not just for the rich or middle class), lowering government spending, have better trade deals, create funds to built up our infrastructure (with interest free sound money), encourage economic development via incentives (or rewarding companies that stay their jobs here in America. Companies should be encourage to rebuild our manufacturing base), the simplication of our tax system (since the income tax is very complicated with fraud there), the enforcement of our laws against fraud, have legitimate oversight to protect our savings (plus pensions and retirement. The government has a right to protect us not control our every move), ending corporate waste plus corporate welfare, and other things. Simply, many of these internationals use monopolies (monetary theft not just socialism or fascism) to benefit themselves, while strifling real competition plus freedom. Like I've been saying for a while, the solution to our economy issues is a multifaceted approach.

SUZANNE GAMBOA from the Associated Press on October 24, 2008 outlined that Homeland Security wishes to have ID checks from employees. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said that he will try again to force employees to get rid of workers whose Social Security numbers don't match their names. He wants to overcome the judge's objections to the proposal. Chertoff's proposal was sytmied for months by a U.S. district judge in California. This was after several groups sued. Chertoff believed that his agency has addressed the judge's concerned with some additions to the proposal like providing an analysis of the conomic costs to the rule. Chertoff said he expects continued opposition from the groups who sued, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The reason is that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said that they haven't been coy about it. The Chamber of Commerce believe that many businesses that rely on illegal migration would be hurt if they had to carry out the rule. Chertoff spoke about his agency's immigration enforcement achivements. The deal is bigger than immigrants, although I oppose illegal immigration. It's about the power of Homeland Security. Angelo Amador, the chamber's director of immigration policy, dismissed Chertoff's comment, saying the need for illegal workers is not an argument in the lawsuit. "The bottom line is this case has never been about illegal workers, it has been about the cost of a badly thought out rule and the cost on legitimate businesses following all the rules and complying with it," Amador said. The question is whether the administration will fire workers whose Social Security number provided by an employee doesn't match to the name of the employee in their database. Some believe that this policy has lead to racial profiling, discimination, and illegal firing of legitimate workers. The deal is that we need to stop illegal immigration and enforce our laws, while not let Homeland Security be an even bigger government institution to control our nation as well. Not to mention that Homeland Security is illegally having border checkpoints hundreds of miles inside of America. Even the ACLU is opposing this immoral measure.

Sylvia Browne once appeared on the Montel Williams show. Now, that show has ended. Sylvia claims to be of God, yet her statements paint a different story. See, Sylvia Browne is not only a false prophetess (by making more than one false prediction. Browne falsely said that the West Virginia miners would be found alive in early 2006. Actually, the miners were dead), but is a member of a New Age religious group. Her group claims to love Christ, but states that they deny Jesus Christ's resurrection, they deny that Jesus was God (as found in John 1:1-3,14; John 10:33; Colossians 2:9; 1st Timothy 3:16; Revelation 1:8), or that he died for our sins. Therefore, this isn't Christianity at all. Even the Bible says that Jesus came to die upon the cross to shed his blood for our sins. She founded a spiritual organization called Society of Novus Spiritus in 1986. This group denies that there is no sin, no guilt, no hell, no Satan, and no fear. These are lies of course since murderers, rapists, liars, etc. validate that sin exists in the world. Of course, Sylvia accepts the clairvoyance viewpoint, reincarnation, and the occult. Sylvia Browne teaches the New Age/Mystery Religion lie that God is male and female (when God's Word called Father God male over 100 times throughout the Bible). Novus Spiritus wants to be in accord in all of today's religions when this plan is apart of the one world religion agenda. The Novus group believes in many gods, which is definitely false and anti-biblical (Exodus 20:3 outlines that we shouldn't have no other gods before Me). Sylvia Browne is more of a bigger deception than I realized. Oklahoma City University professor, Bryan Farha, has done an expose on Browne's antics. Browne is a pyschic. Such people and mediums readily harbor occultism and unscriptural beliefs. Trusting a psychic is like telling God you don't trust him. The truth is that God is sufficient alone via his Word to help us and tell us what the future will bring. The good news is that many folks are waking up about Sylvia Browne. Religious liberty is fine with me as found in the First Amendment. Although, we have the First Amendment right to disagree with false religions and some people outlining false doctrines as well.

It's doesn't take a rocket scientist that leading members of the European Union want global goverance. Even David Rockefeller have called for global goverance including a college teacher that I've had. Global goverance is of course a code name for global government. The reason is that Global Goverance is specifically designed to encorporate global institutions to have the precise power to control and manipulate the affairs of many nations from around the Earth. That's the reality of the situation. French President and EU leader Sarkozy and EU Commission President Barroso have called for the new world order, new world governance, and a new global order. These calls have been increasing on the onset of the global economic crisis. Barroso directly called for global governance in his solution to EU issues and the economy. This is common for these elites to exploit crisis as an excuse to promote their solution. Their solutions are typically against the input of citizens and against people's cherished rights. That's why EU leaders and others call for the centralization and restructing of our currencies. European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny said a tri-polar global currency system is developing between Asia, Europe and the U.S. and that he’s skeptical the U.S. dollars centrality can be revived. There is the global currency agenda right there. Sarkozy is adamant in promoting a "Eurozone Economic Government" and a "New World Governance." This is on video of him saying this along with supporting the wicked Lisbon Treaty. The good news is that Ireland rejected the Lisbon Treaty.

A pastor is charged with a felony for spanking his son. World Net Daily reported on this story. The situation is that a Wisconsin pastor spanked his 12 year old son for lying and a teacher notified social services. Now, the pastor is charged with felony physical abuse. The name of the pastor is Barry W. Barnett Jr. He's 43 years old residing in Poynette, Wisconsin. Barry is free on $10,000 bond. He could face upt to 3 years in prison along with fines for discipling his son. Barnett's son said that his father was right to spank him. The boy said that he kept on lying when the father gave him chances to tell the truth. The boy said he gave him 2 swats that hurt a little. He told authorities that he and his father cried while he was disciplined. A June 7 report from the Divine Savior Healthcare emergency department indicated that the boy had slight bruising on his body, but no swelling occured to have extreme pain. The documents show the boy's doctor does not believe he was abused, and he called the event a "social services fiasco." Barnett is a pastor at Lighthouse Family Ministries in Poynette, Wisconsin. A father of nine children, he founded Guardian Christian Academy. The case will go into trial. Barnett has been forbidden from spanking any child as part of his bond. I wouldn't do spanking upon any child or violence against anyone except for self defense. Yet, I don't believe that mere spanking should be criminalized. Child abuse should be criminalized, but not mere spanking. I don't believe the pastor wanted to hurt the child at all. I believe this is a real pattern of the government having too much power over the lives of citizens yet again. Well, next week, there will be elected a new President. One thing is for sure. The future is coming and I'm not afraid of it at all.

By Timothy

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