
Monday, October 06, 2008

Extra Information


Financial Dictatorship Comes to America
Michael S. Rozeff
Lew Rockwell
October 6, 2008

My earlier articles on the current economic and financial problems begin last January and continue to today. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here) Little did I think that we would end up where we are today, with the Congress passing the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t

My last article, not included in the above list, focused on this Act as a gigantic tax increase. This article points out the shocking increases in government power that the government has conferred upon itself in this Act.

I believe that the American public has every right to rise up in anger against what this Act does and retire from office every legislator who voted "Yes" to its passage. None of them has upheld his oath to support and defend the Constitution. There is absolutely nothing in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution that empowers the Congress to do what this Act authorizes, nor is this Act a law made as a necessary or proper adjunct in order to support those powers that the Constitution does delegate to Congress.
The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 is manifestly unconstitutional. I pen these words just for the record. Since the Constitution has long since been tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail, unconstitutionality no longer excites much emotion or interest. What matters is only what the American people will stand for. How much power over their lives and fortunes are they willing to put up with?
Read article

_______________________ (Obama)



US Bank System Collapsing

A View from the Southern Hemisphere.......

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Over 90% of America did not want to passage of HR3997. The US Congress was held at "Executive Gun Point" and told: "you either pass this bill or we will declare martial law."

The most painful part of HR3997 is the shift in the final bill. What was the shift? Unbeknownst to the American people, however, is that since September 20th, the $700 billion bailout bill signed into law by their President yesterday was expanded from its original 3 pages to a 451 page virtual novel of new laws virtually enslaving them to the foreign holders of their debt.

In addition, there are reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that the first deployment of Chinas elite People's Armed Police (PAP) under an agreement signed between the United States and China, and US Homeowners Soon To Be Evicted By Chinese Police Under New Law HR3997.

Even more disturbing, these reports continue, are that these new laws not only give Chinese and European banks control over the mortgage debt of the American people, they now include their credit card balances, and which virtually the entire US populace have indebtedness to.

To how utterly chilling this new US law for the American people, titled the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Russian legal experts point out in these reports that:

Section 101 (a)(1) establishes what is termed the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to which substantial portions of what the American people currently owe to their banks and financial institutions is to be turned over the US Government for redistribution to foreign banks.

Section 101(c)(3) Designates for the first time in American history these foreign banks as financial agents of Federal Government with full law enforcement authority over the citizens in the US.

Section 3 (b) allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to put any kind of debt, including credit card, home loans, personal loans, automobile loans, etc., into the TARP programme.

Section 112 allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to astoundingly extend financing to foreign banks to purchase the debt of the American people.

Section 112 (1)(a) allows the US Government to hold stocks in companies for the first time in their history and which completely destroys the capitalist economy of their Nation.

Section 119 (2)(a) gives the US Secretary of the Treasury dictatorial powers not reviewable by courts making this position the most powerful one in America.

Section 122 increases the US public debt to the incredible amount of $11,315,000,000,000 (Trillion)

Section 204 puts the United States under emergency economic rule and states, "all provisions of this Act are designated as an emergency requirement and necessary to meet emergency needs.


Note by Me: This video above is from Zeitgiest, and I don't agree with its anti-religion propaganda. This section is accurate about the FED though.

By Timothy


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